NOIRLab Scientific staff
This is the complete listing of all research scientists and astronomers at NOIRLab. These people are the scientific staff of the major NOIRLab programs, which include CSDC, Gemini, MSO (CTIO/KPNO/SOAR), and Rubin. Postdoctoral research fellows and emeritus members of the scientific staff are also listed. Links are provided to personal web pages. Staff can be contacted by email using
Name | Position | Scientific Keywords | Location | |
Timothy Abbott (Tim) | Observatory Scientist, MSO-CTIO | Variable stars, Interacting binary stars, Cataclysmic Variables, Low Mass X-ray Binaries, Black hole binary stars, Novel transient objects, Supernovae, Dark energy, Survey Science, Fast Radio Bursters, Meteors and meteorites, Optical & IR Telescopes, Instrumentation, and Observatory operations. | | La Serena, Chile |
Helmut Abt | Astronomer Emeritus, MSO-KPNO | Double stars; stellar rotation; stellar characteristics; publication practices in astronomy | helmut.abt | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Andrew Adamson | Associate Director Hawaii Site, Gemini | Interstellar Dust: mostly 3 and 5 micron spectroscopy and spectropolarimetry of solid phase volatiles and aliphatic hydrocarbons in various environments. Interstellar medium: spectroscopy and spectropolarimetry of diffuse interstellar bands. Hawaii site overall responsibility including collaboration with other Maunakea Observatories. No web page. Mid-level proficiency in Java, Javascript and googlescript, basic in Python. | andy.adamson | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA |
Lori Allen | Director, MSO | lori.allen | Tucson, Arizona, USA | |
Gloria Fonseca Alvarez | Postdoctoral Research Associate, Rubin Observatory | Supermassive Black Holes and Active Galaxies: Supermassive black holes, Quasars, Accretion disks, Quasar variability, Reverberation mapping, Spectral energy distribution | gloria.fonseca | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Jennifer E. Andrews | Assistant Astronomer, Gemini North | Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Massive stars, Supernovae, Circumstellar matter, Evolved stars | jennifer.andrews | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA |
Rodolfo Angeloni | Assistant Scientist, Gemini South | Binary stars / Trinary stars, Circumstellar matter, Interstellar medium, Evolved stars, Late-type stars, Planetary nebulae, Stellar accretion disks, Stellar evolution, Stellar jets, Variable stars, White dwarf stars, Magellanic Clouds | rodolfo.angeloni | La Serena, Chile |
Pablo Arrabal Haro | Postdoctoral Researcher, CSDC | Galaxies: High-redshift galaxies, Emission line galaxies, Galaxy evolution, Galaxy formation, Galaxy environments, Infrared photometry, Spectral energy distribution, Star formation, Starburst galaxies, Stellar populations, Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Galaxy clusters, Galaxy groups, Reionization. | pablo.arrabalharo | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
John P. Blakeslee | Astronomer, RSS Director | Stellar Populations: Elliptical galaxies, Galaxy bulges, Galaxy structure; Galaxies: Elliptical galaxies, Stellar populations; Supermassive Black Holes; Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Galaxy clusters, Large-scale structure of the universe, Stellar distance. | john.blakeslee | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Robert D. Blum | Director for Operations, Rubin Observatory | Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Late-type stars; Massive stars, Young Stellar Objects. Galaxies: Local Group. Stellar Populations (and the ISM): Galactic Center. | bob.blum | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Konstantina Boutsia | Associate Scientist, MSO/CTIO | Galaxies: Galaxy classification systems, Galaxy evolution, High-redshift galaxies; Supermassive Black Holes And Active Galaxies: Broad-absorption line quasar, Emission line galaxies, High-luminosity active galactic nuclei, Low-luminosity active galactic nuclei, Quasars; Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Cosmology, Extragalactic Legacy And Deep Fields, Reionization, Gravitational lensing. | konstantina.boutsia | La Serena, Chile |
César Briceño | Scientist, MSO-CTIO | Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Binary stars/Trinary stars, Brown dwarfs stars, Circumstellar matter, Insterstellar medium, Late-type stars, Low mass stars, Molecular clouds, Pre-main sequence stars, Stellar accretion disks, Stellar evolution, Stellar jets, Stellar phenomena, Variable stars, Young Stellar objects, T Tauri, Stellar Populations (and the ISM): Hertzsprung Russell diagram, Late-type stars, Open star clusters, Star clusters, Star formation; Time Domain Science. | cesar.briceno | La Serena, Chile |
Eleazar R. Carrasco | Associate Astronomer, Gemini Observatory | Galaxies: Galaxy environments, Galaxy evolution, High-redshift galaxies, Quenched galaxies, Galaxy mergers, Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Dark matter distribution, Galaxy clusters, Galaxy groups, Gravitational lensing, Large-scale structure of the universe. | rodrigo.carrasco | La Serena, Chile |
