
NOIRLab TAC Results and Statistics 2012B

NOAO Proposal Statistics by Telescope and Instrument for 2012B

The following tables list 2012B proposal request statistics for telescopes and instruments in the US ground-based observing system coordinated by NOAO. Only the 365 new proposals submitted to the 2012B NOAO TAC are included here (not Surveys, NASA GO programs, or ongoing long-term programs).

Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
CT-4m     9   11   24.5   10.5   43 2.2
    DECam     9   11   24.5   10.5   43 2.2
SOAR   27   33   97.3   29.0   30 2.9
    Goodman   11   12   43.0   17.0   40 3.6
    OSIRIS     7     8   24.0     0.0     0 3.0
    SOI   10   12   29.4   12.0   41 2.4
    Spartan     1     1     1.0     0.0     0 1.0
CT-1.5m     7     9   34.5   16.6   48 3.8
    CHIRON     3     3     5.8     0.0     0 1.9
    CSPEC     4     6   28.6   16.6   58 4.8
CT-1.3m     9     9   19.9     1.2     6 2.2
    ANDI     9     9   19.9     1.2     6 2.2
CT-1.0m     3     3   21.0   14.0   67 7.0
    CFIM     3     3   21.0   14.0   67 7.0
CT-0.9m     8   12   39.0   16.0   41 3.2
    CFIM     8   12   39.0   16.0   41 3.2

Kitt Peak National Observatory

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
KP-4m   63   73 268.3   80.0   30 3.7
    ECH   10   10   37.0     4.0   11 3.7
    FLMN     4     4   11.0     0.0     0 2.8
    MARS     3     3     7.0     4.0   57 2.3
    MOSA     9   13   49.0   36.0   73 3.8
    NEWFIRM   10   11   49.0     0.0     0 4.5
    PHNX     8     8   26.0     0.0     0 3.2
    RCSP   20   23   85.3   36.0   42 3.7
    VIS     1     1     4.0     0.0     0 4.0
WIYN   19   24   69.0   20.0   29 2.9
    HYDR     8     8   24.0     7.0   29 3.0
    MIMO     3     3     6.0     6.0 100 2.0
    SPCKL     2     2   12.0     0.0     0 6.0
    SPSPK     3     3     8.0     7.0   88 2.7
    WHIRC     5     8   19.0     0.0     0 2.4
KP-2.1m   17   33 162.5   38.5   24 4.9
    CFIM     7   14   66.5   38.5   58 4.8
    EXPRT     5   11   54.0     0.0     0 4.9
    FLMN     3     3     8.0     0.0     0 2.7
    PHNX     2     3   21.0     0.0     0 7.0
    VIS     2     2   13.0     0.0     0 6.5
KP-CF     3     3   11.0     0.0     0 3.7
    CAM5     3     3   11.0     0.0     0 3.7
KP-0.9m     1     1     9.0     0.0     0 9.0
    MOSA     1     1     9.0     0.0     0 9.0

Gemini North

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
GEM-N 160 247 198.2   47.1   24 0.8
    COMICS     1     1     1.0     0.0     0 1.0
    GMOSN   67 110   85.4   39.6   46 0.8
    GNIRS   35   39   39.2     1.9     5 1.0
    HDS     4     4     8.0     1.0   13 2.0
    Michelle     7   18     6.7     0.0     0 0.4
    NIFS   21   39   20.0     0.5     2 0.5
    NIRI   30   34   28.8     2.1     7 0.8
    SuprimeCam     1     1     2.0     2.0 100 2.0
    VIS     1     1     7.0     0.0     0 7.0

Gemini South

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
GEM-S   71 121   96.7   45.2   47 0.8
    GMOSS   59   99   84.5   45.2   54 0.9
    NICI   12   22   12.1     0.0     0 0.6

MMT Observatory

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
MMT   13   15   24.5     7.5   31 1.6
    BCHAN     4     6     9.0     3.0   33 1.5
    Hectochelle     2     2     5.0     0.0     0 2.5
    Hectospec     4     4     4.5     2.5   56 1.1
    RCHAN     1     1     2.0     0.0     0 2.0
    SPOL     2     2     4.0     2.0   50 2.0

