
Monday, May 22 

9:00 Welcome, Dave Silva
9:10 Goals of this workshop, Tom Matheson
Sources of Alerts
9:30 ZTF Alerts as an LSST Precursor, Eric Bellm
10:00 A prototype architecture for alert stream processing at LSST scale, Maria Patterson
10:30 Break (coffee and light refreshments)
11:00 From DES to LSST: Transient Processing Goes from Hours to Seconds, Eric Morganson
11:15 Sources: Discussion
12:00 Lunch (on your own)
Observatories and Their Time-Domain Policies
(scheduling, observation protocols, data access and reduction)
1:30 A community-based LSST follow-up system, Bob Blum
1:45 Time Domain follow-up plans at CTIO, Steve Heathcote
2:00 SOAR 2020: Capabilities and Plans, Jay Elias
2:15 Gemini Operations for Time Domain Follow-up, Bryan Miller
2:30 Apache Point Observatory and Time Domain Astronomy, Nancy Chanover
2:45 Keck Observatory and Time Domain Astronomy, Randy Campbell
3:00 Break (coffee and light refreshments)
3:30 The MMT Observatory and Time-Domain Astronomy, Grant Williams
3:45 Synergies with the Chandra X-ray Observatory, Joshua Wing
4:00 Las Cumbres Observatory and the MSIP public time opportunity, Todd Boroson
4:20 Discussion: Observatory Policies
5:00 End of day

Tuesday, May 23

Brokering Alerts
(annotation, categorization, ranking)
9:00 NEOfixer: A Broker for Near Earth Asteroid Follow-up, Rob Seaman
9:20 ANTARES and infrastructure for filtering alerts, Gautham Narayan and Monika Soraisam
10:30 Break (coffee and light refreshments)
11:00 Discussion and hack session with ANTARES
12:00 Lunch (on your own)
1:30 The NOAO Data Lab, Knut Olsen
2:00 Demonstrations with Data Lab
3:00 Break (coffee and light refreshments)
3:30 Continuing hack sessions, Data Lab and ANTARES
5:00 End of day

Wednesday, May 24

Telescope/Observation Managersa
(tools to interact with observatories and manage follow-uap oaaaaabservations)
8:55 Discussion format for TOMs session, Curtis McCully
9:00 Introduction to TOMs, Rachel Street
9:15 Examples of TOM systems, Iair Arcavi
9:45 Discussion
10:15 Break (coffee and light refreshments)
10:45 Structure and functionality of TOM Systems, Rachel Street
11:15 Discussion, many TOMs or one, Andy Howell
11:30 Outline proposal for community involvement in development, Todd Boroson
12:00 Lunch (on your own)
In addition to the main meeting room, we will have two breakout rooms
1:30 Unconference, first session
3:00 Break (coffee and light refreshments)
3:30 Unconference, second session
5:00 End of day

Thursday, May 25 

9:00 Reports from breakout sessions:
10:30 Break (coffee and light refreshments)
11:00 General discussion, plans for development, set up working groups, define next steps
12:00 End of meeting