Here we describe the NEWFIRM observing GUI and discuss other information relevant for observing.
- Open VNC viewers (NEWFIRM Obs and NEWFIRM IRAF)
- Start NEWFIRM GUI in Obs VNC viewer
- Press "Start of Night"
- Opens environmental cover
- Initialize system
- Turn on detector power
- Open filter tool
- Initialize filters
- Move filter position to "DARK" if the dark filter is not already in place
- Set Proposal ID (PropID)
- This will load the proposal PI and co-Is
- No images can be taken unless the PropID is set to a valid PropID
- Take a junk image to reset image counter/number
- The image counter does not reset to 1 at the beginning of the night
- Make sure dark filter is in place
- Under Exposure Control:
- Set Basename to "ajunk_"
- Set Title to "Junk"
- Set Exp. Time to "1.120"
- Set Repeats to "0"
- Set Coadds to "0"
- Set Fowler to "1"
- Set Sequence to "1"; This must be the last step.
- Click "Expose"
- The image counter will now be reset and calibration data will start with image number *0002*
- Take flats
- Ask telescope operator to point telescope to white spot
- Open flats tool on NEWFIRM GUI
- The default flat script will take flats for JHKs and 1644, 2124, and 2168
- Take darks
- Default script will take dark frames with exposure times corresponding to flat field exposure times
- Add darks with appropriate exposure times, coadds, and fowlers as your expected science exposures
- Start of night
- Telescope pointing
- Use J filter
- Go to a recognizable field (e.g., a standard star or a bright star near zenith).
- Identify the object on the detectors. The pointing is generally good so the object may be located in the detector gap
- Perform offsets until you can see the object on detector 3. This usually will require offsets to the east and north.
- You will be prompted for an image name
- The task will load the image for detector 3 into the ds9 window and start the "imexam" IRAF task
- You will be prompted to locate the object on the detector and press the "a" or "r" key to determine the pixel values of the centroid of the object.
- The output will tell you the offset needed to place the object at the center of the detector gap.
- Ask the telescope operators to perform the offset.
- Ask telescope operators to perform the zero-point after the offset is complete.
- Telescope focus
- Use the J filter
- Select telescope focus script "focus_wide"
- Input the value for the center telescope focus value based on the ambient temperature. The telescope operators have a tool to predict best focus value depending on temperature.
- Execute the focus sequence
- When the focus sequence is complete, a list of the focus images is written to the file "/tmp/focuslist"
- The IRAF nffocus task does not understand multi-extension FITS (MEF) files
- Edit the "/tmp/focuslist" file to only use one detector by appending the desired detector to the lines in the focuslist file
- Change <filename>_<####>.fits to <filename>_<####>.fits[D] where "D" is the detector number
- Use IRAF nffocus tool to determine best focus
- The table of focus offsets from the JX filter to other filters is available in table located at (focus offset table page)
- Telescope pointing
- Observing
- Individual exposures
- Set exposure time, coadds, and fowler
- Select obstype
- Choose basename
- Title
- Expose
- Dithered exposures
- All of above
- Select grid pattern
- Select number of grid steps in x and y
- Select step size in x and y
- Click OK
- Click Start
- Scripted exposures
- Scripts can be text or JSON (examples of each)
- Select Load
- Click start
- Sequences
- Run multiple scripts
- Individual exposures
Updated on September 14, 2024, 8:00 am