
NOIRLab TAC Results and Statistics 2011A

NOAO Proposal Statistics by Telescope and Instrument for 2011A

The following tables list 2011A proposal request statistics for telescopes and instruments in the US ground-based observing system coordinated by NOAO. Only the 431 new proposals submitted to the 2011A NOAO TAC are included here (not Surveys, NASA GO programs, or ongoing long-term programs).

Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
CT-4m   38   47 167.5   22.0   13 3.6
    HYDRA     8     9   29.0     0.0     0 3.2
    ISPI     1     1     2.0     0.0     0 2.0
    MOSAIC   10   13   42.0   20.0   48 3.2
    NEWFIRM   15   18   70.5     2.0     3 3.9
    RCSP     6     6   24.0     0.0     0 4.0
SOAR   27   33 108.0   44.0   41 3.3
    Goodman   14   15   49.0   27.0   55 3.3
    OSIRIS     8     8   25.0     0.0     0 3.1
    SOI     7     9   32.0   17.0   53 3.6
    Spartan     1     1     2.0     0.0     0 2.0
CT-1.3m   14   19   59.7     4.0     7 3.1
    ANDI   14   19   59.7     4.0     7 3.1
CT-1.0m   11   17   68.0   43.0   63 4.0
    CFIM   11   17   68.0   43.0   63 4.0
CT-0.9m   11   16   68.9   30.7   45 4.3
    CFIM   11   16   68.9   30.7   45 4.3

Kitt Peak National Observatory

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
KP-4m   54   70 246.8 120.4   49 3.5
    ECH     5     6   15.0     2.0   13 2.5
    FLMN     5     6   21.0     0.0     0 3.5
    MARS     2     2     6.0     0.0     0 3.0
    MOSA   24   28   98.0   68.0   69 3.5
    RCSP   21   28 106.8   50.4   47 3.8
WIYN   33   50 140.0   74.0   53 2.8
    HYDR   15   21   56.0   28.0   50 2.7
    MIMO   15   21   62.0   46.0   74 3.0
    SPCKL     1     1     6.0     0.0     0 6.0
    SPSPK     1     1     3.0     0.0     0 3.0
    WHIRC     5     6   13.0     0.0     0 2.2
KP-2.1m   18   35 175.0   82.0   47 5.0
    CFIM   10   19 102.0   74.0   73 5.4
    EXPRT     2     8   33.0     0.0     0 4.1
    FLMN     3     3   18.0     0.0     0 6.0
    GCAM     3     4   17.0     8.0   47 4.2
    SQIID     1     1     5.0     0.0     0 5.0
KP-0.9m     4     4   21.0     4.0   19 5.2
    MOSA     4     4   21.0     4.0   19 5.2

Gemini North

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
GEM-N 138 186 219.7   68.9   31 1.2
    GMOSN   61   77   89.0   55.4   62 1.2
    GNIRS   30   35   52.0     0.0     0 1.5
    HDS     2     2     3.0     0.0     0 1.5
    IRCS     1     1     2.2     0.0     0 2.2
    MOIRCS     2     2     4.0     0.0     0 2.0
    Michelle     7   13   10.1     0.0     0 0.8
    NIFS   14   15   19.7     2.2   11 1.3
    NIRI   30   35   28.7     0.4     1 0.8
    SuprimeCam     6     6   11.0   11.0 100 1.8

Gemini South

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
GEM-S   57   73   67.2   22.5   33 0.9
    GMOSS   39   51   45.5   22.5   49 0.9
    NICI   15   17   19.9     0.0     0 1.2
    TReCS     3     5     1.8     0.0     0 0.4

W.M. Keck Observatory

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
Keck-I   24   26   50.5   12.0   24 1.9
    HIRES   15   17   37.5     4.0   11 2.2
    IF     4     4     5.0     0.0     0 1.2
    LRIS     5     5     8.0     8.0 100 1.6
Keck-II   24   27   39.5   10.0   25 1.5
    DEIMOS     7     7   13.0     8.0   62 1.9
    ESI     2     3     4.0     2.0   50 1.3
    IF     4     4     5.0     0.0     0 1.2
    NIRC2-LGS     2     2     3.0     0.0     0 1.5
    NIRC2-NGS     3     3     3.5     0.0     0 1.2
    NIRSPAO-NGS     1     1     0.5     0.0     0 0.5
    NIRSPEC     5     5     7.5     0.0     0 1.5
    OSIRIS-LGS     2     2     3.0     0.0     0 1.5

Las Campanas Observatory

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
Magellan-I     7     7   10.0     4.0   40 1.4
    FIRE     4     4     4.0     0.0     0 1.0
    IMACS     3     3     6.0     4.0   67 2.0
Magellan-II     8   10   18.0     5.0   28 1.8
    MIKE     4     4     9.0     3.0   33 2.2
    MMIRS     2     4     5.0     0.0     0 1.2
    MagE     2     2     4.0     2.0   50 2.0

MMT Observatory

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
MMT   12   13   20.4     6.5   32 1.6
    BCHAN     2     2     3.5     1.5   43 1.8
    Hectochelle     6     6     7.2     0.0     0 1.2
    Hectospec     4     4     4.7     0.0     0 1.2
    SPOL     1     1     5.0     5.0 100 5.0

Mt. Palomar

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
Hale   11   12   30.0   20.0   67 2.5
    DBSP     9     9   24.0   20.0   83 2.7
    TSpec     2     3     6.0     0.0     0 2.0


Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
CHARA   13   20   24.5     0.0     0 1.2
    Classic     8   12   14.5     0.0     0 1.2
    Climb     4     6     8.5     0.0     0 1.4
    VEGA     2     2     1.5     0.0     0 0.8


NOAO Approved Programs for 2011A


Approved NOAO Survey Programs
PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
Grundy, William Lowell Observatory Mutual Orbits and Masses of Kuiper Belt Binaries and Multiple Systems 2011A-0017 GEM-N GEM-NQ 2.5
Prsa, Andrej Villanova University Towards Unprecedented Accuracy of Fundamental Parameters for Kepler Eclipsing Binary Stars 2011A-0022 KPNO 4m 7.5
Salzer, John Indiana University Making Hay with ALFALFA: The Star-Formation Properties of an HI-Selected Galaxy Sample 2011A-0030 KPNO 2.1m 13.5
Stubbs, Christopher Harvard University Spectroscopy of Galaxies in Massive Clusters: Galaxy Properties and Dynamical Cluster Mass Calibration 2011A-0034 GEM-S GEM-S 4
Stubbs, Christopher Harvard University Spectroscopy of Galaxies in Massive Clusters: Galaxy Properties and Dynamical Cluster Mass Calibration 2011A-0034 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.55



Approved HST Programs

PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
Guenther, Hans Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Winds, accretion and activity: Deciphering the FUV lines in TW Hya 2010B-0916 CTIO 1.3m 1



Approved Chandra Programs

PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
Tomsick, John University of California, San Diego Census of the Normal Spiral Arm Region 2010B-0918 CTIO 4m 1



Approved Long Term Programs

PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
Bond, Howard Space Telescope Science Institute A Search for Reflection Nebulae around Galactic Cepheids 2011A-0103 CTIO 1.0m 7
Bond, Howard Space Telescope Science Institute A Search for Reflection Nebulae around Galactic Cepheids 2011A-0103 KPNO 2.1m 5
Long, Knox Space Telescope Science Institute Fighting for accretion: the origing of low states in cataclysmic variables 2010A-0243 CTIO 1.3m 0.85
Metcalfe, Travis High Altitude Observatory Activity Cycles of Southern Asteroseismic Targets 2008B-0039 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 4.5
Saha, Abhijit National Optical Astronomy Observatory Confirming the binarity of the RR Lyrae star TU UMa 2011A-0459 KPNO WIYN 8
Sahu, Kailash Space Telescope Science Institute Detecting Isolated Black Holes through Astrometric Microlensing 2011A-0460 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.3
Trilling, David Northern Arizona University High quality optical photometry of NEOs in support of a Warm Spitzer program 2010A-0476 CTIO 0.9m 7
Trilling, David Northern Arizona University High quality optical photometry of NEOs in support of a Warm Spitzer program 2010A-0476 CTIO SOAR 1
Trilling, David Northern Arizona University High quality optical photometry of NEOs in support of a Warm Spitzer program 2010A-0476 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.8
Winters, Jennifer Georgia State University Finding Friends for 1200 Red Dwarfs 2011A-0318 CTIO 1.0m 7



