Orange System Configuration Data
These system configuration data packages can be used as templates for future instrument configuration sets. They are offered 'as is' without any warranty as to their operational state or suitability of purpose to other implementations.
Configuration _bert - Used as a test bed for various testing schemes.
Configuration _ccdBrdTest - Facilitates testing of the CCDACQ board hardware
Configuration _clkBrdTest - Facilitates testing of the CBB hardware
Configuration _fred - Generic 'always works' test bed for system development
Configuration _iracqBrdTest - Facilitates testing the IRACQ board hardware
Configuration _labTest - Laboratory test system configuration
Configuration _mcbBrdTest - Facilitates testing the MCB hardware
Configuration _mnsnBrdTest - For use with the board test software
Configuration _mosaic1 - Configuration code running 8 E2V detectors at prime focus on Mayall telescope.
Configuration _NEWFIRM_Tucson - Current 4k x 4k IR imager configuration data set
Configuration _ota - Used to characterize the OTA detectors during development for the WIYN ODI instrument
Configuration _pcmTest - My own personal 'I trust this' configuration data set
Configuration _qGde - ??
Configuration _quota - WIYN QUOTA focal plane configuration for science readout
Configuration _quota_guide - WIYN QUOTA focal plane setup optimized for fast guiding role
Configuration _tom - General purpose test system (early).
Updated on June 4, 2021, 10:20 am