
NOIRLab TAC Results and Statistics 2020B

NOAO Proposal Statistics by Telescope and Instrument for 2020B

The following tables list 2020B proposal request statistics for telescopes and instruments in the US ground-based observing system coordinated by NOAO. Only the 315 new proposals submitted to the 2020B NOAO TAC are included here (not Surveys, NASA GO programs, or ongoing long-term programs).


Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
CT-4m   23   26 103.4   31.0   30 4.0
    COSMOS     3     4   11.0     8.0   73 2.8
    DECam   20   22   92.4   23.0   25 4.2
SOAR   36   46   96.3   40.5   42 2.1
    Goodman   23   28   60.4   30.5   51 2.2
    HRCam     4     4     8.0     0.0     0 2.0
    SAMI     2     2     4.0     3.0   75 2.0
    SOI     3     3     7.2     7.0   97 2.4
    Spartan     5     5     7.7     0.0     0 1.5
    TSpec     4     4     9.0     0.0     0 2.2
CT-1.5m   15   16   80.8     0.0     0 5.0
    CHIRON   15   16   80.8     0.0     0 5.0
CT-0.9m     1     1     8.0     0.0     0 8.0
    CFIM     1     1     8.0     0.0     0 8.0

Kitt Peak National Observatory

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
WIYN   39   51   93.0   15.2   16 1.8
    HYDR     4     7   12.1     5.0   41 1.7
    NEID     1     1     0.5     0.0     0 0.5
    NEIDQ   25   31   58.5     6.7   12 1.9
    NESSI     6     6   13.3     0.0     0 2.2
    NESSIQ     1     1     3.1     0.0     0 3.1
    ODI     2     4     3.5     3.5 100 0.9
    WHIRC     1     1     2.0     0.0     0 2.0
KP-0.9m     4     7   28.0     7.0   25 4.0
    HDI     4     7   28.0     7.0   25 4.0

Gemini North

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
GEM-N 100 138 129.2   24.9   19 0.9
    Alopeke   14   14   17.5     1.5     9 1.2
    GMOSN   44   63   49.9   17.0   34 0.8
    GNIRS   15   18   17.9     0.0     0 1.0
    GRACES     8     9     9.5     0.0     0 1.1
    HDS     1     1     2.0     0.0     0 2.0
    HSC     6     6     7.7     3.1   40 1.3
    Maroon-X     4     4     6.6     0.0     0 1.6
    NIFS     1     1     1.2     0.0     0 1.2
    NIRI   14   20   13.2     0.0     0 0.7
    VIS     2     2     3.8     3.4   89 1.9

Gemini South

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
GEM-S   92 132 109.6   15.4   14 0.8
    Flamingos2   18   27   17.0     0.0     0 0.6
    GMOSS   37   58   35.4   14.3   40 0.6
    GSAOI     6     8     5.4     0.0     0 0.7
    IGRINS   26   27   39.4     0.0     0 1.5
    ZorroQ   12   12   12.5     1.1     9 1.0

Siding Spring Observatory

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
AAT     9     9   18.2     7.0   38 2.0
    AAOmega     5     5   13.0     7.0   54 2.6
    MINERVA     1     1     1.5     0.0     0 1.5
    Veloce     3     3     3.7     0.0     0 1.2

Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
LCO-2m   11   13   22.0     0.0     0 1.7
    FLOYDS     7     7   12.5     0.0     0 1.8
    Spectral     6     6     9.4     0.0     0 1.6
LCO-1m   22   27 181.3   15.4     8 6.7
    NRES     2     2     7.3     0.0     0 3.6
    Sinistro   20   25 174.0   15.4     9 7.0


Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
CHARA   17   28   56.5     7.0   12 2.0
    Classic     3     3     9.5     4.0   42 3.2
    MIRC   12   22   41.0     0.0     0 1.9
    PAVO     2     2     3.0     0.0     0 1.5
    VEGA     1     1     3.0     3.0 100 3.0