Approved Regular Programs

PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
Ardila, David NASA Herschel Science Center Accretion in Close Pre-Main-Sequence Binaries 2011A-0266 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.5
Asa'D, Randa University of Cincinnati Spectra of star clusters in the LMC as an age indicator. 2011A-0353 CTIO 4m 6
Auger, Matthew University of California, Santa Barbara Mining Red Nuggets by Sniggling for EELs 2011A-0424 Keck Keck-II 1
Badenes, Carles Weizmann Institute of Science Spectroscopic follow-up of the SWARMS survey 2011A-0206 KPNO 4m 4
Baines, Ellyn Naval Research Laboratory Measuring K Giant Star Fundamental Parameters Using the CHARA Array 2011A-0099   CHARA 0.5
Bakos, Gaspar Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Confirmation spectroscopy of HATNet transiting exoplanet candidates using Keck-I/HIRES 2011A-0207 Keck Keck-I 0.5
Balogh, Michael University of Waterloo The transition of galaxy groups from an invigorating environment to a suffocating one 2011A-0127 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.4
Barkhouse, Wayne University of North Dakota Exploring the Nature of Extended ChaMPx Sources 2011A-0562 KPNO 2.1m 5
Barlow, Brad University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill The MUCHFUSS project - Searching for the most massive companions to hot subdwarf stars 2011A-0448 CTIO SOAR 4
Barsony, Mary San Francisco State University Young Planetary Mass Objects in the Ophiuchi Cloud Core 2011A-0563   Magellan-I 1
Bartlett, James California Institute of Technology Planck SZ Clusters: Follow-up of the Planck Galaxy Cluster Catalog 2011A-0469 GEM-N GEM-NQ 2.1
Beck, Tracy Space Telescope Science Institute Circumstellar Gas in Proto-Solar Nebula Analogs: NIFS Observations of Proplyd 253-1536 2011A-0212 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.45
Beers, Timothy Michigan State University A Survey for Unrecognized Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Stars in the Galaxy 2011A-0205 GEM-S GEM-SQ 5.94
Berger, Edo Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Exotic Explosions and Eruptions: Exploring a New Transient Phase-Space with Pan-STARRS 2011A-0274 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.6
Berger, Edo Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Exotic Explosions and Eruptions: Exploring a New Transient Phase-Space with Pan-STARRS 2011A-0275 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.6
Bian, Fuyan University of Arizona Probing the Most Luminous Lyman Break Galaxies at z~3 2011A-0532 GEM-N GEM-N 3
Blake, Mel University of North Alabama A Search for Variable Stars in Two Old Open Clusters 2011A-0260 CTIO 1.0m 7
Bond, Howard Space Telescope Science Institute SMARTS Monitoring of the Exotic Variable Star V838 Monocerotis 2011A-0074 CTIO 1.3m 0.85
Bornak, Jillian New Mexico State University Getting the Windshield DIRTY: Optical/Near-IR Survey of Old Dusty Novae to Study the Assimilation of Dust into the ISM 2011A-0328 CTIO 1.0m 4
Bornak, Jillian New Mexico State University Getting the Windshield DIRTY: Optical/Near-IR Survey of Old Dusty Novae to Study the Assimilation of Dust into the ISM 2011A-0328 CTIO SOAR 2
Boroson, Todd National Optical Astronomy Observatory A Systematic Search for the Dynamical Signature of Close Supermassive Binary Black Holes - Continuation 2011A-0265 KPNO 4m 6.5
Bowler, Brendan University of Hawaii An Efficient Search for Young Wide Planetary-Mass Companions 2011A-0595 GEM-S GEM-SQ 2.7
Briley, Michael University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh Deep Mixing in the Most Metal-Rich Globular Red Giants 2011A-0352 CTIO SOAR 3
Britt, Christopher Louisiana State University Photometric Calibration and Bright Variables in the Chandra Galactic Bulge Survey 2011A-0432 CTIO 1.0m 7
Brown, Alexander University of Colorado MMT Hectochelle Spectral Variability Study of Active Late-type Stars in the Kepler Field 2011A-0269 MMT MMT 1.5
Bryngelson, Ginger Clemson University Physics of Supernovae Ia at Late Epochs 2011A-0189 KPNO WIYN 9
Bubar, Eric University of Rochester Where are the Young, Nearby, Northern Associations? 2011A-0518 KPNO 4m 3
Calzetti, Daniela University of Massachusetts, Amherst The Golden Standard for Star Formation Rate Indicators 2011A-0139 CTIO 4m 3
Campbell, Ryan Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory CTIO REU/PIA Observations: Photometry of Polars 2011A-0140 CTIO 1.0m 8
Cenko, S Bradley University of California, Berkeley Probing the Central Black Holes of Distant, Quiescent Galaxies via Tidal Disruption Flares 2011A-0435 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.3
Cenko, S Bradley University of California, Berkeley Probing the Central Black Holes of Distant, Quiescent Galaxies via Tidal Disruption Flares 2011A-0435 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.3
Chatelain, Joseph Georgia State University Are the Greeks and Trojans Different? - Comparing the Brightest Objects in Jupiter's L4 and L5 Swarms 2011A-0187 CTIO 1.0m 7
Chu, You-Hua University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Exploring Low-Mass Star Formation in Giant Molecular Clouds in the Large Magellanic Cloud 2011A-0183 CTIO 4m 3
Ciardullo, Robin Pennsylvania State University An Imaging Survey for the Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment 2011A-0186 KPNO 4m 6
Ciardullo, Robin Pennsylvania State University The Kinematics of Virgo's Intracluster Stars 2011A-0292 KPNO WIYN 3
Ciardullo, Robin Pennsylvania State University The Distance to the Antennae Galaxy 2011A-0466 CTIO 4m 3