Mt. Palomar

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
Hale   11   14   29.3   14.0   48 2.1
    DBSP     8     9   21.3   14.0   66 2.4
    TSpec     3     5     8.0     0.0     0 1.6

Siding Spring Observatory

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
AAT     5     5     6.2     0.3     5 1.2
    AAOmega     4     4     4.9     0.3     6 1.2
    UCLES     1     1     1.3     0.0     0 1.3


NOAO Approved Programs for 2012A

Approved NOAO Survey Programs


PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
Desert, Jean-Michel Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Comparative Exoplanetology of Hot-Jupiter Prototypes 2012B-0398 GEM-N GEM-NQ 3
Desert, Jean-Michel Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Comparative Exoplanetology of Hot-Jupiter Prototypes 2012B-0398 GEM-S GEM-SQ 2
Grundy, William Lowell Observatory Mutual Orbits and Masses of Kuiper Belt Binaries and Multiple Systems 2011A-0017 GEM-N GEM-NQ 2.5
Guhathakurta, Puragra University of California, Santa Cruz NEWFIRM Survey of Intermediate Age Populations in M31's Halo: A Test of (Lambda)CDM 2012B-0540 KPNO 4m 13
Salzer, John Indiana University Making Hay with ALFALFA: The Star-Formation Properties of an HI-Selected Galaxy Sample 2011A-0030 KPNO 2.1m 7.5
Stubbs, Christopher Harvard University Spectroscopy of Galaxies in Massive Clusters: Galaxy Properties and Dynamical Cluster Mass Calibration 2011A-0034 GEM-S GEM-SQ 5.2
Wood-Vasey, Michael University of Pittsburgh Type Ia Supernovae in the Near-Infrared: A Three-Year Survey toward a One Percent Distance Measurement with WIYN+WHIRC 2012B-0500 KPNO WIYN 7


Approved Long Term Programs

PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
Bond, Howard Space Telescope Science Institute Intermediate-Luminosity Red Transients: SMARTS Monitoring 2012A-0388 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 1.5
Macri, Lucas Texas A & M University Mapping the Nearby Universe: The 2MASS Redshift Survey 2012B-0055 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 6
Metcalfe, Travis High Altitude Observatory Activity Cycles of Southern Asteroseismic Targets 2011B-0001 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 5
Phillips, Mark Carnegie Institution of Washington Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Followup of Type Ia Supernovae in the Hubble Flow 2011B-0262 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1