NOAO Approved Programs for 2020B

Programs: 156
Nights: 509.92

Approved NOAO Survey Programs

PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
Carleo, Ilaria Wesleyan University Unveiling the history of the warm Jupiters 2020B-0081 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 6.7
Dell'Antonio, Ian Brown University LoVoCCS: the Local Volume Complete Cluster Survey 2019A-0308 CTIO 4m 7.5
Drlica-Wagner, Alex Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory DECam Local Volume Exploration Survey 2019A-0305 CTIO 4m 19.5
Hardegree-Ullman, Kevin California Institute of Technology--IPAC Atmospheric Survey of Giant Exoplanets Discovered by TESS 2019A-0364 CTIO SOAR 5
Shen, Yue University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign DECam Early Imaging of AGN Reverberation Mapping Fields in SDSS-V 2019A-0065 CTIO 4m 6
Trilling, David Northern Arizona University The Deep DECam Outer Solar System Survey (DDOSSS) 2019A-0337 CTIO 4m 3.5

Approved Long Term Programs

PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
Aydi, Elias Michigan State University Imaging the Evolution and Expansion of Nova Ejecta 2020A-0225 MtWilson CHARA 2
Collins, Karen Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Coordinated Time-series Photometric Follow-up of TESS Planet Candidates 2020B-0202 LCO 1m 29
Cooke, Jeffrey Swinburne University of Technology Deeper, Wider, Faster: All-wavelength, real-time detection of fast transients and fast radio burst counterparts 2020B-0253 CTIO 4m 3
Ellis, Tyler Louisiana State University Radii of late type-dwarfs, exoplanet hosts, and exoplanet host candidates 2019A-0155 MtWilson CHARA 4
Gallenne, Alexandre European Southern Observatory Multiplicity of Galactic Cepheids from long-baseline interferometry 2019A-0071 MtWilson CHARA 4
Greenbaum, Alexandra University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Orbits of Moving Group Binaries at Small Angular Separations with CHARA 2019A-0206 MtWilson CHARA 2
Rest, Armin Space Telescope Science Institute Photometric Time Series of Carinae's Great Eruption 2020A-0415 CTIO 4m 2.5
Sheppard, Scott Carnegie Institution of Washington A Uniform Survey for Extreme Trans-Neptunian Objects 2020B-0300 CTIO 4m 3
Smart, Richard National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) Constraining ultra-cool dwarf formation throughout the history of the Galaxy using the 30pc sample. 2020B-0147 CTIO SOAR 2
Tokovinin, Andrei NSF's NOIRLab Spectroscopic orbits in nearby triple systems 2020A-0006 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 1.5
Tokovinin, Andrei NSF's NOIRLab Orbits of compact triple systems and binaries 2020B-0009 CTIO SOAR 1
Valenti, Stefano University of California, Davis The Global Supernova Project 2020B-0043 LCO 1m 22
Valenti, Stefano University of California, Davis The Global Supernova Project 2020B-0043 LCO 2m 6
Vrijmoet, Eliot Halley RECONS Institute & Georgia State University Orbital Architectures of M Dwarf Binaries 2020B-0030 CTIO SOAR 1