Claria, Juan Observatorio Astronomico de Cordoba Astrophysical parameters of unstudied or poorly studied galactic open clusters: towards a thorough understanding of the formation and evolution of the galactic disk 2011A-0114 CTIO 1.0m 4
Clayton, Geoffrey Louisiana State University Z Umi: A Critical Test of the formation path(s) of R Coronae Borealis Stars 2011A-0085 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.05
Cobb, Bethany George Washington University Exceptional Swift and Fermi GRBs: Gemini South Targets of Opportunity 2011A-0383 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.76
Cobb, Bethany George Washington University Optical/IR Follow-Up of Gamma-Ray Bursts from SMARTS 2011A-0411 CTIO 1.3m 3.6
Constantin, Anca James Madison University Deciphering the least luminous AGN-like LINER and constraining the M_ BH - ^* relation 2011A-0174 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.35
Cook, Jason NASA Ames Research Center Icy grain halos: amorphous or crystalline water ice? 2011A-0272 GEM-N GEM-NQ 2
Coughlin, Jeffrey New Mexico State University Radial-Velocity Measurements of Long-Period, Low-Mass Eclipsing Binaries from Kepler 2011A-0392 KPNO 4m 6
Covey, Kevin Cornell University Synoptic Monitoring of Embedded Young Stars: Coordinated ANIDCAM/Spitzer light curves 2011A-0501 CTIO 1.3m 4
Crotts, Arlin Columbia University Evolution of the Light Echoes of Supernova 1987A 2011A-0417 CTIO 0.9m-SVC 3.5
Cummings, Jeff Indiana University Initial Lithium of Metal-Poor Young Open Clusters and Its Connection To Primordial Lithium 2011A-0366 MMT MMT 1.5
Cushing, Michael California Institute of Technology--JPL Searching for the Coolest Brown Dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood 2011A-0467 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.2
De Marco, Orsola Macquarie University The Binary Fraction of Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae 2011A-0430 KPNO 2.1m 5
Deming, Leo NASA Goddard Space Flight Center A Near-infrared Exoplanet Transit and Eclipse Survey 2011A-0226 KPNO 2.1m 7
Desai, Shantanu University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Optical/NIR Confirmation and Redshift Measurements for South Pole Telescope Selected Galaxy Clusters 2011A-0545 CTIO 4m 17
Dickinson, Mark National Optical Astronomy Observatory Spectroscopic confirmation of a population of Herschel-selected ultraluminous infrared galaxies at z > 3 2011A-0598 Keck Keck-II 1
Dieterich, Sergio B Georgia State University Probing Stellar Physics at the Bottom of the Main Sequence: Continuing the Pursuit of Dynamical Masses 2011A-0340 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.5
Dupuy, Trent Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Resolving the Atmospheres of Substellar Mass Benchmark Binaries at the L/T Dwarf Transition 2011A-0604 Keck Keck-II 1
Eisenhardt, Peter California Institute of Technology--JPL Spectroscopy and Imaging of a Complete Sample of WISE HyperLuminous Galaxy Candidates 2011A-0525 CTIO 4m 1
Eisenhardt, Peter California Institute of Technology--JPL Spectroscopy and Imaging of a Complete Sample of WISE HyperLuminous Galaxy Candidates 2011A-0525 CTIO SOAR 4
Eisenhardt, Peter California Institute of Technology--JPL Spectroscopy and Imaging of a Complete Sample of WISE HyperLuminous Galaxy Candidates 2011A-0525 GEM-S GEM-S 2
Eisenhardt, Peter California Institute of Technology--JPL Spectroscopy and Imaging of a Complete Sample of WISE HyperLuminous Galaxy Candidates 2011A-0525 KPNO 4m 4
Eisner, Joshua University of Arizona Imaging Sub-AU-Sized Regions of Protoplanetary Disks in the near-IR 2011A-0180   CHARA 2.5
Epstein, Courtney Ohio State University Testing the Age-Metallicity Relation for the Galactic Disk with CoRoT Red Giants 2011A-0510 Keck Keck-I 1.5
Finkelstein, Steven Texas A & M University Lyman Alpha Morphologies of LAEs at z ~ 4.4 2011A-0336 CTIO 4m 1
Fox, Derek Pennsylvania State University Gamma-Ray Bursts: From Progenitors to Probes 2011A-0533 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.2
Fox, Derek Pennsylvania State University Gamma-Ray Bursts: From Progenitors to Probes 2011A-0536 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.76
Gal-Yam, Avishay Weizmann Institute of Science Identifying progenitors of core-collapse supernovae 2011A-0111 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.1
Gallagher, Sarah University of Western Ontario Probing Quasar Outflows with GNIRS HeI* Spectroscopy 2011A-0289 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.7
Gallagher, Joseph University of Cincinnati A Search for Dust Formation in the CSM Around SN 2010hq 2011A-0456 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.61
Ge, Jian University of Florida SDSS-III MARVELS Brown Dwarf and Planet Candidate RV Follow-up 2011A-0472 KPNO 2.1m 23.5
Gebhardt, Karl University of Texas, Austin The Physical State of Lyman-Alpha Emitters 2011A-0468 CTIO SOAR 3
Gelino, Christopher California Institute of Technology Photometric Follow-up of WISE Brown Dwarf Candidates 2011A-0400 CTIO 1.3m 6
Gelino, Christopher California Institute of Technology Photometric Follow-up of WISE Brown Dwarf Candidates 2011A-0400 CTIO 4m 5
Gelino, Christopher California Institute of Technology Photometric Follow-up of WISE Brown Dwarf Candidates 2011A-0400   Magellan-II 1
Gladders, Michael University of Chicago Spectroscopy of A Complete Sample of SDSS Lenses 2011A-0572 GEM-N GEM-NQ 4.6
Greene, Jenny University of Texas, Austin Rest-frame Optical Spectra of Narrow-line AGNs at z~ 2 2011A-0155 GEM-N GEM-N 3
