NOIRLab Tucson Headquarters Library


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NOAO Library Entrance

About the Tucson Headquarters Library

The Tucson Headquarters Library is a research library that supports the research activities of NSF NOIRLab by providing and facilitating access to information found in both electronic and paper sources.

The Tucson Headquarters Library supports the mission of NSF NOIRLab in the following ways:

Informational Services: The Library purchases informational materials to support the research activities of staff; preserves, organizes, and provides access to historical information; facilitates access to information in digital format; locates and obtains journal articles; and fills information requests.
Contact the Librarian

Electronic Resources: The Library maintains a website to facilitate access to information in digital format, with links to electronic journals, reference sources, news items, and digital information sources.
Library Electronic Resources (incl. journals)


NOAO Library Entrance

Collections: The library maintains and circulates a physical collection of books, journals, atlases, observatory publications, and historical documents in astronomy, mathematics, physics, science, and technology. These materials may be checked out for an indefinite period of time, but after two weeks, if another patron wishes to see the material, we will recall it. We do not share circulation information with staff. The library also maintains a Digital Archives.

Details of our collections are available on the NOIRLab Tucson Headquarters Library - Collections web page. Records and access to our collections is available through the Tucson and La Serena Library Catalog (Sign in as NOIRLab for Library Name; no password required).

Physical Space: The library provides areas for quiet study and for collaborative meetings. We also have a public printer, scanner, computer, and whiteboard.

Map of Library

Publications Lists: The librarian tracks publications of Scientific Staff and publications that cite the use of data obtained from our telescopes.
NOAO Publication Lists (CTIO, KPNO, and US NGO) from 1987 through 2019; NOIRLab MSO and CSDC Publications Lists from 2020 to present.


Page created 9.13; last updated 6.24

Updated on June 25, 2024, 6:08 am