Ephemeris for Kitt Peak (Observer's Calendar)

The astronomical calendars presented here were generated using a program called skycalendar written by John Thorstensen of Dartmouth College.

The times of sunset, the end and beginning of astronomical twilight, and sunrise are given in MST. The rising and setting times take into account atmospheric refraction, the mean semidiameter of the Sun, and are corrected approximately for the elevation of Kitt Peak above the terrain which forms its horizon, assumed to be 900 m. The latter correction is approximate; it was determined empirically and amounts to about 5 minutes. If the moon rises or sets during the night, the rising or setting time is printed; around new moon, the tabulated rising occurs after the tabulated setting, even though the rising time is always printed first. The zenith distance used for moonrise and moonset is the same for sunrise and sunset. The last two columns give the topocentric celestial coordinates for midnight MST.

Since these tabular data have a wide page format they may be easier to view on a full-screen-wide viewer page.

Brian Casey maintains a Web page of Astronomy Tools that includes an interactive version of skycalendar and an associated program called skycalc, part of the same package from John Thorstensen. Skycalc allows one to compute many different bits of astronomical information.

Please refer to the Skycalc User's Manual.


Updated on July 6, 2022, 7:59 am