Mosaic Checklist


Sacar tapa del corrector Remove cover for ADC corrector
Hacer flip a Mosaico Flip Mosaic
Cambiar llaves de llenado de nitrogeno Change valve to fill the dewar
Revisar lista de filtros para instalacion Check filter list, change if needed
Hacer balance Balance telescope
Revisar/Alinear lamparas de calibracion Check and align flat field lamps
Revisar tanque de nitrogeno para llenado Check that nitrogen tank has liquid nitrogen in it
Poner protector de genero negro en chimenea Put gage protector on chimney
Poner tapon de madera en boquilla de llenado Put wooden plug to nozzle



Revisar si ctioa0 "is up and running"
( PVM's and VNC 's)
Check out ctioa0 
Revisar si ctioa8 "is up and running"
(PVM's and VNC's)
Check out ctioa8

To check VNC's, the commands and results should look like the following...

  • ON ctioa0

mosaic@ctioa0% ps aux | grep vnc

mosaic 406 0.0 0.8 2244 2984 ? S Apr 14 85:57 Xvnc :9 -desktop X -http
mosaic 408 0.0 0.0 36 0 ? IW Apr 14 0:00 /bin/sh /arc/mosaic/.vnc
mosaic 11581 0.0 0.1 56 232 pb S 11:33 0:00 grep vnc
  • ON ctioa8

mosaic@ctioa8% ps aux | grep vnc

mosaic 6281 0.0 0.1 4304 2720 pts/0 S 10:49 0:01 Xvnc :9 -desktop
mosaic 6541 0.8 0.2 6124 4568 pts/0 S 11:00 0:11 Xvnc :8 -desktop
mosaic 7465 0.0 0.0 1728 592 pts/7 S 11:23 0:00 grep vnc


To check that PVM is working and correctly configured on both machines

  • ON ctioa0

mosaic@ctioa0% pvm
pvmd already running.
pvm> conf
2 hosts, 2 data formats

ctioa0 40000 SUN4 1000
ctioa8 c0000 LINUX 1000

pvm> quit

pvmd still running.

  • ON ctioa8

mosaic@ctioa8% pvm
pvmd already running.
pvm> conf
2 hosts, 2 data formats

ctioa0 40000 SUN4 1000
ctioa8 c0000 LINUX 1000

pvm> quit

pvmd still running.

If EITHER does not look like this, it is best to simply start from the beginning. 
This involves killing the pvm processes on BOTH ctioa0 and ctioa8 and then
restarting them.  To do this, follow the instructions on restarting the pvm.

Partir la sesion de VNC ( vncviewer) de Arcon en ctioa0 Start Arcon VNC session on ctioa0
Partir la sesion de VNC ( vncviewer ) de DCA en ctioa8 Start DCA VNC session on ctioa8
Partir la sesion de VNC ( vncviewer ) de IRAF en ctioa8 Start IRAF VNC on ctioa8
Partir sesion de Arcon con "Restart Arcon" Start Arcon session with "Restart Arcon"
Fijarse de que no haya errores en la partida de Arcon Take a look at Arcon window for signs of problems
Fijarse de TCS y MSE Check the TCS and MSE boxes in the Mosaic GUI.
Configurar la lectura de CCD ( 8 o 16 Amps ) Configure Mosaic to 8 or 16 Amps
Tomar un "test" de bias y fijarse que termine bien Take a test bias, and make sure it looks good
Crear directorio de observacion y directorio de pruebas Create a directory for the observer and also for testing
En directorio de pruebas tomar secuencia de bias (20) In the directory for testing, take a sequence of biases
Tomar sequencia de "domeflats" en forma automatica
( "doobs")  : 5 exp / filtro
Take a series of dome flats 5 exposures/filter
Revisar que las cuentas de los bias son normales Confirm bias counts are normal
En directorio de pruebas revisar # de cuentas en
"flats" de los filtros a usar
Confirm counts listed on sign for given exposure time
are approximately correct.
Revisar movimiento en rueda de filtros en ambas direcciones Check filter wheel movement in both directions
Revisar el listado de filtros con comando "wheel1"
y si es necesario actualizar lista
Check list of filters using "wheel1" command
and make sure filters are appropriate for the nights run
Apagar bomba de vacio del secundario Turn off vacuum pump for secondary mirror
Seleccionar instrumento en TCS Select instrument in TCS
Mover switch selector de foco a PRIME Move switch to prime focus
Chequear si los elementos del ADC estan trabajando Check if ADC works
Chequear si las camaras de guiaje estan conectadas Check that guider camera is connected
Revisar/inicializar el valor del foco en pedestal Check and initialize value for pedestal focus

Last updated June, 2010

Updated on June 4, 2021, 9:32 am