Calibration eeprom format information

Calibration EEPROM Description

The calibration EEPROMs for Torrent systems are contained on each of the component electronics boards. A fully populated Torrent system will have five Calibration EEPROMs, four in the Controller box and one in the TSM box. There is one EEPROM on the LCB, one on the PSM and one on each of the AFE boards.

These EEPROMs are currents arranged as 128 pages of 16 words each 32 bits wide. Pages 0 and 1 are ID pages that contain information to identify and help verify the data stored in the EEPROM.

Data stored in the EEPROMS is all integer values. Where a floating point value is desired we store the value as int( value * 1000 ) This limits the range of values that can be stored to -2,147,483.000 to 2,147,483.000. We could not think of any requirement that required a greater range

A copy of the data in the EEPROMs for each system is kept in a set of EEPROM Mirror Files stored in the $MONSOON_CFG/_sysName configuration directory for the system. Changing out a DHE Controller will require obtaining the correct mirror files for the new controller from the Torrent configuration database

EEPROM ID Page 0 Structure

EEPROM Page 0 Layout
Word # Word Name Board Default Value Long Name Comments
0 PSTORFORMAT ALL 0x00000001 EEPROM Storage Format The Code for the Format of the data stored in this EEPROM (1)
1 MDLIDCODE LCB 0x00000010 Module ID Code The code number assigned to the LCB boards (16)
    PSM 0x00000020   The code number assigned to the PSM boards (32)
    CCD AFE 0x00000040   The code number assigned to the CCD AFE boards (64)
    IR AFE 0x00000050   The code number assigned to the IR AFE boards (80)
    TSM Utility 0x00000030   The code number assigned to the IR AFE boards (48)
2 MDLVARCODE ALL 0x00000001 Module Variant Code The Variant ## of a board that differs from a standard board (1)
3 MDLREVNUM ALL 0x00000001 Module Release Number The release number for the module being read all still at release 1
4 MDLSERNUM ALL 0x0000xxxx Module Serial number The serial number of this board. Currently not in use
5 SYSFPGACODE ALL 0x000000CC System FPGA Code Version The FPGA code version used to write this EEPROM Currently 204
6 - 15 Not Used ALL 0x00000000 Not Used Locations Reserved


EEPROM ID Page 1 Structure

EEPROM Page 1 Layout
Word # Word Name Board Default Value Long Name Comments
0 MDLLASTTESTDATE ALL 20090316 Module's Last Test Date The date of the last time this board was tested (various)
1 LASTWRTDATE ALL 20110318 EEPROM Last Written Date The date of the last time this EEPROM was written (various)
2 VLDPAGECNT ALL 0x00000005 Valid Page Count The number of pages in the EEPROM that contain Valid Data (various)
3 - 11 Not Used ALL 0x00000000 Not Used Locations Reserved
12 - 15 CRC0 - CRC3 ALL 7FE163FB6 CRC code portion 0 - 3 The 128 byte representation of the MD5Sum calculated on the Data in all valid pages excepting Page 1 words 12 through 15 (various)

Updated on May 6, 2021, 7:53 pm