André-Nicolas Chené | Associate Astronomer, Gemini Observatory | Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Binary stars / Trinary stars, Early-type stars, Evolved stars, Main sequence Stars, Massive stars, Stellar atmospheres, Stellar evolution, Variable stars, Wolf-Rayet stars; Stellar Populations (and the ISM): Galactic center, Galaxy bulges, Globular star clusters, H II regions, Hertzsprung Russell diagram, Intermediate type stars, Late-type stars, Open star clusters, Star clusters, Star formation, Stellar distance; Galaxies: Galaxy structure | andre-nicolas.chene | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA |
Kristin Chiboucas | Associate Scientist, Gemini | Galaxies: clusters: general, dwarf, evolution, :star clusters: general, luminosity function, fundamental parameters | kristin.chiboucas | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA |
Yumi Choi | Assistant Astronomer, CSDC and Rubin/CST | Magellanic Clouds, Dwarf galaxies, Stellar populations, Hertzsprung Russell diagram, Star formation, HII regions, Interstellar medium, Massive stars, Reionization | yumi.choi | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Julian C. Christou | Assistant Scientist, Gemini | Solar System Astronomy: Asteroids, Jovian satellites | julian.christou | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Aleksandar Cikota | Assistant Scientist, Gemini South | Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Supernovae, Interstellar medium, Circumstellar matter Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Cosmology, Gravitational lensing, Solar System | aleksandar.cikota | La Serena, Chile |
Christophe Clergeon | christophe.clergeon | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA | ||
Stuartt Allan Corder | Deputy Director, NOIRLab | Exoplanets and Exoplanet Formation: exoplanet formation, protoplanetary disks, planet hosting stars, Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: circumstellar matter, interstellar dust, interstellar medium, molecular clouds, pre-main sequence stars, stellar accretion disks, stellar jets, young stellar objects | stuartt.corder | |
Scott E. Dahm | Gemini Deputy Director | Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: brown dwarfs, circumstellar matter, low mass stars, pre-main sequence stars, stellar accretion disks. Stellar Populations (and the ISM): H II regions, open star clusters, star formation. | scott.dahm | |
Guillermo Damke | Assistant Scientist, MSO-CTIO | Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Late-type stars, Variable Stars, Stellar Populations (and the ISM): Chemical abundances, Dwarf Galaxies, Galaxy evolution, Galaxy halos, Globular star clusters, Stellar distance, Population II stars, Galaxies: Disk Galaxies, Elliptical galaxies, Dwarf galaxies, Galaxy classification systems, Local Group, Stellar populations, Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Galaxy clusters. Others: Artificial Light at Night / Site Preservation / Light Pollution | guillermo.damke | La Serena, Chile |
Emily Deibert | Science Fellow, Gemini | Exoplanets and Exoplanet Formation: Chemical Composition, Exoplanet Atmospheres, Exoplanet Atmospheric Composition, Exoplanet Atmospheric Variability, Exoplanet Evolution, Exoplanet Formation, Exoplanets, Extrasolar Gas Giants, Extrasolar Rocky Planets, Transits | emily.deibert | La Serena, Chile |
Arjun Dey | Astronomer, MSO | Methods: observational, data analysis, telescopes Techniques: image processing, imaging, spectroscopic, polarimetric galaxies: active, evolution, formation, general, high-redshift, interstellar medium, stellar content, quasars Milky Way Galaxy: evolution, formation, general, structure, interstellar medium Cosmology: observations, cosmological parameters, dark matter, dark energy, dark ages, reionization, first stars Surveys, catalogs, atlases | arjun.dey | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Ruben Diaz | Instrumentation Program Scientist, Development and Science Operations, Gemini Observatory | Galaxies: Astronomical models, Disk galaxies, Galaxy dark matter halos, Galaxy disks, Galaxy evolution, Galaxy mergers, Galaxy structure, High-redshift galaxies, Interacting galaxies, Luminous infrared galaxies, Star formation, Starburst galaxies, Ultraluminous infrared galaxies. Supermassive Black Holes and Active Galaxies: AGN host galaxies, Blazars, Galaxy winds, Low-luminosity active galactic nuclei, Quasars, Seyfert galaxies, Supermassive black holes. Stellar Populations (and the ISM): Galactic center, H II regions, Interstellar dust, Interstellar medium, Planetary nebulae. Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Dark matter distribution, Extragalactic Legacy and Deep Fields. | ruben.diaz | La Serena, Chile |
Mark Dickinson | Astronomer, US-ELTP and CSDC | Galaxies: Galaxy evolution, High-redshift galaxies, Star formation, Stellar populations, Galaxy environments; Supermassive Black Holes And Active Galaxies: AGN host galaxies; Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Galaxy clusters | mark.dickinson | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Michelle Edwards | michelle.edwards | Tucson, Arizona, USA | ||