Approved Regular Programs

PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
Anugu, Narsireddy University of Arizona Monitoring of Betelgeuse: The Great Dimming and next? 2020B-0302 MtWilson CHARA 2
Bean, Jacob University of Chicago Radial velocity follow up of TESS planets with MAROON-X 2020B-0115 GEM-N GEM-NQ 3
Bechtol, Keith University of Wisconsin, Madison A new DECam deep field covering the full Euclid Deep Field South 2020B-0278 CTIO 4m 8
Benzvi, Segev University of Rochester Observing the First Spectroscopically Discovered Tidal Disruption Events with DESI 2020B-0264 LCO 1m-TOO 2
Benzvi, Segev University of Rochester Observing the First Spectroscopically Discovered Tidal Disruption Events with DESI 2020B-0264 LCO 2m 1.3
Bouma, Luke Princeton University Confirming and Characterizing Transiting Planets Around Young Stars 2020B-0029 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 4
Bouma, Luke Princeton University Confirming and Characterizing Transiting Planets Around Young Stars 2020B-0029 SSO AAT 2.5
Brucker, Melissa Lunar and Planetary Lab ToO: Spacewatch Recovery of Hazardous Near-Earth Objects 2020B-0224 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.4
Burt, Jennifer Jet Propulsion Laboratory High-Resolution Imaging of the Best Targets for Next Generation Direct Imaging Exoplanet Surveys 2020B-0335 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.6
Burt, Jennifer Jet Propulsion Laboratory Crossing the gap: probing the radius gap of small planets with MAROON-X and TESS 2020B-0336 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.5
Carlsten, Scott Princeton University The Local Volume Satellites SBF Survey 2020B-0097 GEM-N GEM-NQ 2.1
Carrasco, Rodrigo Gemini Observatory North The GeMS/GSAOI Galactic Globular Cluster Survey (G4CS) 2020B-0339 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.96
Cartier, Regis NSF's NOIRLab Spectroscopy of bright galaxies hosting supernovae from the UltraVISTA SN Survey 2020B-0280 CTIO SOAR 2
Chapman, Scott Dalhousie University NIR imaging and optical spectroscopy for a sample of SPT-SMG lensed systems. 2020B-0226 GEM-S GEM-SQ 2.43
Chisholm, John University of California, Santa Cruz Jumping Off the Upper-End: Constraining the mass-loss rates of the most massive stars in the universe with infrared spectroscopy 2020B-0316 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.34
Corlies, Paul Massachusetts Institute of Technology (EAPS) Investigating seasonal changes in Titan's meteorology through cloud monitoring with GSAOI 2020B-0136 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.64
Coughlin, Michael University of Minnesota Identification of optical counterparts to compact binary mergers using LCO 2020B-0055 LCO 1m-TOO 2.4
Coughlin, Michael University of Minnesota Identification of optical counterparts to compact binary mergers using LCO 2020B-0055 LCO 2m 2.3
Cucchiara, Antonino College of Marin High-Redshift Gamma-Ray Bursts as Probes of Cosmic Dawn 2020B-0323 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.44
De Furio, Matthew University of Michigan - Ann Arbor The A-Star Binary Controversy: Bi-modal or Log-normal? 2020B-0290 MtWilson CHARA 2
De, Kishalay California Institute of Technology Unveiling the power sources of rare, hydrogen-poor transients in ZTF with LCO follow-up 2020B-0193 LCO 1m 4.8
De, Kishalay California Institute of Technology Unveiling the power sources of rare, hydrogen-poor transients in ZTF with LCO follow-up 2020B-0193 LCO 2m 2.4
Dong, Jiayin Pennsylvania State University Validation of Warm, Large Exoplanets in the Southern Hemisphere 2020B-0189 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 2
Dong, Jiayin Pennsylvania State University Validation of Warm, Large Exoplanets in the Southern Hemisphere 2020B-0189 LCO 1m 3
Evans, Nancy Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics The Dynamical Mass of Polaris, the Nearest Cepheid: The Periastron Campaign 2018B-0039 MtWilson CHARA 1
Fan, Xiaohui University of Arizona Weighing the most massive accreting black holes at cosmic noon 2020B-0154 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.2
Finkelstein, Steven University of Texas, Austin Near-infrared Imaging of an Unexpected Sample of Extremely Massive Quiescent Galaxies at z > 4 2020B-0207 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.9
Foley, Ryan University of California, Santa Cruz Young Supernova Experiment 2020B-0250 LCO 1m 0.4
Foley, Ryan University of California, Santa Cruz Young Supernova Experiment 2020B-0250 LCO 1m-TOO 7.4
Foley, Ryan University of California, Santa Cruz The Extraordinary "Super-Chandra" SN 2020esm 2020B-0358 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.6
Fong, Wen-fai Northwestern University Probing the Properties of Neutron Star Mergers: Rapid Observations of Short Gamma-ray Bursts 2020B-0216 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.76
Gardner, Tyler University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Speckle Imaging of Binaries for the ARMADA Exoplanet Survey 2020B-0203 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.05