Greene, Jenny University of Texas, Austin The Hosts of Megamaser Disk Galaxies 2011A-0170 KPNO WIYN 4
Hallinan, Gregg University of California, Berkeley Confirming Auroral Emissions on an Ultracool Dwarf 2011A-0584 GEM-N GEM-N 1.5
Harker, David University of California, San Diego T-ReCS Comet ToO Initiative 2011A 2011A-0388 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.32
Hartigan, Patrick Rice University Star Formation, Globules, Outflows and Clusters in Carina OB1 2010A-0234 CTIO 4m 8
Hebb, Leslie Vanderbilt University Defining the M dwarf Mass-Radius relation as a function of activity and metallicity 2011A-0348 CTIO 0.9m-SVC 7
Hebb, Leslie Vanderbilt University Defining the M dwarf Mass-Radius relation as a function of activity and metallicity 2011A-0348 GEM-N GEM-NQ 4
Hebb, Leslie Vanderbilt University Defining the M dwarf Mass-Radius relation as a function of activity and metallicity 2011A-0348 KPNO 4m 3.5
Heiner, Jonathan Laval University Metals and molecules in HI-selected galaxies 2011A-0379 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.4
Henry, Alaina University of California, Santa Barbara Galaxies at the Epoch of Peak Star Formation: Stellar population properties of a WFC3 spectroscopically selected sample 2011A-0160 KPNO WIYN 5
Herrmann, Kimberly Lowell Observatory Planetary Nebula Kinematics in M101 2011A-0104 KPNO WIYN 3
Hillwig, Todd Valparaiso University Confirmation of the Mass Donor Star in the Unique Microquasar SS 433 2011A-0345 GEM-S GEM-SQ 3.2
Hinkle, Kenneth National Optical Astronomy Observatory Imaging the debris cloud around the final flash star IRAS15154-5258 2011A-0288 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.1
Howell, Steve National Optical Astronomy Observatory Speckle Imaging of Kepler Exoplanet Candidate Host Stars 2011A-0130 KPNO WIYN 6
Howell, Steve National Optical Astronomy Observatory Spectroscopy of Kepler Exo-planet Transit Candidate Stars 2011A-0253 KPNO 4m 11.5
Howell, D. Andrew University of California, Santa Barbara Optical and UV Spectroscopy of SNe Ia as Probes of Progenitors an Metallicity 2011A-0362 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.45
Howell, Steve National Optical Astronomy Observatory Spectral Characterization of Cataclysmic Variables within the Kepler Field of View 2011A-0579   Hale 3
Hsieh, Henry University of Hawaii The Sublimation-Driven Nature of Main-Belt Comet Activity 2011A-0553 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.4
Huang, Shan Cornell University Massive Gas-Rich Underluminous Disks in the ALFALFA Survey 2011A-0061 KPNO 2.1m 6.5
Hynes, Robert Louisiana State University Spectroscopic Identification of X-ray Binaries in the Chandra Galactic Bulge Survey 2011A-0485 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.59
Jackson, Megan Lowell Observatory The Stellar Kinematics of Dwarf Irregular Galaxy DDO 125: Is this a galaxy without dark matter? 2011A-0116 KPNO 4m 4.5
Jacobson, Seth University of Colorado Directly detecting the BYORP effect and further characterization of near- Earth asteroid binaries 2011A-0526 KPNO 2.1m 9.5
Jayawardhana, Ray University of Toronto Supermassive Planets or Ultralight Brown Dwarfs? A New Population of Wide Substellar Companions 2011A-0285 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.7
Jha, Saurabh Rutgers University Adding to the Treasury: Spectroscopic Classification of High-Redshift Supernovae Discovered by HST 2011A-0537 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.78
Jha, Saurabh Rutgers University Adding to the Treasury: Spectroscopic Classification of High-Redshift Supernovae Discovered by HST 2011A-0537 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.52
Johnson, Christian University of California, Los Angeles Chemical Abundances and the Formation and Evolution of the Galactic Bulge 2011A-0548 CTIO 4m 4
Kannappan, Sheila University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Toward a Cosmic Mass Census: Galaxy Dynamics in the RESOLVE Survey 2011A-0520 CTIO SOAR 5
Kartaltepe, Jeyhan National Optical Astronomy Observatory Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Herschel-selected ULIRGs in GOODS-N at the Peak of Galaxy Assembly 2011A-0539 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.8 (DD)
Kaur, Amanpreet Clemson University Spectral classification of novae in M31 2011A-0493 KPNO 4m 1
Keeney, Brian University of Colorado Gas and Galaxies in the Cosmic Web: A Galaxy Redshift Survey around HST/COS Target Sight Lines 2011A-0310 KPNO WIYN 3
Khargharia, Juthika University of Colorado The Mass of the Black Hole in XTE J1118+480 2011A-0282 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.55
Kilic, Mukremin Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory The Chemical Composition of an Extrasolar Dwarf Planet 2011A-0088 Keck Keck-I 0.5
Kleyna, Jan University of Hawaii, Manoa Main Belt Comet Followup with the SMARTS 1.3m 2011A-0535 CTIO 0.9m-SVC 6
Koopmann, Rebecca Union College An H(alpha) Survey of Star Formation in Undergraduate ALFALFA Team Groups and Clusters 2011A-0316 KPNO 0.9m 7
Kraus, Stefan University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Resolving planet-cleared gaps in transitional/pre-transitional disks with NIR+MIR+sub-mm interferometry 2011A-0191 GEM-S GEM-S 1
Kulkarni, Shri California Institute of Technology Cosmic Explosions: Census, Systematics, and Beyond 2010B-0570 KPNO 4m 2
Kulkarni, Shri California Institute of Technology Cosmic Explosions: Census, Systematics, and Beyond 2011A-0261 KPNO 4m 8
Lada, Elizabeth University of Florida A Census of Embedded Clusters in the Carina Arm 2011A-0567 CTIO 4m 2