Jonathan H. Elias | Astronomer, MSO. SOAR Director | Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Young stellar objects, Novae [added], Supernovae, Circumstellar matter, H II regions, Herbig-Haro objects [added], Supernova remnants [added] Stellar Populations (and the ISM): Star formation Galaxies: Magellanic Clouds | jonathan.elias | La Serena, Chile |
Mark E. Everett | Associate Scientist, MSO | Exoplanets and Exoplanet Formation: Exoplanet formation, Exoplanet systems, Extrasolar rocky planets, Planet hosting stars, Transits Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Astrometry, Binary stars/Trinary stars, Stellar abundances, Stellar phenomena, Variable stars | mark.everett | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Parker Anne Fagrelius | Assistant Scientist, MSO | Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Cosmology, Dark Energy, Large-scale structure of the universe; Solar System Astronomy: Space Weather, Airglow; | parker.fagrelius | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Emanuele Paolo Farina (Ema) | Associate Scientist, Gemini North | Intergalactic Medium and the Circumgalactic Medium: Circumgalactic medium, Cooling flows, Intergalactic medium, Metal line absorbers. Supermassive Black Holes And Active Galaxies: AGN host galaxies, Blazars, Broad-absorption line quasar, Emission line galaxies, High-luminosity active, galactic nuclei, M-sigma relation, Quasars, Supermassive black holes. Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Cooling flows, Cosmolog, Galaxy clusters, Galaxy groups, Protogalaxies, Reionization | emanuele.farina | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA |
Joan Font | Assistant Scientist. SciOps | Galaxies: Disk galaxies, Emission line galaxies, Galaxy disks, Galaxy evolution, Galaxy mergers, Galaxy structure, Interacting galaxies, Galactic kinematics, Galactic dynamics. Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Molecular clouds, H-II regions, Interstellar dust. Stellar Populations (and the ISM): Galaxy evolution, Interstellar medium, Interstellar dust, H-II regions. | joan.font | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA |
Shenming Fu | Postdoctoral Research Associate, CSDC | Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Astronomical simulations, Cosmology, Dark energy, Dark matter distribution, Galaxy clusters, Gravitational lensing, Intracluster medium, Large-scale structure of the universe, Supernovae. Stellar Populations (and the ISM): Dwarf galaxies. Galaxies: Dwarf galaxies, Galaxy dark matter halos. Low surface brightness objects. Photometric redshift. Dark matter self-interaction. | shenming.fu | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Catharine (Katy) D. Garmany | Emerita | Stellar physics & stellar types: massive stars. Public outreach; relations with the Tohono O’odham Nation | katy.garmany | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Vincent Garrel | Associate Scientist, Gemini South | vincent.garrel | La Serena, Chile | |
Tom Geballe | Emeritus Astronomer, Gemini | Solar System Astronomy: Outer planets, Planetary atmospheres, Surface ices; Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Brown dwarf stars, Circumstellar matter, Early-type stars, Evolved stars, Interstellar dust, Interstellar medium, Late-type stars, Molecular clouds, Novae, Planetary nebulae, Stellar evolution, Supernovae, Young stellar objects, Galactic center | tom.geballe | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA |
German Gimeno | Scientist, Gemini South | Astronomical models, Disk galaxies,Galaxy dark matter halos,Galaxy disks, Galaxy stellar halos, Galaxy structure | german.gimeno | La Serena, Chile |
Sarah Greenstreet | Assistant Astronomer, Rubin Observatory | Solar System Astronomy: Asteroids, Astronomical models, Astronomical simulations, Centaurs, Irregular satellites, Main belt asteroids, Minor planets, Near-Earth objects, Orbits, Orbital dynamics, Planetary surfaces, Small solar system bodies, Surface processes, Trans-Neptunian objects, Trojan asteroids, Exoplanets and Exoplanet Formation: Astronomical simulations, Protoplanetary disks (Extrasolar) | sarah.greenstreet | Seattle, WA |
Arvind F. Gupta | NOIRLab Postdoctoral Fellow | Exoplanets And Exoplanet Formation: Exoplanet detection methods, Planet hosting stars, Extrasolar giant planets, Extrasolar rocky planets, Exoplanet atmospheres. Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Stellar atmospheres | arvind.gupta | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Thomas L. Hayward | Telescope Scientist | thomas.hayward | La Serena, Chile | |
Steve Heathcote | Associate Director CTIO / Astronomer, CTIO/MSO | Stellar physics and stellar types: Circumstellar matter, Early-Type Stars, Evolved stars, Herbig-Haro Objects, HII regions, interstellar medium, Molecular clouds, Planetary Nebulae, Pre-Main sequence stars, stellar accretion disks, Stellar Jets, supernovae, Novae, Killonovae, young stellar objects. Stellar Populations (and the ISM): HII regions, Interstellar medium, Planetary nebulae, Star formation | steve.heathcote | La Serena, Chile |