Geballe, Thomas Gemini Observatory North A 1-2.5 micron spectrum of CK Vul and an associated search for radioactive Aluminium 2020B-0107 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.38
Geballe, Thomas Gemini Observatory North Speckle Imaging of the "Eclipse" in the R Aqr System 2020B-0150 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.25
Gelino, Christopher California Institute of Technology--IPAC Determining the low-mass cutoff for star formation 2020B-0235 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.72
Gezer, Ilknur University of Warsaw, Astronomical Observatory Microlensing black holes and their masses from Gaia 2020B-0227 GEM-N GEM-NQ 2
Gosnell, Natalie Colorado College Clusters with K2: systematics from membership and binarity 2020B-0079 KPNO WIYN 3
Graham, Melissa L. University of Washington Constraining the Fraction of Type Ia Supernovae with Non-Degenerate Companions 2020B-0236 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.09
Grant, Sierra Boston University Accretion onto Intermediate-mass Stars 2020B-0100 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.77
Han, Eunkyu Boston University Precision Fundamental Properties of M Dwarf Stars using Eclipsing Binaries from Kepler and TESS 2020B-0180 GEM-S GEM-SQ 2.8
Hartman, Joel Princeton University Confirming and Characterizing Transiting Planets From HAT+TESS with LCO 2020B-0047 LCO 1m 22
Hartman, Joel Princeton University Confirming and Characterizing Transiting Planets From HAT+TESS with LCO 2020B-0047 LCO 2m 2.5
Hartman, Zachary Lowell Observatory Triples, Quadruples, or More? The Existential Question of Wide Systems 2020B-0341 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.51
Investigator, Driss Takir NASA JSC Unraveling the Surface Composition of Phobos and Deimos 2020B-0127 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.8
Jaffe, Daniel University of Texas, Austin Young Substellar Objects at High Spectral Resolution 2020B-0133 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.2
Jha, Saurabh Rutgers University Spectroscopy of Type Iax Supernovae 2020B-0093 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.9
Jha, Saurabh Rutgers University SIRAH: Supernovae in the Infrared avec Hubble 2020B-0099 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.9
Johnson, Marshall Las Cumbres Observatory Measuring the Spin-Orbit Misalignments of a Young Multiplanet System 2020B-0077 KPNO WIYNQ 1
Kalari, Venu Gemini Observatory North Multiplicity of massive young stellar objects across metallicities 2020B-0175 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.11
Kilic, Mukremin University of Oklahoma, Norman A Snapshot Survey for Double Degenerates in Gaia + Skymapper 2020B-0158 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.56
Kilpatrick, Charles University of California, Santa Cruz Constraining Supernova Progenitor Systems with the LCO Global Telescope Network 2020B-0256 LCO 1m 1
Kilpatrick, Charles University of California, Santa Cruz Constraining Supernova Progenitor Systems with the LCO Global Telescope Network 2020B-0256 LCO 2m 1.1
Kilpatrick, Charles University of California, Santa Cruz Identifying the Progenitors of Astrophysical Transients 2020B-0322 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.3
Kim, Bokyoung Georgia State University Spectroscopic Survey of White Dwarf Candidates in the Local Galactic Halo from Gaia DR2 2020B-0347 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.8
Lacy, Mark NRAO Headquarters An IFU study of the jet-galaxy interaction in Minkowski's Object 2020B-0109 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.92
Lebofsky, Larry University of Arizona Astrometric Follow-up of VIs and PHAs 2020B-0020 LCO 2m 0.4
Lebzelter, Thomas Universitat Wien (University of Vienna) Nucleosynthesis at the massive end of the AGB 2020B-0177 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.17
Leggett, Sandy Gemini Observatory North Identifying Targets for JWST: the T< 400K Brown Dwarfs 2020B-0320 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.48
Li, Ting Carnegie Observatories A ``Broken" Stream Induced by Dark Matter Subhalo Perturbations? 2020B-0033 SSO AAT 3
Lilly, Eva Planetary Science Institute The Multifaceted Characterization of Centaur Activity 2020B-0360 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.55
Lin, Huan Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory A Galaxy Redshift Survey of the Line-of-Sight Environments of Two Lensed Quasar Quads 2020B-0125 GEM-S GEM-SQ 2.56
Line, Mike Arizona State University Characterizing the Atmosphere of a Canonical Hot Jupiter with High Resolution Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy 2020B-0166 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.78
Lubar, Emily University of Texas, Austin Crossing the Substellar Boundary at 25Myr in Beta Pictoris 2020B-0124 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.64
Lundquist, Michael University of Arizona Rapid Spectroscopy of Very Young Supernovae Discovered by the D<40 Mpc Survey 2020B-0144 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.55