Approved Regular Programs

PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
Allen, Tom University of Toledo Mosaic Imaging of the Cep OB3b Cloud 2011B-0584 KPNO 0.9m 4
Allen, Lori National Optical Astronomy Observatory DECam NEO Search Pilot Project 2012B-0569 CTIO 4m-TBD 2
Anthony-Twarog, Barbara University of Kansas Constraining the Evolution of Li via the Turnoff Structure of NGC 7789 2012B-0096 KPNO WIYN 1
Antoniou, Vallia Iowa State University Classification of X-ray sources detected in the XMM-Newton survey of the SMC 2012B-0426 SSO AAT-SVC 0.6
Atlee, David National Optical Astronomy Observatory A Spectroscopic Study of the Contribution of TP-AGB Stars to Integrated NIR Starlight 2012B-0461 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.4
Axelrod, Tim University of Arizona LMC Microlensing Source Stars - Stripped from the SMC? 2012B-0182 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1
Baker, Andrew Rutgers University Deep Public u-band Imaging for the LADUMA Survey 2012B-0520 CTIO 4m-TBD 1
Barlow, Brad Pennsylvania State University The MUCHFUSS project: Searching for the most massive companions to hot subdwarf stars (follow-up) 2012B-0214 CTIO SOAR 4
Bauer, James California Institute of Technology--JPL A WISE Long Period Comet Survey - Southern Summer Targets 2012B-0221 CTIO SOAR 2
Beck, Tracy Space Telescope Science Institute Understanding the Jet Launching Mechanism in Young Star Outflows 2012B-0238 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.85
Beers, Timothy National Optical Astronomy Observatory A Survey for Unrecognized Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Stars in the Galaxy 2012B-0179 GEM-S GEM-SQ  
Berger, Edo Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Unveiling the Explosion Physics of Nature's Most Luminous Supernovae 2012B-0103 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.8
Bianco, Federica Las Cumbres Observatory Multiband monitoring of light echoes from the historical eruptions of Eta Carinae 2012B-0381 CTIO SOAR 1
Bibby, Joanne American Museum of Natural History A WR+BH X-Ray Binary in M74? 2012B-0236 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.13
Bilikova, Jana University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign High-resolution Spectroscopic Study of the Complex Nucleus of EGB 6 2012B-0509 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.17
Biller, Beth Max Planck Institute fuer Astronomie Weather on Planets: A Search for Photometric Variability in the Young Exoplanets HR 8799bc 2012B-0314 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1
Bloom, Joshua University of California, Berkeley A Pilot DECam Time-Domain Survey 2012B-0363 CTIO 4m-TBD 2
Bosh, Amanda Massachusetts Institute of Technology Seasonal Change in Pluto's Atmosphere 2012B-0542 CTIO SOAR 1
Bosh, Amanda Massachusetts Institute of Technology Seasonal Change in Pluto's Atmosphere 2012B-0542 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.32
Briceno, Cesar University of Michigan, Ann Arbor A NEWFIRM JHK variability study of 4-10 Myr members of the Orion OB1 association 2012B-0487 KPNO 4m 5
Brown, Alexander University of Colorado MMT Hectochelle Spectral Variability of Active Late-type Stars in the Kepler Field (2012B) 2012B-0197 MMT MMT-TBD 3
Bryngelson, Ginger Clemson University Physics of Supernovae Type Ia at Late Epochs 2012B-0428 KPNO 4m 1
Burgasser, Adam University of California, San Diego Hunting for Halo Brown Dwarfs in the Catalina Rapid Transient Survey 2012B-0340 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.821
Canton, Paul University of Oklahoma The ELM Survey: Finding the Shortest Period Binary White Dwarfs 2012B-0114 KPNO 4m 4
Cauley, Paul Wilson Rice University A Survey of Mass Flows in Herbig Ae/Be Stars 2012B-0165 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.7
Cenko, S Bradley University of California, Berkeley Probing the Central Black Holes of Distant, Quiescent Galaxies via Tidal Disruption Flares 2012B-0198 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.15
Cenko, S Bradley University of California, Berkeley Probing the Central Black Holes of Distant, Quiescent Galaxies via Tidal Disruption Flares 2012B-0198 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.15
Chatelain, Joseph Georgia State University Light Curves and Low Phase Angle Photometry for Jupiter Trojans. 2012B-0224 CTIO 0.9m-TBD 7