Jeong-Eun Heo | Science Fellow, Gemini South | Binary stars, Evolved Stars, Novae, Planetary nebulae, Radiative transfer, Stellar accretion disks, Symbiotic stars, Variable stars, White dwarf stars | jeong-eun.heo | La Serena, Chile |
Kenneth H. Hinkle (Ken) | Emeritus Scientist, CSDC USNGO | Stellar Physics: abundances, accretion disks, AGB and post-AGB, binaries: spectroscopic, binaries: symbiotic, carbon, circumstellar matter, evolution, evolved stars, kinematics and dynamics, late-type, oscillations (including pulsations), peculiar, winds, outflows, ISM: planetary nebulae | ken.hinkle | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Paul Hirst | paul.hirst | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA | ||
George H. Jacoby | Astronomer Emeritus, MSO | Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Planetary nebulae, Binary stars, Evolved stars, Stellar abundances, Supernovae, White dwarf stars; Stellar Populations (and the ISM): Chemical Abundances, Elliptical galaxies; Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Cosmology, Dark Energy, Supernovae | george.jacoby | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Inger Jorgensen | NOIRLab Associate Director for Operations, Tenured astronomer | Galaxies: Elliptical galaxies, galaxy evolution, scaling relations, stellar populations, chemical abundances, galaxy, structure, high-redshift galaxies, quenched galaxies. Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Galaxy clusters. | inger.jorgensen | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA |
Richard R. Joyce (Dick) | Scientist, MSO | Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Astrometry, Binary stars, Circumstellar matter, Late-type stars, Planetary nebulae; Stellar Populations (and the ISM): Interstellar dust | richard.joyce | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Stephanie Juneau | Associate Astronomer, CSDC | Stellar Populations (and the ISM): Chemical abundances, Galaxy evolution, Galaxies: Chemical abundances, Emission line galaxies, Galaxy structure, High-redshift galaxies, Luminous infrared galaxies, Spectral energy distribution, Ultraluminous infrared galaxies Supermassive Black Holes And Active Galaxies: AGN host galaxies, Emission line galaxies, Galaxy jets, Galaxy winds, LINER galaxies, Seyfert galaxies, Supermassive black holes, Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Extragalactic Legacy And Deep Fields, Galaxy groups, Large-scale structure of the universe. | stephanie.juneau | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Venu M. Kalari | Assistant Scientist, Gemini South | Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Pre-main sequence stars, Massive stars, H II regions, Molecular clouds, Young stellar objects; Stellar populations (and the ISM): Early-type stars, Hertzsprung Russell diagram, Magellanic Clouds, Open star clusters. | venu.kalari | La Serena, Chile |
Hwihyun Kim | Scientist, Gemini | Stellar Populations (and the ISM): Early-type stars, Galaxy evolution, Globular star clusters, Ultracompact HII regions, Interstellar medium, Open star clusters, Star clusters, Galaxies: Dwarf galaxies, Galaxy classification systems, Galaxy environments, Galaxy evolution, Galaxy formation, Infrared photometry, Star clusters, Spiral galaxies, Starburst galaxies, Stellar populations | | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Kathleen Labrie | Observatory Scientist, Gemini North | Galaxies: quasars, quasar: broad emission line, quasar: microlensing, starburst; Stars: supernovae; ISM: interstellar dust, supernova remnants, kinematics and dynamics; Techniques: image processing. | kathleen.labrie | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA |
Ryan M. Lau | Assistant Astronomer, Rubin/CSDC | Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Circumstellar matter, Evolved stars, Interstellar dust, Massive stars, stellar evolution, Stellar phenomena, Supernovae, Variable stars | ryan.lau | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Tod R. Lauer | Astronomer, CSDC | Solar System Astronomy: Planetary surfaces, Trans-Neptunian objects, Stellar Populations (and the ISM): Elliptical galaxies, Galaxy bulges, Galaxy structure, Galaxies: Elliptical galaxies, Galaxy bulges, Scaling relations, Stellar populations, Supermassive Black Holes And Active Galaxies: M-sigma relation, Supermassive black holes, Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Galaxy clusters, Large-scale structure of the universe | tod.lauer | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Sandy Leggett | Astronomer, Gemini North | Stars: atmospheres; (stars:) brown dwarfs; stars: fundamental parameters; (stars:) white dwarfs; infrared: stars. | sandy.leggett | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA |
Brian C. Lemaux | Staff Scientist, Gemini North | Galaxies: Emission line galaxies, Galaxy environments, Galaxy evolution, High-redshift galaxies, Quenched galaxies, Star formation, Starburst galaxies, Intergalactic Medium and the Circumgalactic Medium: Astronomical models, Intergalactic medium, Supermassive Black Holes And Active Galaxies: LINER galaxies, Quenched galaxies, Seyfert galaxies, Stellar feedback, X-ray active galactic nuclei, Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Astronomical models, Astronomical simulations, Galaxy clusters, Galaxy groups, Galaxy Proto-clusters, Large-scale structure of the universe. | brian.lemaux | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA |
Marie Lemoine-Busserolle | Associate Scientist, Gemini North | Galaxies: Disk galaxies, Dwarf galaxies, Emission line galaxies, Galaxy disks, Galaxy dark matter halos, Galaxy evolution, Galaxy formation, High-redshift galaxies, Star formation, Starburst galaxies | marie.busserolle | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA |
Dan Li | Assistant Scientist, MSO | Protoplanetary disks, Minor planets, asteroids: general, ISM: magnetic fields. | | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Wilson M. Liu | MSO | Planetary Systems: asteroids (active), comets Stars: circumstellar matter, evolution, formation, pre-main sequence, protostars, Population II; ISM: clouds, HII regions; Galaxy: globular clusters | wilson.liu | |
Sarah E. Logsdon | Assistant Scientist, RSS | Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Brown dwarfs, low-mass stars, stellar atmospheres, kinematics and dynamics. Exoplanets And Exoplanet Formation: Exoplanets, Exoplanet detection methods. | sarah.logsdon | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Cicero X. Lu | Science Fellow, Gemini North | Exoplanets And Exoplanet Formation: Debris Disks, Protoplanetary disks (Extrasolar), Exoplanet systems, Exoplanet Occurrences, Chemical composition, Astronomical models; Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Circumstellar matter, Early-type stars, NIR and MIR spectroscopy and imaging, Stellar abundances | | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA |
Lucas Macri | Project Director, US-ELTP | Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Variable stars; Galaxies: Stellar populations; Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Stellar distances | lucas.macri | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Steven Margheim | Scientist, Rubin Observatory | Stars: abundances, stars: evolution, (stars:) supernovae | steven.margheim | La Serena, Chile |
Clara E. Martínez-Vázquez | Science Fellow, Gemini North | Stars: distances, horizontal-brach, low-mass, Population II, variables: Cepheids, delta Scuti, RR Lyrae. Galaxy: globular clusters, open clusters and associations. Galaxies: dwarf, evolution, formation, Local Group, photometry, star clusters. | clara.martinez | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA |
Thomas Matheson | Astronomer, CSDC | Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Evolved stars, Gamma-ray bursts, Late-type stars, Massive stars, Supernovae, Variable Stars, White dwarf stars, Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Cosmology, Dark Energy, Stellar distance, Supernovae | tom.matheson | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Patrick J. McCarthy | NOIRLab Director | Galaxies: Emission-line galaxies, galaxy evolution, high-redshift galaxies, galaxy winds, galaxy jets, Supermassive Black Holes and AGN: High-luminosity active galactic nuclei, Solar System: Comets | pat.mccarthy | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Aaron M. Meisner | Associate Astronomer, Rubin Observatory | Crowdsourced science, time-domain astronomy, Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Astrometry, Brown dwarf stars, Visual binaries, Late-type stars, Low-mass stars, Parallaxes, Proper motions, Solar System Astronomy: Trans-Neptunian objects, Exoplanets And Exoplanet Formation: Free floating planets, Stellar Populations (and the ISM): Interstellar dust, Interstellar medium, Supermassive Black Holes and Active Galaxies: Quasars, Quasar variability, Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Dark energy, Large-scale structure of the universe | aaron.meisner | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Bryan W. Miller | Astronomer, Gemini Observatory | Galaxies: Dwarf galaxies, Elliptical galaxies, Galaxy evolution, Star clusters, Interacting galaxies, Galaxy dark matter halos; Stellar Populations (and the ISM): Globular star clusters; Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Galaxy groups, Dark matter distribution | bryan.miller | La Serena, Chile |
Teo Mocnik | Scientist, Gemini North | Exoplanets and Exoplanet Formation: Exoplanets, Planet hosting stars, Transits; Solar System Astronomy: Asteroids; Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Planetary nebulae, Variable stars | teo.mocnik | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA |
Joan R. Najita | Astronomer, RSS | Accretion, accretion disks Astrobiology Astrochemistry Magnetohydrodynamics Planets and satellites: formation Protoplanetary disks stars: formation stars: low-mass stars: luminosity function, mass function (stars:) planetary systems stars: pre-main sequence stars: protostars stars: rotation ISM: abundances (ISM:) dust, extinction ISM: jets and outflows ISM: lines and bands ISM: molecules Galaxy: evolution Galaxy: kinematics and dynamics (Galaxy:) open clusters and assocations: general infrared: general infrared: ISM infrared: planetary systems radio continuum: planetary systems submillimeter: planetary systems ultraviolet: planetary systems ultraviolet: stars X-rays: stars time domain astronomy archival data sets low mass stars and brown dwarfs structure and origin of the Milky Way massively multiplexed wide-field spectroscopy nature of discovery in astronomy science sociology and resource allocation practices in astronomy | joan.najita | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Felipe Navarete | SOAR Resident Science Fellow, RSS | Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Be stars, Binary stars, Circumstellar matter, Early-type stars, Evolved stars, H II regions, Intermediate type stars, Interstellar dust, Interstellar medium, Late-type stars, Main sequence Stars, Massive stars, Molecular clouds, Planetary nebulae, Pre-main sequence stars, Stellar accretion disks, Stellar evolution, Stellar jets, Variable stars, Young stellar objects. Stellar Populations (and the ISM): Associations, Early-type stars, Galactic center, Galaxy bulges, Galaxy evolution, Galaxy structure, Globular star clusters, H II regions, Hertzsprung Russell diagram, Intermediate type stars, Interstellar dust, Interstellar ices, Interstellar medium, Late-type stars, Local Group, Magellanic Clouds, Open star clusters, Planetary nebulae, Population I stars, Population II stars, Population III stars, Star clusters, Star formation, Stellar distance. Galaxies: Emission line galaxies, Local Group, Spectral energy distribution, Star clusters, Star formation, Starburst galaxies, Stellar populations. Supermassive Black Holes And Active Galaxies: Stellar accretion disks, Stellar feedback, Supermassive black holes. Multi-Messenger Astronomy: Gravitational Waves | felipe.navarete | La Serena, Chile |
Robert Nikutta | Associate Scientist, CSDC | galaxies: active, nuclei, Seyfert; infrared: galaxies; X-rays: galaxies; radiative transfer; radiation mechanisms: thermal; accretion; accretion disks; techniques: high angular resolution, image processing, interferometric; astronomical databases: miscellaneous; surveys; virtual observatory tools; methods: statistical, numerical, analytical, data analysis; machine learning methods; Bayesian statistics; democratizing access to large astronomical data | robert.nikutta | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Atsuko Nitta | Observatory Scientist, Gemini North | Stellar physics and stellar types : Stellar evolution, Variable stars, White dwarf stars | atsuko.nitta | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA |
Dara J. Norman | Scientist, CSDC | galaxies: active; evolution; environments; clusters; groups gravitational lensing ; Large-scale structure of the universe | dara.norman | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Knut A.G. Olsen | Associate Astronomer, CSDC | Stellar Populations: Dwarf galaxies; Star clusters; Local Group; Magellanic Clouds; Hertzsprung Russell diagram; Interstellar medium; Star formation Galaxies: Galaxy disks; Galaxy bulges; Galaxy structure; Galaxy formation; Galaxy evolution | knut.olsen | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Eric W. Peng | Astronomer, US-ELT Program | Stellar Populations: Star clusters, Population II stars, Stellar distance, Planetary nebulae; Galaxies: Dwarf galaxies, Elliptical galaxies, Galaxy dark matter halos, Galaxy environments, Galaxy stellar halos, Galaxy structure, Quenched galaxies, Star clusters, Stellar populations | eric.peng | |
Vinicius M. Placco | Associate Astronomer, CSDC | Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Astronomical simulations, Low mass stars, Main sequence stars, Stellar abundances, Stellar atmospheres. Stellar Populations (and the ISM): Astronomical simulations, Chemical abundances, Dwarf galaxies, Galaxy halos, Hertzsprung Russell diagram, Population II stars, Population III stars. | vinicius.placco | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Sean D. Points | Scientist, MSO-CTIO | Interstellar Medium (ISM): Supernova remnants, bubbles, planetary nebulae, HII regions, evolution, kinematics. Galaxies: Evolution, ISM, abundances. X-rays: ISM | sean.points | La Serena, Chile |
Stephen M. Pompea | Observatory Scientist Emeritus | Learning Theory, Science Identity Formation, Science Capital, Educational Systems, Formal Education, Museum and Planetarium Education, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Teacher Professional Development, Curriculum Design, Instructional Materials Design, Learning Cycles, Astronomical Tourism, Educational Program Evaluation, Science and Technology Centers, Visitor Centers, Citizen Science | stephen.pompea | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Jayadev Rajagopal | Scientist, MSO-WIYN | Solar System Astronomy: Asteroids, Main Belt asteroids, Comets, Small solar system bodies, zodiacal cloud, exoplanets, host stars, circumstellar environments, high angular resolution imaging, interferometry | jayadev.rajagopal | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Fredrik T. Rantakyro | Observatory Scientist, Gemini South | Solar System Astronomy: Comets, Exoplanets And Exoplanet Formation: Coronagraphic imaging, Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Circumstellar matter, Early-type stars, H II regions, Interstellar Dust, Exoplanets And Exoplanet Formation:Exoplanet detection methods, Exoplanet systems, Protoplanetary disks (Extrasolar), Stellar Physics and Stellar Types:Molecular clouds, Supermassive Black Holes And Active Galaxies: Blazars, Galaxy jets, Quasars, Radio cores, Supermassive black holes | fredrik.rantakyro | La Serena, Chile |