Landolt, Arlo Louisiana State University Faint UBVRI Photometric Standard Star fields: KPNO 2011A-0048 KPNO 2.1m 23
Landolt, Arlo Louisiana State University Faint UBVRI Photometric Standard Star fields: CTIO 2011A-0049 CTIO 1.0m 32
Leaman, Ryan University of Victoria Mapping the Structure and Metallicity of the RGB Population in the Dwarf Irregular NGC 6822 2011A-0425 CTIO 4m 3
Lee, Jae-Woo Sejong University Ca by Photometry of Southern Globular Clusters: Now or Never 2011A-0195 CTIO 4m 5
Lee, Jae-Woo Sejong University Ca by Photometry of Northern Globular Clusters 2011A-0197 KPNO 4m 4
Lee, Janice Carnegie Observatories Extending Deep Wide H(alpha) Galaxy Surveys to Higher Redshift with NEWFIRM 2011A-0291 CTIO 4m 9
Leighly, Karen University of Oklahoma Metastable HeI Absorption: The First Systematic Study of Column Density and Covering Fraction in BALQSOs 2011A-0247 KPNO 4m 4
Levesque, Emily University of Colorado The Host Environments of Long-Duration Gamma-Ray Bursts 2011A-0134 GEM-S GEM-S 2
Lidman, Christopher Anglo-Australian Observatory Improving Type Ia supernovae as distance indicators 2011A-0200 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.8
Limoges, Marie-Michele University of Montreal A Continuing Census of White Dwarfs Within 40 Parsecs of the Sun 2011A-0135 KPNO 2.1m 4.5
Limoges, Marie-Michele University of Montreal A Continuing Census of White Dwarfs Within 40 Parsecs of the Sun 2011A-0135 KPNO 4m 3.5
Luhman, Kevin Pennsylvania State University Confirmation of an Edge-on Disk around a Brown Dwarf 2011A-0095 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.06
Luhman, Kevin Pennsylvania State University Confirmation of a Young Low-mass Quadruple in Taurus 2011A-0102 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.06
Luhman, Kevin Pennsylvania State University Searching for the Bottom of the Initial Mass Function 2011A-0131   Magellan-I 1
Luhman, Kevin Pennsylvania State University A Census of the Stellar Population in Upper Scorpius 2011A-0415 CTIO 4m 5
Ma, Bo University of Florida Detecting Rossiter-McLaughlin effect around two transiting exoplanet using EXPERT 2011A-0557 KPNO 2.1m 4
Maccarone, Thomas University of Southampton Understanding the Variability of the First Globular Cluster Black Hole 2011A-0129 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.75
Macri, Lucas Texas A & M University Cepheids and Long-Period Variables in NGC 4258 2011A-0555 KPNO WIYN 3
Maderak, Ryan Indiana University Testing the Oxygen vs. Age Relationship in Old Open Clusters: M67 and NGC 188 2011A-0276 MMT MMT 0.5
Mahabal, Ashish California Institute of Technology Follow-up/light-curves of transients from the Catalina Realtime Transient Survey 2011A-0184 CTIO 1.3m 2.3
Malo, Lison University of Montreal Age-Dating of Low-Mass Candidate members of Nearby Young Kinematic Groups 2011A-0412 CTIO 4m 4
Mandelbaum, Rachel Princeton University Normalization and scatter of the mass-temperature relation for supermassive galaxy clusters 2011A-0268 KPNO 4m 7
Marchesini, Danilo Tufts University Spectroscopic Confirmation of Monster Galaxies at 3<z<4 with Keck- NIRSPEC 2011A-0514 Keck Keck-II 2
Marchis, Franck SETI Institute/NASA Ames Research Center Refining the Mutual Orbits of Known Multiple Asteroid Moonlets 2011A-0046 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.67
Marion, Howie Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Late Time Near-Infrared Spectra from Type Ia Supernovae 2011A-0250   Hale 2
Mathieu, Robert University of Wisconsin, Madison A Study of The Binary and Anomalous Stellar Populations in Two Intermediate-Aged Open Clusters 2010B-0501 KPNO WIYN 1.5
McIntosh, Daniel University of Missouri, Kansas City Spectroscopic Confirmation of the Ongoing Assembly of Giant Ellipticals 2011A-0117 KPNO 2.1m 4.5
McIntosh, Daniel University of Missouri, Kansas City Spectroscopy of Gas-rich Major Mergers from the SDSS 2011A-0118 KPNO 2.1m 7.5
McMillan, Robert University of Arizona Astrometry and Photometry of Asteroids and Comets Detected by WISE 2011A-0552 CTIO 4m 4
McMillan, Robert University of Arizona Astrometry and Photometry of Asteroids and Comets Detected by WISE 2011A-0552 KPNO 4m 4.5
Meibom, Soren Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics The connections between binarity, circumstellar disks, and stellar rotation 2010B-0537 KPNO WIYN 1
Meibom, Soren Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics The connections between binarity, circumstellar disks, and stellar rotation 2011A-0304 KPNO WIYN 1
Melis, Carl University of California, San Diego Searching for a Solar system analog in HD 131488 2011A-0319 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.2
Mikles, Valerie Louisiana State University Measuring the Mass of the Neutron Star Sco X-2 = GX 349+2 2011A-0475 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.84
Miszalski, Brent University of Hertfordshire A synoptic spectroscopic survey for binary central stars of planetary nebulae 2011A-0204 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.5
Modjaz, Maryam Columbia University Host Galaxy Spectra of Stripped SN from the Palomar Transient Factory: SN Progenitor Diagnostics and the SN-GRB Connection 2011A-0546 GEM-N GEM-NQ 3
Modjaz, Maryam Columbia University Host Galaxy Spectra of Stripped SN from the Palomar Transient Factory: SN Progenitor Diagnostics and the SN-GRB Connection 2011A-0546 GEM-S GEM-S 2
Moffett, Amanda University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Secondary Disks and Disk Regrowth in S0 Galaxies 2011A-0164 CTIO SOAR 6