Crotts, Arlin Columbia University SN 1987A's Vacuum UV/Optical Light Echo Evolution 2012B-0317 CTIO 0.9m-SVC 4
Crotts, Arlin Columbia University Spectroscopic Evolution of SNR 1987A 2012B-0396 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.4
Currie, Thayne NASA Goddard Space Flight Center A Panchromatic Study of the Massive Planet and Debris Disk Around beta Pictoris 2012B-0348 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.83
Cushing, Michael University of Toledo The Search for Y Dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood with WISE 2012B-0141 GEM-N GEM-NQ 3.6
Damjanov, Ivana Harvard University The Adaptive Optics Deep Field 2012B-0427 CTIO 4m-TBD 1.5
Desert, Jean-Michel Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Relative atmospheric compositions of a multiplanet system 2012A-0497 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.8
Desjardins, Tyler University of Western Ontario Mapping Star Formation in Dense Environments: H(alpha) Imaging of Compact Galaxy Groups 2012B-0201 KPNO 4m 3.5
Dhital, Saurav Vanderbilt University The Extremely Extreme: Searching for Companions in Wide M-dwarf Binaries 2012B-0130 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.6
Eisenhardt, Peter California Institute of Technology--JPL The Most Luminous Galaxies Found by WISE 2012B-0344 CTIO SOAR 5
Eisenhardt, Peter California Institute of Technology--JPL The Most Luminous Galaxies Found by WISE 2012B-0344 GEM-S GEM-S 2
Eisenhardt, Peter California Institute of Technology--JPL The Most Luminous Galaxies Found by WISE 2012B-0344 KPNO WIYN 3.5
Farihi, Jay University of Leicester The Bulk Composition of Rocky Planetary Debris and a Search for Water 2012B-0140 MMT MMT-TBD 2
Fassnacht, Christopher University of California, Davis Quantifying the line-of-sight mass distributions to time-delay lenses 2012B-0481 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.37
Flaherty, Kevin University of Arizona Understanding the Influence of Variable Accretion on Protoplanetary Disk Structure 2012B-0297 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.4
Foley, Ryan Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics The Most Precise Distances to Type Ia Supernovae 2012B-0306 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.35
French, Linda Illinois Wesleyan University Photometric Study of Jovian Trojan Asteroids 2012B-0341 CTIO 0.9m 7
Gagne, Jonathan University of Montreal Spectroscopic confirmation of very low-mass stars and brown dwarf candidates in nearby, young moving groups 2012B-0356 CTIO SOAR 4
Galicher, Raphael Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics Completing the follow-ups of the 300 stars International Deep Planet Survey 2012B-0564 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.36
Galicher, Raphael Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics Completing the follow-ups of the 300 stars International Deep Planet Survey 2012B-0564 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.21
Ge, Jian University of Florida Follow-up of MARVELS Brown Dwarf and Planet Candidates 2012B-0493 KPNO 2.1m 10
Gelino, Christopher California Institute of Technology--IPAC Photometric Follow-up of WISE Brown Dwarf Candidates 2012B-0275 CTIO SOAR 5
Geller, Aaron Northwestern University Towards A Complete Census of the Solar-Type Binaries in the Young Open Cluster M37 2012B-0284 KPNO WIYN 2
Giammichele, Noemi University of Montreal Understanding the Spectral Evolution of Helium-Line DB White Dwarfs 2012B-0044 KPNO 4m 4
Gizis, John University of Delaware A Great Spot on a Kepler L Dwarf 2012B-0233 KPNO 2.1m 3.5
Gizis, John University of Delaware A Great Spot on a Kepler L Dwarf 2012B-0233 MMT MMT-TBD 2
Gizis, John University of Delaware Completing the nearby L dwarf sample 2012B-0424 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.9
Gonzalez, Anthony University of Florida The Massive Distant Clusters of Wise Survey (MaDCoWS) 2012B-0470 GEM-N GEM-N 2
Gonzalez, Anthony University of Florida The Massive Distant Clusters of Wise Survey (MaDCoWS) 2012B-0470 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.2
Gonzalez, Anthony University of Florida The Massive Distant Clusters of Wise Survey (MaDCoWS) 2012B-0470 KPNO WIYN 5
Haines, Christopher University of Arizona KPNO 0.9m H(alpha) Imaging Survey of ``Transforming Galaxies'' in Local Galaxy Groups 2012B-0285 KPNO 0.9m 9
