Astro2020 NOAO-related APC White Papers


Investing for Discovery in Astronomy

Joan R. Najita (NOAO)

Ground Based Optical Astronomy – Keeping the Innovation Window Open

Stephen Ridgway (NOAO)

The NOAO Mid-Scale Observatories

Lori Allen (NOAO) et al.

Community Science and Data-Intensive Astronomy Support at the US National Optical Astronomy Observatory

Adam S. Bolton (NOAO) et al.

The Growing Importance of a Tech Savvy Astronomy and Astrophysics Workforce

Dara Norman (NOAO) et al.

The Data Lab: A Science Platform for the analysis of ground-based astronomical survey data

Knut A. G. Olsen (NOAO) et al.

A Science Platform Network to Facilitate Astrophysics in the 2020s

Vandana Desai (Caltech/IPAC) et al. (includes NOAO and LSST coauthors)

Towards a Spectroscopic Survey Roadmap for the 2020s and Beyond

Adam S. Bolton

The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI)

M. E. Levi (LBNL), Lori E. Allen (NOAO) et al.

ANTARES: Enabling Time-Domain Discovery in the 2020s

Thomas Matheson (NOAO) et al.

Tying Research Funding to Progress on Inclusion

Dara Norman (NOAO) et al.

Providing a Timely Review of Input Demographics to Advisory Committees

Dara Norman (NOAO) et al.

2020 Vision: Towards a Sustainable OIR System

Sally Oey (U. Michigan) et al.

The Importance of Telescope Training in Data Interpretation

David G. Whelan (Austin College) et al.

The Early Career Perspective on the Coming Decade, Astrophysics Career Paths, and the Decadal Survey Process

Emily Moravec (U. Florida), Ian Czekala (UC Berkeley), Kate Follette (Amherst College) et al.

The Importance of 4m Class Observatories to Astrophysics in the 2020s

Nancy J. Chanover (NMSU) et al.

The Role of National Observatories in Professional Astronomy Training

K. O’Neil (Green Bank Observatory) et al.

Infrastructure and Strategies for Time Domain and MMA and Follow-Up

Bryan W. Miller (Gemini Observatory) et al. (includes NOAO coauthors)

The US Extremely Large Telescope Program

Sidney Wolff (AURA) et al. (includes NOAO coauthor M. Dickinson)

Multiwavelength Astrophysics in the Era of the ngVLA and the US ELT Program

Anthony J. Beasley (AUI/NRAO) and Sidney Wolff (AURA) et al. (includes NOAO coauthor M. Dickinson)

Observatory Operating Costs and Their Relation to Capital Costs

Bob Goodrich (GMTO) et al. (including NOAO coauthor M. Dickinson)

EPO Vision, Needs, and Opportunities through Citizen Science

Laura Trouille (Zooniverse; The Adler Planetarium) et al. (including NOAO coauthor C. Walker)

Light Pollution, Radio Interference, and Space Debris: Threats and Opportunities in the 2020s

Jeffrey Hall (Lowell Observatory) et al. (including NOAO coauthor C. Walker)

Recent rapid advances in technology have created potentially substantial threats to g

Updated on April 18, 2024, 9:37 am