
The conference will start the morning of Monday 20 May and will finish on Thursday 23 May. Below the schedule is a list of the posters in the order that they will appear in the Lightning talk rounds.



Poster Presenters and Titles (In order of appearance in Lightning talk rounds):

Lightning I

David Nidever -- Detecting Dancing Gems in the NOIRLab Source Catalog
Eduardo Machado Pereira -- Metallicity determination in galactic open star clusters by exploring multiwavelength surveys
Macy Huston -- The LS4 Galactic Survey
Sam Usman -- The Relationship Between Mass and Multiple Populations in Globular Clusters and Their Streams
Himansh Rathore -- The LMC’s Bar: A Rare Gem in the Vast Crowd of Gaia Stars
Richard Smith -- Variable Stars in M31 Stellar Clusters from the Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury
Segev BenZvi -- Serendipitous Identification of Transients in Spectroscopic Data Sets
Swapnaneel Dey -- Identifying unique stellar systems in imaging surveys with citizen science

Lightning II

David Trilling -- The Solar System Notification Alert Processing System (SNAPS)
Bhaskar Mondal -- Exploring the Solar System in mm wavelengths with CMB-S4
Larry Yu -- You Spin Me Round: Finding Fast Rotations of Near-Earth Asteroid Candidates
Jeff Cooke -- Mining a large, fast-cadenced multi-wavelength, multi-messenger transient survey
Christoffer Fremling -- The Zwicky Transient Facility Bright Transient Survey
Viraja Khatu -- Active Galactic Nuclei Variability Through the Ultraviolet Lens of CASTOR
Thomas Hare -- Modeling Optical Variability in Quasars by Simulating Mass Accretion Rates as a Continuous Autoregressive Process.
Sara Webb -- Using Large Astronomical Surveys for Space Situational Awareness and Debris Identifciation

Lightning III

Hank Corbett -- The Argus Array: a 55 gigapixel engine for time domain astronomyYeah
Yan Liang -- Outlier Detection in the DESI Bright Galaxy Survey
Siddharth Chaini -- DistClassiPy: Distance-Based Techniques for Classification and Anomaly Detection in Light Curves
Hayley Roberts -- Better Together: Enhancing Machine Learning Methods through Citizen Science with Zooniverse
Kameswara Bharadwaj Mantha -- Accelerating the Search for Rare Gems in Big Data: A Zooniverse Case Study using Citizen Science & Machine Learning
Bryan Miller -- Next Generation Operations Software at Gemini
Charlie Tolley -- Discovery Spectroscopy for Unusual Point Sources
Eun Taek Gim -- A Machine’s Perspective on Galactic Environments: Dissecting the Galaxy Distributions with Variational Autoencoders

Lightning IV

Nicolas Mazziotti -- Identifying Diffuse Galaxies through Citizen Science
Yashraj Bains -- New Search for Dark Matter Free Dwarf Galaxies using Legacy Imaging
Ana Sofia Uzsoy -- Marginalize, Don't Subtract: Spectral Component Separation for Faint Objects in DESI
Amandine Doliva-Dolinsky -- Satellites of dwarf galaxies with the MADCASH survey
Logan O'Brien -- Detection of a High Globular Cluster to Host Galaxy Luminosity Ratio Galaxy in the NGC 1407 Group
Viviane Angélico Pereira Alfradique -- A measurement of the Hubble constant using dark sirens from the first four LIGO/Virgo observing runs with galaxy information from DELVE and DESI Legacy Survey
Lailani Kenoly -- Using DESI spectra to understand UDGs
Jun-Sung Moon -- Gauging the Initial Misalignment between the Inertia and Tidal Tensors in the IllustrisTNG Simulations: A Key Regulating Factor for Galactic Halo Spins