Hartigan, Patrick Rice University The Layered Skin of the Elephant's Trunk 2012B-0166 KPNO 4m 5
Heinze, Aren State University of New York, Stony Brook Intensive Multi-Band Photometry to Elucidate Weather on a Spitzer- Identified Variable L-Dwarf 2012B-0468 KPNO 2.1m 7.5
Heinze, Aren State University of New York, Stony Brook Simultaneous Ground Based Monitoring of Brown Dwarfs Being Observed with Spitzer 2012B-0530 KPNO 2.1m 0.5
Heinze, Aren State University of New York, Stony Brook Simultaneous Ground Based Monitoring of Brown Dwarfs Being Observed with Spitzer 2012B-0530 KPNO 2.1m-TBD 5
Hillenbrand, Lynne California Institute of Technology-Dept. of Astronomy Connecting Stellar Properties and Aperiodic Photometric Variability Origins in Young Stars 2012B-0295 MMT MMT-TBD 1
Hinkle, Kenneth National Optical Astronomy Observatory Keplerian disks around RV Tauri stars 2012B-0268 KPNO 2.1m 7
Horch, Elliott Southern Connecticut State University A Multiplicity Survey of M35 and M67 with the Differential Speckle Survey Instrument 2012B-0437 KPNO WIYN 4
Howell, Steve NASA Ames Research Center Speckle and Lucky imaging of Kepler Exoplanet Candidate Host Stars 2012B-0083 KPNO WIYN 7
Howell, Steve NASA Ames Research Center Spectroscopy of Kepler Exoplanet Host Stars 2012B-0085 KPNO 4m 4
Howell, D. Andrew University of California, Santa Barbara Early-time observations of Type Ia supernovae to reveal progenitors and metallicity 2012B-0491 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1
Howell, D. Andrew University of California, Santa Barbara Early-time observations of Type Ia supernovae to reveal progenitors and metallicity 2012B-0497 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.5
Hsieh, Henry University of Hawaii/IfA-CFHT The Sublimation-Driven Nature of Main-Belt Comet Activity 2012B-0418 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.3
Hsieh, Tien-Hao National Tsing Hua University Studying the Nature of Very Low Luminosity Objects (VeLLOs) 2012B-0532 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.47
Hufford, Tara University of Georgia Debris disks in the Scorpius-Centaurus OB Association 2012B-0174 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 4
Indriolo, Nick Johns Hopkins University The Utility of H_3^+ Observations in Diffuse Molecular Clouds 2012B-0227 KPNO 4m 4
Ingleby, Laura University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Peering through the Magnetospheres of Slowly Accreting T Tauri Stars 2012B-0274 KPNO 4m 6
Jacobson, Seth University of Colorado Directly Detecting the BYORP effect and further characterization of near- Earth asteroid binaries 2012B-0276 KPNO 2.1m 4
Jeon, Yiseul Seoul National University Optical Spectroscopic Observation of z~5 Quasar Candidates 2012B-0537 KPNO 4m 2.5
Johnson, Christian University of California, Los Angeles A 10,000 Star Survey for Li-rich K Giants in the Galactic Bulge 2012B-0312 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.55
Kafka, Stella Carnegie Institution of Washington The mixing of blue stragglers 2012B-0116 GEM-N GEM-N 0.5
Kasliwal, Mansi Carnegie Institution of Washington Rapid Spectroscopy of Elusive Transients and Young Supernovae 2012B-0412 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.48
Keeney, Brian University of Colorado Gas and Galaxies in the Cosmic Web: III. Imaging Galaxies Near /COS AGN Fields with DECam 2012B-0319 CTIO 4m-TBD 1
Kelson, Daniel Carnegie Observatories The Carnegie Spitzer IMACS Survey: 5-band Optical Imaging of the Southern Fields 2012B-0506 CTIO 4m-TBD 2
Kim, Alex Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Spectroscopic Diversity in Supernovae Discovered by the Dark Energy Survey 2012B-0278 SSO AAT-SVC 2
Kriek, Mariska University of California, Berkeley Physical Properties of Galaxies as a Function of Spectral Type 2012B-0185 MMT MMT-TBD 1
Kriek, Mariska University of California, Berkeley Resolved Kinematics of a Compact z=2.1 Quiescent Galaxy: Evidence for a Rotating Disk? 2012B-0218 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.8
Kunder, Andrea Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory CCD Photometry of the M22 RR Lyrae Instability Strip 2012B-0178 CTIO 0.9m 6
Kunder, Andrea Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory Search for Stellar Sub-Structure in the Galactic Bulge 2012B-0301 SSO AAT-SVC 0.3
