KPNO 4 Meter Mayall - Basic Parameters and Facts

This page describes the current 4 Meter configuration


Longitude: 111:35:59.6 W,  Latitude: 31:57:50.5 N,  Altitude: 2123.2m MSL


Basic Optical Data

Primary Mirror

Radius of curvature 21318.0 mm concave
Conic constant -1.09763
Mirror diameter 4011.6 mm (Drawing 2106-E1)
Bare mirror clear aperture diam 4002.6 mm
Central hole diam 1324 mm
Used clear aperture diam 3797 mm (Measured by Phil Massey)
Central obscuration diam 1651 mm (PF cage)
Central obscuration diam 1800 mm (DESI cage)
Light-collecting area 9.182 m²
Light-collecting area 8.658 m² (DESI)
PF Mosaic Focus Calibration 1.043 microns/unit

F/7.8 Secondary Mirror

Distance from primary 7492.0 mm
Radius of curvature 9643.0 mm convex
Conic constant -5.2951
Clear aperture diam 1191.6 mm (CHECK)
Secondary to RC focus 9306.2 mm
Instrument rotator to RC focus 152.4 mm
Effective focal length 31258.7 mm
Focus Calibration 0.991 microns/unit

F/15 Secondary Mirror

Distance from primary 8634.5 mm
Radius of curvature 5000.2 mm convex
Conic constant -3.09014
Clear aperture 742.7 mm
Secondary to SQIID focus 10895 mm
Instrument rotator to SQIID focus 598.7 mm
Effective focal length 57160.3 mm

Prime Focus (f/3.1) Corrector and ADC Prisms

Opto-Mechanical Assembly - 4 Meter Prime Focus Corrector

The 4-m prime focus corrector is described in Jacoby, Liang, Vaughnn, Reed, and Armandroff (1988 SPIE, 3355, 721).

Slew Time

Calculated slew and servo settling time for the 4-meter telescope with the new Mayall Active Primary Support (MAPS) implementation. Slew motion occurs in both HA and DEC simultaneously, so the time estimate should use the longer of the two motions.

South East Annex Position

The position of the telescope when at the South East Annex is:
Hour Angle = 3:44:40 E. and Declination = 31:36:00 S.

4MAPS - 4 Meter Active Primary System

4MAPS Manual (NOAO only)

Risley Prisms - Cass Focus

Risley Prisms Deployable
Clear Aperture 172 mm
Total Thickness 104 mm
Front Element to R-C Focus 931 mm
Clear Field f/7.8 45.3 mm = 298 arcsec


Cassegrain Cage Mechanical Data

Component Weight(lb) Moment (in-lb)*
Instrument rotator 960 6720
Guider 640 11520
Allowable instrument 1350
Total load 2950 72570

* datum=back of primary mirror cell

additional weight information

Optical Layout Figure

Automatic Guider Bolt Pattern

Cassegrain Cage Clearances

Cassegrain Instrument Rotator

Cassegrain Guider Assembly

The primary mirror is 4.002 m diameter, 0.6 m thick, with a 1.324 m central hole.  It is made of solid fused quartz and weighs 29800 pounds (13514 kg).  The focal length is 10.659 m.

The interior radius of the dome is 51 feet (15.5 m).  The exterior radius is 54 feet (16.5 m).

The dome weighs 500 tons (453 metric tons) and is supported on 32 rolling trucks.

The moving weight of the Mayall telescope is 375 tons.


Building Information  

Mayall Building Elevations


Elevation (Dec Axis)

Elevation (Ground)

Top of Dome



Crane Platform



Declination Axis












Top of Hammerhead












Machine Room Floor

















Mayall HA Operation Limits


Lower Shutter Up
Airmass = 2.1*

Lower Shutter Down
Airmass = 3.0

+80 6:20 6:20
+70 6:20 6:20
+60 5:50 6:20
+50 5:40 6:20
+40 5:15 6:05
+30 4:50 5:35
+20 4:35 5:10
+10 4:15 4:50
0 3:45 4:20
-10 3:10 4:00
-20 2:25 3:15
-30 0:30 2:20
-40 --- ---

* Note: The Airmass=2.1 limit was determined for Mosaic3. For DESI, with its 1.5 degree field, it's advised to point only to targets of airmass < 2.0 with the lower shutter raised.





The DESI focal plane is 840 mm in diameter, covering 3 degrees on the sky. It consists of 10 pie-shaped “petals”, each of which has 500 fiber actuators, 12 fixed “fiducial” fibers used to calibrate the locations of the actuators, and a CCD imager which is used to position the telescope to the desired position and ensure it is focused. The 500 fibers from each petal are wrapped in a 26 mm diameter cable 50 m long which delivers the light to one of the 10 spectrographs.

Each fiber subtends about 1.5 arcseconds on the sky and can be positioned to an accuracy of 0.05 arcsec. The positioners use two small motors to position a fiber within a patrol range 12 mm (171 arcsec) in diameter. They are typically spaced by about 10.5 mm (150 arcsec) to achieve full coverage of the focal plane. The positioning software stages the motions to avoid collisions between adjacent positioners.

Each spectrograph covers the 360 – 980 nm spectral range with a resolution between 3500 and 5000. Two dichroics are used to split the spectrum into three wavelength bands, each of which is dispersed by a grating and focused by a camera specifically optimized for that particular range of wavelengths to maximize the efficiency. The CCD detectors are also chosen for best performance in their wavelength range. Each CCD is cooled by a mechanical refrigerator to approximately -100 C to reduce the noise.

The 10 spectrographs are housed in a room temperature controlled to a precision of 0.1 C to avoid thermal expansion effects that would move the spectra on the detectors.

In between observations, a LED inside each spectrograph back-illuminates the fibers, which are imaged by a camera mounted in the Cassegrain Cage of the telescope. The actual position of each fiber is compared to the position predicted from the known coordinates of the target galaxies, and a series of small motions moves the fibers to the correct position.

Typical DESI exposures are 18 – 20 minutes long. After each exposure is done, the CCDs are read out, the telescope is moved to the next field, guide stars are acquired and the telescope is moved to the correct position, the fibers are back-illuminated, imaged, and tweaked to the target positions. These steps are done in parallel so DESI is able to start a new exposure within 2 minutes of completing the previous one.

Updated on July 14, 2024, 7:51 pm