Moran, Edward Wesleyan University Black Holes in the Milky Way's Backyard 2011A-0606 KPNO 4m 7
Moran, Edward Wesleyan University Black Holes in the Milky Way's Backyard 2011A-0606   Hale 2
Muzic, Koraljka University of Toronto Methane-sensitive imaging of substellar objects in the Lupus star forming region 2011A-0144 CTIO 4m 2
Najarro, Paco Consejo Superior de Investigacions Cientificas Metallicity in the Quintuplet Cluster and the Galactic Center: Evidence for a top-heavy star formation history? 2011A-0609 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.7
Najita, Joan National Optical Astronomy Observatory Transition Objects: Photoevaporation, Grain Growth, or Planet-Forming Disks? 2011A-0185 CTIO 4m 2
Nataf, David Ohio State University Does the Milky Way Have an X-Shaped Bulge? A Dynamical Investigation 2011A-0093 CTIO 4m 2
Naud, Marie-Eve University of Montreal A Planet Search around Young-associations M dwarfs (PSYM survey) 2011A-0382 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.3
Neilsen, Joseph Harvard University A Long Multiwavelength Study of GRS 1915+105: Accretion/Ejection Physics of the Disk Wind and Synchrotron Jet 2011A-0337 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1
Nemec, James Camosun College RR Lyrae Stars in NGC1841, Reticulum & NGC1466 2010B-0092 CTIO 0.9m 2
O'Meara, John Saint Michael's College The Optical Depth of the Universe and the Search for Missing Metals at 2.5 < z < 3.4 2011A-0136   Magellan-II 2
Oka, Takeshi University of Chicago Continued Exploration of the Galactic Center's Central Molecular Zone by H3+ Spectroscopy 2011A-0194 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1
Pagnotta, Ashley Louisiana State University Testing the Hibernation Hypothesis: Measuring Long-Term Brightness Changes in Northern Classical Novae 2011A-0386 KPNO 0.9m 7
Pagnotta, Ashley Louisiana State University Testing the Hibernation Hypothesis: Measuring Long-Term Brightness Changes in Southern Classical Novae 2011A-0410 CTIO 1.0m 7
Patience, Jennifer University of Exeter A NICI survey for exoplanets and disks in the Sco-Cen association 2011A-0225 GEM-S GEM-SQ 2
Pena, Maria Instituto de Astronomia Metallicity indicators for metal-poor HII regions and Blue Compact Galaxies 2011A-0163 KPNO 4m 4
Pereira, Maria University of Arizona RCSJ1419.2+5326: Kinematics of an assembling cluster at z~0.6 2011A-0597 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.6
Pessev, Peter Gemini Observatory - South Do Galaxies care about AGB stars ? 2011A-0405 GEM-N GEM-NQ 3
Pettini, Max University of Cambridge Probing Population III nucleosynthesis with carbon-enhanced DLAs 2011A-0054 Keck Keck-I 2
Pettini, Max University of Cambridge A Search for Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor DLAs: Probing Population III Nucleosynthesis 2011A-0060   Hale 3
Rawle, Tim University of Arizona The origin of S0 discs in the dense cluster environment 2011A-0083 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.8
Rawle, Tim University of Arizona Deep Wide-field Near-Infrared Imaging for the Herschel Lensing Survey 2011A-0395 CTIO 4m 4
Rest, Armin Space Telescope Science Institute Echoes of Historical Supernovae in the Milky Way Galaxy 2011A-0458 CTIO 4m 8
Roe, Henry Lowell Observatory Titan's Methane Weather post-Equinox: Seasonal climate change and surface geology 2011A-0147 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.9
Roe, Henry Lowell Observatory Titan's Methane Weather post-Equinox: Seasonal climate change and surface geology 2011A-0147 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.6
Rothberg, Barry Naval Research Laboratory Unveiling the Young Central Stellar Disk in the Advanced Luminous Infrared Galaxy Arp 193 2011A-0463 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.8
Sand, David University of California, Santa Barbara Diagnosing youth: Gemini spectroscopy to verify the young stellar populations in Leo IV and Canes Venatici I 2011A-0280 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.7
Schaefer, Bradley Louisiana State University Orbital Period Changes Across the Recent Eruptions of Two Recurrent Novae, the Dynamical Measure of the Ejected Mass, and Whether These Will Become Type Ia Supernovae 2011A-0096 CTIO 0.9m-SVC 3.2
Schaefer, Bradley Louisiana State University Orbital Period Changes Across the Recent Eruptions of Two Recurrent Novae, the Dynamical Measure of the Ejected Mass, and Whether These Will Become Type Ia Supernovae 2011A-0096 CTIO 1.3m 1.2
Schmidt, Samuel University of California-Davis A Near Infrared View Of The Deep Lens Survey 2011A-0450 CTIO 4m 7
Shemmer, Ohad University of North Texas Weak Line Quasars at High Redshift: Extremely High Accretion Rates or Anemic Broad-Line Regions? 2011A-0241 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.55
Sheppard, Scott Carnegie Institution of Washington Precise Astrometry for Predicting Kuiper Belt Object Occultations 2011A-0529 CTIO 0.9m-SVC 4.2
Simon, Michal State University of New York, Stony Brook Stellar Diameters in the Beta Pic Moving Group 2011A-0323   CHARA 2
Sing, David University of Exeter Monitoring the Stellar Activity of Transit-Hosting Stars: supporting exoplanet atmosphere observations 2011A-0209 CTIO 1.3m 0.6
Smith, Nathan University of Arizona Resolving the Infrared [Fe II] Emission in Circumstellar LBV Shells with NICI 2011A-0151 GEM-S GEM-S 2
Smith, Verne National Optical Astronomy Observatory Characterizing the Stellar-Metallicity versus Planet-Size Relation for Planet-Hosting Stars in the Kepler Data Release 2011A-0590 Keck Keck-I 1