Lada, Charles Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Deep NIR Imaging Surveys of the Nearest GMCs: Determining the Factors that Control the Star Formation Rates in Dense Gas 2012B-0439 KPNO 4m 7
Landolt, Arlo Louisiana State University Faint UBVRI Photometric Standard Star Fields: KPNO 2012B-0006 KPNO 2.1m 28.5
Lee, Ting-Hui Western Kentucky University Chemical Abundances of Compact Planetary Nebulae in the Galactic Disk 2012B-0405 CTIO SOAR 2
Leggett, Sandy Gemini Observatory North Near-Infrared Characterization of the WISE Y Dwarfs 2012B-0118 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.4
Lena, Davide Rochester Institute of Technology Mapping sub-kpc gas flows in NGC1365 2012B-0311 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.4
Levitan, David California Institute of Technology-Dept of Physics, Math, Astronomy Orbital Periods for Two Unique, Recently Discovered AM CVn Systems 2012B-0315 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.86
Li, Rui University of Florida Tracing Metallicity of Brown Dwarf/Giant Planet Candidates from MARVELS using EXPERTS 2012B-0415 KPNO 2.1m 3
Liu, Guilin Johns Hopkins University Feedback in Unobscured vs. Obscured Quasars 2012B-0170 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.5
Lonsdale, Carol National Radio Astronomy Observatory Headquarters The Astrophysics of extreme feedback in WISE-radio selected AGN 2012B-0291 CTIO SOAR 4
Maqueo Chew, Yilen Gomez Vanderbilt University A SuperWASP Benchmark Eclipsing Binary with a Very Low-Mass Secondary in the Brown Dwarf Desert 2012B-0400 KPNO 2.1m 4
Marois, Christian Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics Further constraining the nature of the enigmatic Fomalhaut b planet candidate with NICI. 2012B-0256 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.35
McConnell, Nicholas University of California, Berkeley The Most Massive Galaxies and Black Holes 2012B-0137 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.6
McGee, Sean University of Durham The high redshift progenitors of massive galaxy clusters 2012B-0138 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.49
Megeath, Tom University of Toledo A Deep Newfirm Survey of the Orion B Cloud 2012B-0514 KPNO 4m 4
Menanteau, Felipe Rutgers University Mass estimation of four z~1 ACT/SZE Discovered Galaxy Clusters 2012B-0223 GEM-S GEM-S 1
Menanteau, Felipe Rutgers University Mass estimation of four z~1 ACT/SZE Discovered Galaxy Clusters 2012B-0223 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.2
Menanteau, Felipe Rutgers University Optical/NIR Identification of New SZ Galaxy Clusters from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope 2012B-0378 CTIO SOAR 3
Morales-Calderon, Maria California Institute of Technology--IPAC Characterizing Variable Young Stars in NGC 2264 2012B-0309 KPNO WIYN 4
Mortazavi, S Alireza Johns Hopkins University SparsePak Kinematics of Tidally Interacting Galaxy Pairs 2012B-0436 KPNO WIYN 4
Mueller, Beatrice Planetary Science Institute The continuing rotational evolution of comet 2P/Encke 2012B-0455 KPNO 2.1m 12.5
Myers, Adam University of Wyoming Characterizing the Circumgalactic Medium of Low and High Mass Galaxies with Close Quasar Pairs 2012B-0337 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.71
Myers, Adam University of Wyoming Characterizing the Circumgalactic Medium of Low and High Mass Galaxies with Close Quasar Pairs 2012B-0337 GEM-S GEM-SQ 2.6
Neugent, Kathryn Lowell Observatory Determining the Binary Frequency of Wolf-Rayet Stars as a Function of Metallicity 2012B-0129 MMT MMT-TBD 2.5
Nidever, David University of Virginia DECam Magellanic Clouds Survey Pilot Program 2012B-0416 CTIO 4m-TBD 2
Nielsen, Eric University of Hawaii The Deepest Search for Planets Around Newly Identified Young, Nearby Stars 2012B-0466 GEM-S GEM-SQ 3.3
Oswalt, Terry Florida Institute of Technology Observational Constraints on the White Dwarf Mass-Radius Relation 2012B-0355 CTIO SOAR 4
Oswalt, Terry Florida Institute of Technology Observational Constraints on the White Dwarf Mass-Radius Relation 2012B-0355 KPNO 4m 4
Papovich, Casey Texas A & M University A Comprehensive Spectroscopic Survey of z > 4 Galaxies in CANDELS 2012B-0482 GEM-N GEM-N 2
Papovich, Casey Texas A & M University A Comprehensive Spectroscopic Survey of z > 4 Galaxies in CANDELS 2012B-0482 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.15