Madrid, Juan Univeristy of Texas Rio Grande Valley Is PSR J2317+1439 a super massive neutron star? 2020B-0168 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.95
Massey, Philip Lowell Observatory The Nature of a New Type of Wolf-Rayet Star 2020B-0167 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.96
Matson, Rachel US Naval Observatory Exoplanets in Close Binaries 2020B-0317 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1
Matson, Rachel U.S. Naval Observatory Hot Jupiters - Orbital Period Changes or Binary Accelerations? 2020B-0343 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.09
Meech, Karen University of Hawaii 3I - Characterizing the Third Interstellar Object 2020B-0345 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.13
Metchev, Stanimir University of Western Ontario Photometric characterization of two rapidly-rotating T8 brown dwarfs 2020B-0183 CTIO SOAR 1
Miller, Adam Northwestern University A Rapid Resonse to the Youngest ZTF Explosions 2020B-0134 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.32
Mould, Jeremy Swinburne University of Technology Microlensing detection of primordial black holes 2020B-0046 CTIO 4m 5
Mura Guzman, Aldo Australian National University Tracing the chemical enrichment of Galactic building blocks using fluorine 2020B-0121 GEM-S GEM-SQ 2.7
Neugent, Kathryn University of Washington Determining the Binary Fraction of Red Supergiants 2020B-0149 GEM-S GEM-SQ 2.23
Nielsen, Eric Stanford University Orbits of Moving Group Binaries: Constaining the Ages of Planet-Hosting Moving Groups with LCO/NRES radial velocities 2020B-0261 LCO 1m 5
Nielsen, Eric Stanford University Orbits of Moving Group Binaries: Constraining the Ages of Planet-Hosting Moving Groups using Zorro, 'Alopeke, and IGRINS 2020B-0330 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.53
Nitta, Atsuko Gemini Observatory North White dwarf stars as tracers of stellar, galactic, and planetary evolution 2020B-0350 GEM-S GEM-SQ 2.43
Orton, Glenn Jet Propulsion Laboratory Near-Infrared Imaging of Jupiter's Cloud and Haze Variations Simultaneous with the Juno Mission 2020B-0102 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.48
Paterson, Kerry Northwestern University Uncovering a high redshift population of short gamma-ray bursts 2020B-0231 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.3
Plavchan, Peter George Mason University Measuring Stellar Activity with Chromatic Radial-Velocities in the Active and Planet-Bearing Nearby M dwarf AU Mic 2020B-0022 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 5
Prato, Lisa Lowell Observatory Is There Star Formation in the Aquila Rift? 2020B-0040 CTIO 4m 2
Quinn, Sam Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Characterization of TESS planet hosts with CHIRON 2020B-0262 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 10
Rajagopal, Jayadev NSF's NOIRLab Radii of NEID targeted exoplanet hosts and exoplanet host candidates with CHARA/MIRC-X 2020B-0299 MtWilson CHARA 4
Ransome, Conor Liverpool John Moores University Late H(alpha) observations of SNe IIn environments in low redshift (z 0.02) hosts. 2020B-0067 LCO 2m 1.1
Rasmussen, Kaitlin University of Notre Dame New Worlds Around Ancient Stars: Exploring the History of Planet Formation with the SEAMSTRESS Survey 2020B-0251 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 3
Rasmussen, Kaitlin University of Notre Dame New Worlds Around Ancient Stars: Exploring the History of Planet Formation with the SEAMSTRESS Survey 2020B-0251 LCO 1m 17.2
Rector, Travis University of Alaska Anchorage Astrolab Legacy Imaging 2020A-0147 CTIO 4m 1
Richardson, Noel Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Dynamical masses for a WN star 2020B-0083 LCO 1m 1.8
Richey-Yowell, Tyler Arizona State University The K Dwarf Advantage: Assessing the Habitability of Planets Orbiting K Stars with HST UV and Ground-based H(alpha) 2020B-0146 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 2.5
Ryde, Nils Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics Chemical Characterization of Giants in the Galactic Center 2020B-0091 GEM-S GEM-SQ 3.6
Sabin, Laurence Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Diving into the close stellar environment of the magnetic RV Tauri star U Mon 2020B-0012 MtWilson CHARA 3
Sazonova, Elizaveta Johns Hopkins University Demystifying the Path to Quiescence: Gas Suppression and Outflows in Shocked Post-Starburst Galaxies 2020B-0332 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.62
Shporer, Avi Massachusetts Institute of Technology Radial Velocity Confirmation of TESS Warm Jupiter Candidates 2020B-0123 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 2.5
Siebert, Matthew University of California, Santa Cruz Host-Galaxy Spectroscopy of Type Ia Supernovae 2020B-0366 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.58
Stassun, Keivan Vanderbilt University Detailed Chemical Abundances of Planet-hosting Wide Binaries 2020B-0208 GEM-N GEM-N-SVC 0.73
Stefansson, Gudmundur Princeton University Probing the Dynamical History of the Neptune-sized M-dwarf planet GJ 3470b 2020B-0075 KPNO WIYNQ 0.8
