REU Participants and Projects

Student & Institution Mentor(s) Project Title
Katy Accetta
Youngstown St. Univ.
Andrea Kunder (CTIO) RR Lyrae as Structural Tracers for the LMC
Mason Carney
University of Maine
Ryan Campbell (CTIO) Phase-Resolved Cyclotron Polarimetry of HU Aqr
Li-Wei Hung
The Ohio State Univ.
Roberto de Propris (CTIO) Alignment of Giant and Dwarf Galaxies in Abell 1689, MS1358+62, and CL0024+16
Melodie Kao
Craig Harrison (CTIO) Measuring the Mass of A370
AJ Salois
University of Arkansas
Malcolm Smith (CTIO) Sampling Studies of Quasars, Radio Loud/Quiet Galaxies: The Cause of Radio Emission
Conor Sayres
University of Washington
John Subsavage(CTIO) Searching for Unknown Southern WDs in 2MASS and SDSS

PIA Participants and Projects

Student & Institution Mentor(s) Project Title
Eduardo Banados
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Roberto de propris (CTIO) The Dwarf Galaxies in A1689, MS1358, and CL0017
Yasna Ordones
Universidad de La Serena
Peter Pesev (Gemini) The Status of the Resolved Stellar Populations in the Milky Way Globular Clusters using 2MASS

GO-FAAR Participant and Project

Student & Institution Mentor(s) Project Title
Mark Bryant
Southern University and A & M College
Sean Points (CTIO/SOAR) Multi-band Calibration of the MCELS Survey

Updated on June 24, 2024, 4:40 am