Papovich, Casey Texas A & M University A Comprehensive Spectroscopic Survey of z > 4 Galaxies in CANDELS 2012B-0482 GEM-S GEM-S 2
Papovich, Casey Texas A & M University A Comprehensive Spectroscopic Survey of z > 4 Galaxies in CANDELS 2012B-0482 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.15
Patel, Rahul State University of New York, Stony Brook Age Diagnostics of New WISE Detected Debris Disk-Host Stars 2012B-0541 KPNO 4m 2.5
Patel, Rahul State University of New York, Stony Brook Age Diagnostics of New WISE Detected Debris Disk-Host Stars 2012B-0541 SSO AAT-SVC 1
Pepper, Joshua Vanderbilt University Follow-up and Confirmation of Transiting Planet Candidates From the KELT Survey 2012B-0361 KPNO 2.1m 6.5
Pilachowski, Catherine Indiana University Fluorine in Metal-Poor Stars with Phoenix 2012B-0077 KPNO 2.1m 7
Quinn, Samuel Georgia State University Close visual companions to transiting exoplanet host stars 2012B-0369 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.29
Rabinowitz, David Yale University Measuring the Rotational Light Curve of (79360) Sila-Nunam : an Eclipsing Binary in the Kuiper Belt 2012B-0070 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.66
Reed, Mike Missouri State University Testing theoretical models of subdwarf B stars using multicolor photometry 2012B-0253 KPNO 2.1m 5.5
Rest, Armin Space Telescope Science Institute Spectroscopic Time Series of Carinae's Great Eruption 2012B-0321 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.35
Rest, Armin Space Telescope Science Institute Light Echoes of Galactic Explosions and Eruptions 2012B-0322 KPNO 4m 8
Rich, Michael University of California, Los Angeles Hydra I: an odd, double-lobed ``globular cluster'' 2012B-0098 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.225
Richardson, Noel Georgia State University Interactions in the LBV binaries Carinae and HD 5980 2012B-0194 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 4
Ridgway, Susan National Optical Astronomy Observatory The Evolution of the Obscured and Unobscured Quasar Population 2012B-0465 GEM-S GEM-SQ 2
Roe, Henry Lowell Observatory Titan's Methane Weather post-Equinox: Seasonal climate change and large storm systems 2012B-0088 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.3
Roe, Henry Lowell Observatory Titan's Methane Weather post-Equinox: Seasonal climate change and large storm systems 2012B-0088 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.2
Rogerson, Jesse New York University Spectroscopic Follow Up of Variable Quasars 2012B-0538   Hale 2
Rupke, David Rhodes College QSO Feedback in Action: The AGN Threshold 2012B-0117 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.6
Salyk, Colette National Optical Astronomy Observatory CO variability in HAeBe disks: A search for planet-disk interactions 2012B-0433 KPNO 4m 2
Schirmer, Mischa Gemini Observatory North Determining the redshift of the strong lens system in the fossil group J0454-0309 2012B-0102 CTIO SOAR 1
Schirmer, Mischa Gemini Observatory North Redshifts of strongly lensed multiple image systems in a high redshift double cluster 2012B-0125 CTIO SOAR 2 (DD)
Schlawin, Everett Cornell University Imager-Corrected NIR Spectro-Photometry of a Hot Jupiter 2012B-0454   Hale 1
Schlieder, Joshua Max Planck Institut fur Astrophysik New Low-Mass Members of Nearby Young Moving Groups 2012B-0222 KPNO 4m 4
Sheffield, Allyson Columbia University Exploring the Origin of M Giant Stars in the Nearby Galactic Halo 2012B-0386 KPNO 4m 4
Sheppard, Scott Carnegie Institution of Washington Precise Astrometry for Predicting Kuiper Belt Object Occultations 2012B-0289 CTIO 0.9m-SVC 5
Sheppard, Scott Carnegie Institution of Washington Beyond the Kuiper Belt Edge 2012B-0451 CTIO 4m-TBD 1
Shivvers, Isaac University of California, Berkeley Observationally Constraining the Effects of Orbital Circularization for Stars in Binary Orbits 2012B-0512 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 1.35
Siverd, Robert Vanderbilt University Revealing the Origins and Fates of Hot Jupiters with Eccentric Eclipsing Binaries 2012B-0536 KPNO 2.1m 14
Slater, Colin University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Deep follow-up of two new distant satellites of Andromeda 2012B-0566 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.86
Smith, J. Austin Peay State University Targeted Samples of the Hot Stellar Content in the Southern Sky 2012B-0232 CTIO 0.9m-TBD 7