Soderblom, David Space Telescope Science Institute The flaring behavior of G and K dwarfs as seen in the Kepler Q1 data 2011A-0372 KPNO 4m 4
Stassun, Keivan Vanderbilt University Calibration of Spectral Modeling Techniques for Determining Fundamental Properties of Young Brown Dwarfs 2011A-0427 Keck Keck-I 0.5
Stringfellow, Guy University of Colorado A Deep Emission Line Study of the Ophiuchus Cloud 2011A-0368 CTIO 4m 10
Strolger, Louis-Gregory Western Kentucky University Tests of Environmental Effects on SN Ia Production 2011A-0416 KPNO 4m 6
Su, Kate University of Arizona A search for the perturbing planets in large hole debris disks 2011A-0571 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1
Subasavage, John Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory Identifying New Nearby White Dwarfs in the Southern Hemisphere 2011A-0465 CTIO SOAR 5
Sullivan, Mark University of Oxford The Host Galaxies of Local PTF Type Ia Supernovae 2011A-0224 GEM-N GEM-NQ 2.4
Szkody, Paula University of Washington Observations of Accreting White Dwarf Pulsators 2011A-0143 KPNO 2.1m 3.5
Tanvir, Nial University of Leicester Investigating gamma-ray bursts and their use as cosmological probes 2011A-0228 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.2
Thomas, Cristina Northern Arizona University Physical Characterization of Warm Spitzer Observed Near-Earth Objects 2011A-0512 CTIO SOAR 8
Thomas, Cristina Northern Arizona University Physical Characterization of Warm Spitzer Observed Near-Earth Objects 2011A-0512 KPNO 4m 4
Thorman, Paul University of California-Davis Medium-band imaging of a z=0.53 merging cluster 2011A-0550 KPNO 4m 4
Tilvi, Vithal Arizona State University Narrow-band imaging of z=7.7 Lyman alpha Emitters 2011A-0603 CTIO 4m 6
Tokovinin, Andrei National Optical Astronomy Observatory Complete census of wide companions to nearby stars 2011A-0002 CTIO 1.3m 1.2
Trilling, David Northern Arizona University A deep search for further New Horizons targets 2011A-0583 GEM-N GEM-N 1
Trueblood, Mark National Optical Astronomy Observatory Long Term Follow-up of Near Earth Objects 2011A-0057 KPNO 2.1m 3
Trujillo, Chadwick Gemini Observatory - North Primordial Solar System Ices 2011A-0541 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.1
Ueta, Toshiya University of Denver Probing of the Structure of Optically-Thin Proto-Planetary Nebulae with Angular Differential Imaging 2011A-0201 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.9
Van Der Bliek, Nicole National Optical Astronomy Observatory Deep optical & IR imaging of Musca 2011A-0477 CTIO 4m 4
Vieira, Joaquin California Institute of Technology Systematic Followup of High-Redshift Strongly Lensed Dusty Star Forming Galaxies 2011A-0589 CTIO SOAR 5
Vrtilek, Saeqa Dil Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Modulation tomography of the Black Hole source GRS 1716-249 2011A-0419 GEM-S GEM-S 2
Walter, Frederick State University of New York, Stony Brook Photometric Periods of Recent Southern Novae 2011A-0365 CTIO 0.9m-SVC 3.5
Walter, Frederick State University of New York, Stony Brook Photometric Periods of Recent Southern Novae 2011A-0365 CTIO 1.3m 7
Williams, Stephen Georgia State University Spectroscopic Orbits for Kepler FOV Eclipsing Binaries 2011A-0385 KPNO 4m 6
Winkler, P Frank Middlebury College Searching for Supernova Remnants in the Most Fertile Galaxy: NGC 6946 2011A-0110 KPNO WIYN 4
Winkler, P. Frank Middlebury College Finding and Characterizing SNRs - Young and Old - in M83 2011A-0436 GEM-S GEM-S 3
Winkler, P. Frank Middlebury College Finding and Characterizing SNRs - Young and Old - in M83 2011A-0436 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.25
Wisniewski, John University of Washington M Dwarf Flares: Exoplanet Implications 2011A-0106 KPNO 2.1m 6.5
Womack, Maria St. Cloud State University Search for water vapor in a super-Earth exoplanet 2011A-0470 Keck Keck-II 1
Worseck, Gabor University of California, Santa Cruz Surveying the Post-Reionization Universe with Quasar Spectroscopy III 2011A-0262 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.5
Worseck, Gabor University of California, Santa Cruz Surveying the Post-Reionization Universe with Quasar Spectroscopy III 2011A-0264 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.2
Worseck, Gabor University of California, Santa Cruz A dedicated quasar survey to identify the sources of He2 reionization 2011A-0449 KPNO 4m 4
Youichi, Ohyama Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics Optical Spectroscopy of Galaxies from the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) Survey to z ~ 0.5 2011A-0587 KPNO WIYN 4
Young, Leslie Southwest Research Institute Pluto's Atmospheric CH_4: Variations in time, space, and altitude 2011A-0301 GEM-N GEM-NQ 2
Zabludoff, Ann University of Arizona Tracing the Cosmic Web with Lyman-(alpha) Blobs 2011A-0593 KPNO 4m 4
Zezas, Andreas Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Investigation of Supernova Remnants in nearby galaxies 2011A-0300 KPNO 4m 2.5
Zhang, Hongxin Lowell Observatory Deep JH Imaging of the LITTLE THINGS Galaxies: Stellar Mass Assembly in Dwarf Galaxies 2011A-0306 CTIO 4m 4
Zhang, Hongxin Lowell Observatory Deep JH Imaging of the LITTLE THINGS Galaxies: Stellar Mass Assembly in Dwarf Galaxies 2011A-0306 KPNO 4m 6.5
Zhao, Ping Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics A new Method to Search for quiescent Low-Mass X-ray Binary 2011A-0373 CTIO 1.0m 3
Zuckerman, Ben University of California, Los Angeles Hunting the Coolest Substellar Dwarfs in the Northern Hemisphere 2011A-0161 KPNO 4m 4.5




Updated on June 5, 2024, 9:56 am