Sterling, N.C. University of West Georgia Insights to Heavy Element Nucleosynthesis at Low Metallicity from Magellanic Cloud Planetary Nebular 2020B-0334 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.8
Strauss, Michael Princeton University Near-IR snapshot survey of low-luminosity quasars beyond z~6 2020B-0325 GEM-N GEM-NQ 3.56
Terreran, Giacomo Northwestern University Pursuing the afterlife: late-time observations of stripped-envelope supernovae 2020B-0205 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.54
Tetarenko, Alexandra East Asian Observatory Probing Relativistic Jets through Optical Timing Observations of X-ray Binaries 2020B-0103 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.97
Tetarenko, Bailey University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Mapping the structure of black hole accretion discs with Gemini/GMOS 2020B-0170 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.86
Thanathibodee, T University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Rotational Periods of Newly Identified Low Accretors in Orion Star Forming Regions 2020B-0252 LCO 1m 2
Theissen, Christopher A. University of California, San Diego Investigating Radius Inflation in the Lowest Mass Planet Hosts: CHARA Observations of Teegarden’s Star 2020B-0060 MtWilson CHARA 4
Torres, Guillermo Center for Astrophysics $vert$ Harvard & Smithsonian Refining the Mass-Luminosity Relation in the Hyades Cluster 2020B-0010 MtWilson CHARA 5
Trafton, Laurence University of Texas, Austin Monitoring Uranus' Upper Atmosphere for an Anticpated Seasonal Reversal 2020B-0362 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.38
Treu, Tommaso University of California, Los Angeles A reverberation mapping black hole mass measurement at z=2.82 2020B-0159 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.37
Troja, Eleonora University of Maryland Mapping the diversity of neutron star mergers with rapid Gemini observations of short gamma-ray bursts 2020B-0221 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.01
Trouille, Laura Adler Planetarium Follow-up of Candidate Transiting Planets Discovered by Citizen Scientists in TESS Data 2020B-0068 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 4
Vissapragada, Shreyas California Institute of Technology Atmospheric Escape and Transit Timing Studies of a Sub-Neptune Progenitor 2020B-0248 LCO 1m 2.4
Vos, Johanna American Museum of Natural History Mapping Brown Dwarf Atmospheric Structure 2020B-0110 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.08
Vos, Johanna American Museum of Natural History The Young and the Restless: Constraining the Viewing Angles of Young, Cloudy Brown Dwarfs 2020B-0135 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.49
Wang, Lifan Texas A & M University A Massive Photometric DECam Survey for Intermediate-redshift Transients %with Spectroscopy from DESI 2020B-0279 CTIO 4m 6
Wei-Chun, Jao Georgia State University Resolving binaries close to the gap in the lower main sequence 2020B-0096 GEM-N GEM-NQ 2
Willner, Steven Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Disentangling radiating particle properties and jet physics from M87 multi-wavelength variability 2020B-0137 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.12
Winkler, P Frank Middlebury College Characterizing [Fe II] Near-IR Line Strength Variations in LMC Supernova Remnants 2020B-0017 CTIO SOAR 3
Wold, Isak NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Was Reionization Inhomogeneous at Redshift 7? 2020B-0118 GEM-N GEM-NQ 2.66
Wood, Mackenna University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill A Lithium Depletion Age for the 125 Myr Psc-Eri Association 2020B-0242 CTIO SOAR 3
Woodward, Chick University of Minnesota The Late Epoch Evolution of the Recurrent Nova V3890Sgr 2020B-0156 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.39
Wu, Ya-Lin University of Texas, Austin Variability of Mass Accretion onto Planet-mass Companions 2020B-0176 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.5
Xu, Siyi Gemini Observatory North Transmission Spectroscopy to Confirm the First White Dwarf Planet 2020B-0223 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.1
Yan, Haojing University of Missouri, Columbia DECam Imaging of the Akari Deep Field South 2020B-0021 CTIO 4m 4
Ye, Quanzhi University of Maryland A DECam Survey for Mini Sungrazing Comets 2020B-0298 CTIO 4m 3
Yep, Alexandra Georgia State University Photoevaporated Disks of Young Stars in a Moderate Radiation Environment 2020B-0274 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 4.7
Yep, Alexandra Georgia State University Photoevaporated Disks of Young Stars in a Moderate Radiation Environment 2020B-0274 CTIO SOAR 3
Zalesky, Joseph Arizona State University Exploring Thermal Inversions in Hot Jupiters with IGRINS 2020B-0138 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.28
Zenteno, Alfredo NSF's NOIRLab The DECam eROSITA Survey (DeROSITAS) 2020B-0241 CTIO 4m 13.5
Ziegler, Carl University of Toronto SOAR TESS Survey: Characterization of TESS planets in multiple star systems 2020B-0086 CTIO SOAR 3