Smith, J. Austin Peay State University Targeted Samples of the Hot Stellar Content in the Southern Sky 2012B-0232 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 6
Sonnenfeld, Alessandro University of California, Santa Barbara Probing dark matter in the Cosmic Horseshoe 2012B-0230 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.06
Sromovsky, Lawrence University of Wisconsin, Madison Probing Uranus' Atmosphere With Discrete Cloud Observations 2012B-0246 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.6
Stanghellini, Letizia National Optical Astronomy Observatory Chemical evolution of two Sculptor galaxies through the abundances of planetary nebulae and H II regions 2012B-0191 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.86
Stauffer, John California Institute of Technology--IPAC The Death Spiral of a 1 Myr Exoplanet? 2012B-0106 KPNO 4m 3
Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sol The Co-Evolution of Supermassive Black Holes and Galaxies probed with NIFS 2012B-0562 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.876
Stringfellow, Guy University of Colorado Is it Alive? Recovering the Supernova Impostor SN1961V 2012B-0345 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.45
Stringfellow, Guy University of Colorado Confirming LBV Candidates Through Variability: A Photometric and Spectroscopic Monitoring Study 2012B-0521 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 4.6
Sullivan, Mark University of Oxford The host galaxies of local PTF Type Ia supernovae 2012B-0552 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.87
Thorman, Paul University of California, Davis Galaxy and Mass Evolution via Deep u-band Imaging in the Deep Lens Survey 2012B-0448 CTIO 4m-TBD 2
Tokovinin, Andrei Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory Kappa Fornax, a triple radio-star? 2012B-0075 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 0.4
Trafton, Laurence University of Texas, Austin Investigation of Thermal Tides in Uranus' Thermosphere 2012B-0533 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.6
Tran, Kim-Vy Texas A & M University Mapping Cool Gas In and Around Star-forming Cluster Galaxies at z=1.62 2012B-0302 GEM-S GEM-S 3
Tran, Kim-Vy Texas A & M University Mapping Cool Gas In and Around Star-forming Cluster Galaxies at z=1.62 2012B-0302 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.05
Trilling, David Northern Arizona University Finding KBO flyby targets for New Horizons 2012B-0422 GEM-N GEM-N 2
Trueblood, Mark National Optical Astronomy Observatory Long Term Follow-up of Near Earth Objects 2012B-0057 KPNO 2.1m 5
Trujillo, Chad Gemini Observatory North Surface Composition of Pluto's Moons Nix and Hydra 2012B-0568 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.25
Tucker, Brad Australian National University Catching Supernovae in the Act with KISS (Kepler International Supernova Search) 2012B-0385 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.2
Veilleux, Sylvain University of Maryland Neutral Winds in Local Quasar-Dominated Mergers. II. 2012B-0093 KPNO 4m 2.5
Walsh, Jonelle University of Texas, Austin Examining Massive Black Holes in Small, High-Dispersion Galaxies 2012B-0208 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.95
Walter, Frederick State University of New York, Stony Brook Substellar Mass Objects in Orion OB1b 2012B-0280 CTIO SOAR 2
Willman, Beth Haverford College Investigating Overdensities of Cool Stars at the Edge of the Milky Way 2012B-0209 GEM-N GEM-NQ 2
Winter, Lisa University of Colorado Optical Outflows and Emission Line Properties in X-ray Obscured AGNs 2012B-0251 CTIO SOAR 4
Worseck, Gabor University of California Observatories Revealing the Proximity Zones of Helium-Reionizing Quasars at ~ 3 2012B-0526   Hale 5
Yan, Renbin New York University Probing the Warm Ionized Gas in Nearby Early-type Galaxies 2012B-0488   Hale 2
Zakamska, Nadia Johns Hopkins University Spectropolarimetry of high-redshift type 2 quasar candidates 2012B-0181 MMT MMT-TBD 2
Zaritsky, Dennis University of Arizona Searching for Systematic Effects in SNe Ia Distances 2012B-0515 CTIO SOAR 3
Zhao, Ping Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics The Mass Function of a New Candidate of Quiescent Low-Mass X-ray Binary 2012B-0430 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1


Updated on February 14, 2023, 5:43 am