NSF NOIRLab Telescope Data Publications - Mid-Scale Observatories
NOIRLab Bibliographic Group - refereed science data publications using NOIRLab telescope data and/or data products and services
Mid-Scale Observatories (MSO) Combined Telescopes - refereed science data publications from use of NOIRLab MSO telescopes
NOIRLab Staff - refereed and non-refereed scientific and technical staff publications
Kitt Peak National Observatory
Nicholas U. Mayall 4-Meter Telescope Refereed Science Data Publications
KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope (when NOAO), Coude Feed, KPNO 0.9m, KPVC telescopes
WIYN 0.9-meter Telescope
WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope
Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory
Víctor A. M. Blanco Refereed Science Data Publications
SMARTS Consortium Refereed Science Data Publications
SOAR Refereed Science Data Publications
SOAR + Goodman High Throughput Spectrograph
SOAR + HRCam/speckle imaging
SOAR + SOAR Adaptive Optics Module (SAM) / SAM Imager (SAMI)
SOAR + SOAR Imager (SOI)
SOAR + SOAR Integral Field Spectrograph (SIFS)
SOAR + Spartan Near-IR Camera
SOAR + TripleSpec4.1 Near-IR Spectrograph
SOAR - Astronomical Event Observatory Network (AEON)
Legacy Surveys
Dissertations & Theses
Víctor A. Blanco 4-meter Telescope
Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope
SMARTS Consortium (0.9-meter, 1.3-meter, 1.5-meter) Telescope
SOAR Telescope
WIYN 0.9-meter Telescope
WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope
All MSO Telescopes Dissertations (Blanco, Mayall, SMARTS, SOAR, WIYN 0.9m and/or WIYN 3.5m)
NOAO Publication Lists
NOIRLab Publications Tracking Criteria
Updated on January 7, 2025, 8:12 am