Approved Indiana Programs

PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
Deliyannis, Constantine Indiana University Stellar Physics via Li in M67, NGC 2158, M41, and NGC 2194 2020B-0430 KPNO WIYN 4
Sieben, Jennifer Indiana University SFACT: A Deep Narrow-Band Imaging Survey with WIYN 2020B-0412 KPNO WIYN 8


Approved Missouri Programs

PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
Yan, Haojing University of Missouri, Columbia Missouri WIYN Survey 2020B-0408 KPNO WIYN 3.5


Approved Penn State Programs

PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
Gupta, Arvind Pennsylvania State University Simultaneous NEID and TESS Observations of p-mode Oscillations in HD 35833 2020B-0417 KPNO WIYNQ 0.8
Stefansson, Gudmundur Princeton University Probing the Link Between Obliquity and Eccentricity for Warm Jupiters 2020B-0421 KPNO WIYNQ 1


Approved Purdue Programs

PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
Lee, Kyoung-Soo Purdue University First Comprehensive Characterization of Lya Escape Fraction 2020B-0406 KPNO WIYN 1
Milisavljevic, Danny Purdue University Precise Distance Estimates to Nearby Supernova Remnants 2020B-0428 KPNO WIYNQ 1
Peterson, John Purdue University Weak Lensing in Clusters of Galaxies with PhoSim 2020B-0403 KPNO WIYN 1.5


Approved Wisconsin Programs

PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
Gallagher, Jay University of Wisconsin, Madison The skinny on galaxy evolution from super-thin disk galaxies 2020B-0424 KPNO WIYN 1
Linck, Evan University of Wisconsin, Madison A Study of Binary Populations and Alternative Pathways of Stellar Evolution in Open Clusters 2020B-0429 KPNO WIYN 9
Luo, Bin Nanjing University Multi-Object Spectroscopy on the X-ray Sources in the XMM-SERVS XMM-LSS Survey 2020B-0405 KPNO WIYN 3.5
Timbie, Peter University of Wisconsin, Madison A Spectroscopic Galaxy Redshift Survey Near the NCP 2020B-0425 KPNO WIYN 2
Vanderburg, Andrew University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Texas at Austin Measuring the Spin/Orbit Angle of Two Hot Jupiters 2020B-0427 KPNO WIYNQ 0.5


Approved UC Irvine Programs

PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
Lubin, Jack University of California, Irvine Rossiter-McLaughlin Measurements of a Transiting Terrestrial Planet orbiting HD 219134 2020B-0414 KPNO WIYNQ 1
Robertson, Paul University of California, Irvine GarNEID: the NEID M dwarf exoplanet survey 2020B-0415 KPNO WIYNQ 0.5


Approved Testing and Engineering Programs

PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
Mahadevan, Suvrath Pennsylvania State University NEID Science Commissioning 2020B-2001 KPNO WIYN 22
Schweiker, Heidi WIYN Observatory NEID Port Commissioning 2020B-2003 KPNO WIYN 8
Schweiker, Heidi WIYN Observatory T&E 2020B-2006 KPNO WIYN 6


Approved Testing and Engineering Programs

PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
Cooke, Jeffrey Swinburne University of Technology All-wavelength search for FRB counterparts and fast transients 2020B-0915 CTIO 4m 3


Programs: 156
Nights: 509.92


Updated on January 28, 2025, 11:26 am