Mark G. Rawlings | Associate Scientist, Gemini North | Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Circumstellar matter, Early-type stars, Evolved stars, HII regions, Interstellar dust, Interstellar medium, Molecular clouds; Stellar Populations (and the ISM): HII regions, Interstellar dust, Interstellar ices, interstellar medium, late-type stars; Star formation Supermassive Black Holes And Active Galaxies: Supermassive black holes; Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Gravitational lensing | mark.rawlings | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA |
Henrique Reggiani | Assistant Astronomer | Exoplanets And Exoplanet Formation: Chemical composition, Exoplanet atmospheres, Exoplanet formation, Extrasolar rocky planets, Planet hosting stars. Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Main sequence Stars, Stellar abundances, Stellar evolution. Stellar Populations (and the ISM): Chemical abundances, Galactic Halo, Galactic Bulge, Population II stars, Population III stars. Galactic Archaeology/Near-Field Cosmology: Population II stars, Stellar Nucleosynthesis, Galactic Formation, Galactic Chemical Evolution | henrique.reggiani | |
Susan Ridgway | susan.ridgway | Tucson, Arizona, USA | ||
Stephen T. Ridgway | Astronomer, CSDC | Solar system small bodies, exoplanet detection, evolved stars, stellar mass loss, time domain phenomena | stephen.ridgway | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Abhijit Saha | Astronomer, Director RSS | Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Variable stars, Stellar Populations (and the ISM): Dwarf galaxies, Galaxy halos, Galaxy bulges, Galaxy evolution, Hertzsprung Russell diagram, Local Group, Magellanic Clouds, Stellar distance, Galaxies: Local Group, Stellar Populations, Cosmology: distance scale, cosmological parameters, Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Stellar distance, Supernovae. | abi.saha | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Julia Scharwächter | Scientist, Gemini North | Supermassive Black Holes And Active Galaxies: AGN host galaxies, Seyfert galaxies, M-sigma relation, Supermassive black holes | julia.scharwaechter | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA |
Garima Singh | Adaptive Optics Associate Scientist, Gemini North | Exoplanets and Exoplanet Formation: Astronomical models and simulations, Coronagraphic Imaging, Exoplanet atmospheres, Exoplanet atmospheric composition, Exoplanet detection methods, Exoplanet systems, Exoplanets, Exoplanet evolution and formation, Extrasolar gas giants, Protoplanetary disks (Extrasolar), Debris disks. Astronomical Instrumentation: Adaptive Optics, Extreme-Adaptive Optics, Wavefront sensors, Wavefront correctors, Speckle suppression, Exoplanet post-processing. | garima.singh | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA |
Gaetano Sivo | Scientist, Gemini South | We need to add instrumentation ones, like always Instrumentation scientist are forgotten in these exercises. Instrumentation: Adaptive Optics, High Resolution Imaging, Atmospheric Turbulence. | gaetano.sivo | La Serena, Chile |
Malcolm Smith | Emeritus Astronomer, MSO-CTIO | ISM: Dynamics of individual HII Regions using Fabry-Pérot interferometer. Galaxies: Internal gas dynamics. Supermassive Black Holes And Active Galaxies. Studies of individual quasar physics. | La Serena, Chile | |
Verne V. Smith | Astronomer, CSDC | Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Evolved stars, Late-type stars, Low-mass stars, Massive stars, Radiative transfer, Stellar abundances, Stellar Atmospheres, Stellar Evolution, Variable stars; Stellar Populations: Chemical abundances, Dwarf galaxies, Galactic center, Galactic bulges, Galaxy evolution, Globular star clusters, HR diagram, Local Group, Magellanic Clouds, Open star clusters, Population I, II, & III stars, Star clusters, Stellar distance; Exoplanets and Exoplanet Formation: Exoplanet atmospheres, Exoplanet systems, Planet hosting stars. | verne.smith | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Monika D. Soraisam | Associate Scientist, Gemini North | Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Massive stars, Evolved stars, Early-type stars, Stellar evolution, Supernovae, Variable stars, White dwarf stars; Stellar Populations (and the ISM): Hertzsprung Russell diagram, Star clusters, Stellar distance | monika.soraisam | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA |
Letizia Stanghellini | Astronomer, CSDC | Galactic and extragalactic planetary nebulae, circumstellar matter, stellar evolution, chemical abundances, galaxy evolution, Magellanic Clouds, late-type galaxies, spiral galaxies, HII regions. | letizia.stanghellini | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Andrew W. Stephens | Scientist, Gemini North | Star Clusters, Stellar Evolution, Galaxy Evolution, Solar System Astronomy | andrew.stephens | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA |
Stephen Strom (Steve) | stephen.strom | Tucson, Arizona, USA | ||
Hyewon Suh | Assistant Scientist, Gemini North | Galaxies: Dwarf galaxies, Emission line galaxies, Galaxy evolution, Galaxy formation, Galaxy mergers, High-redshift galaxies, Interacting galaxies, Scaling relations, Spectral energy distribution, Star formation, Stellar populations, Supermassive Black Holes and Active Galaxies: AGN host galaxies, High-luminosity active galactic nuclei, Low-luminosity active galactic nuclei, M-sigma relation, Quasars, Seyfert galaxies, Supermassive black holes, X-ray active galactic nuclei, Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Extragalactic Legacy and Deep Fields | hyewon.suh | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA |
Joanna Thomas-Osip | Head of Gemini South Science Operations | Solar System Astronomy: Asteroids, Binary Systems/Multiple Systems, Centaurs, Minor planets, Near Earth Objects, Occultation, Planetary Atmospheres, Small solar system bodies, Space weather, Surface processes, Surface variability, Trans-Neptunian objects, Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: radiative transfer (but really in planetary atmospheres) Extra: ground-based spacecraft mission support, atmospheric dust, interplanetary dust | joanna.thomas | La Serena, Chile |
Andrei Tokovinin | Astronomer, MSO-CTIO | Binaries; binaries: general; binaries: spectroscopic; binaries: visual; instrumentation: high angular resolution, instrumentation: adaptive optics, instrumentation: spectrographs; atmospheric effects. | andrei.tokovinin | La Serena, Chile |
James E. Turner | Observatory Scientist, Gemini South | james.turner | La Serena, Chile | |
William D. Vacca | Head of Science User Support, Gemini | Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Early-type stars, H II regions, Low mass stars, Massive stars, Stellar accretion disks, Supernovae, Young stellar objects, Stellar Populations (and the ISM): H II regions, Magellanic Clouds, Star clusters, Galaxies: High-redshift galaxies, Star clusters, Starburst galaxies, Stellar populations | ||
Francisco G. Valdes | Scientist, CSDC | frank.valdes | Tucson, Arizona, USA | |
Nicole S. van der Bliek | Scientist, RSS Observatory Su | Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: Herbig Ae/Be stars, Binary stars / Trinary stars, Stellar atmospheres, Young Stellar Objects | nicole.vanderbliek | La Serena, Chile |
A. K. Vivas | Associate Astronomer, MSO-CTIO | Stellar Physics and Stellar Types: variable stars; Stellar Populations (and the ISM): dwarf galaxies, Galaxy halos, globular star clusters, Local Group, stellar distance, Magellanic Clouds; Galaxies: Local Group, stellar populations | kathy.vivas | La Serena, Chile |
Constance E. Walker | Scientist, CEE and Observatory Site Protection | Inquiry- and research-based science education; submillimeter-wave spectroscopy of star formation in galaxies (esp. starburst galaxies) at different epochs light pollution (both ground and space-based) mitigation strategies | connie.walker | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Alistair R. Walker | Astronomer, MSO-CTIO | Stars: distance, evolution, variables, Galaxies: abundances, evolution, Astronomical Instrumentation, Methods and Techniques: instrumentation: photometers, methods: observational, techniques: photometric | alistair.walker | La Serena, Chile |
Benjamin A. Weaver | Scientist, CSDC | Astronomical Databases: catalogs, surveys, virtual observatory tools; Galaxies: Scaling relations; Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Astronomical models, Cosmology, Dark energy; | benjamin.weaver | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Christina C. Williams | Assistant Astronomer, Rubin Observatory | Galaxies: High-redshift galaxies, Infrared photometry, Elliptical galaxies, Emission line galaxies, Galaxy bulges, Galaxy dark matter halos, Galaxy environments, Galaxy formation, Galaxy structure, Quenched galaxies, Starburst galaxies, Star formation. Supermassive Black Holes And Active Galaxies: Galaxy winds. Stellar Populations (and the ISM): Interstellar dust, Chemical abundances, Population III stars, Galaxy spheroids | christina.williams | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Sidney Wolff | sidney.wolff | Tucson, Arizona, USA | ||
Siyi Xu | Associate Astronomer, Gemini North | Keywords: circumstellar disks, minor planets, white dwarfs, chemical compositions | siyi.xu | Hilo, Hawai‘i, USA |
Alfredo Zenteno | Associate Scientist, MSO-CTIO | Galaxy clusters; Galaxy groups; Galaxy evolution; Cosmology; Supernovae | alfredo.zenteno | La Serena, Chile |
Yuanyuan Zhang | Assistant Astronomer, CSDC | Galaxies: Galaxy dark matter halos, Galaxy Evolution, Galaxy Stellar Halos, Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Astronomical models, Dark energy, Dark matter distribution, Galaxy clusters, Gravitational lensing, Cosmological Parameters, Extragalactic Legacy And Deep Fields | yuanyuan.zhang | Tucson, Arizona, USA |
Updated on January 9, 2025, 3:45 am