2002 KPNO REU Students

Kwayera Davis (College of Charleston)
"Finding Variable Stars in Globular Clusters Observed by the Hubble Space Telescope"
 Advisor: Ken Mighell

Allison Heinrichs (Ohio State University)
"Determining the Light Curve and Rotation Rate of Periodic Comet Neujmin 1"
 Advisors: Beatrice Muller & Nalin Samarasinha

Jeffrey Fogel (Harvard University)
"Probing the Properties of Two Galaxies With Planetary Nebulae"
 Advisors: George Jacoby & Richard Shaw

Bryan Henderson (University of Washington)
"Radio Galaxy Evolution with the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey"
 Advisors: Michael Brown & Buell Jannuzi

Gisela Telis (Columbia University)
"Twelve AGN Spectra in Search of a Model"
 Advisors: Michael Brotherton & Richard Green

Updated on June 17, 2024, 10:34 am