REU Participants and Projects

Student & Institution Mentor(s) Project Title
Melissa Butner
Austin Peay State University
Eric Mamajek (CTIO)

Spectral Classification of Members of a Candidate Cluster in Telescopium

Kimberly Emig
University of Hawai'i at Hilo
Catherine Kaleida (CTIO)

Simulated Star Clusters with MASSCLEAN: Testing a Stellar Grouping Selection Method

Christine Gilfrich
St. Mary's College of Maryland
Tiago Ribeiro (SOAR)

Orbital Period of WD + M Binaries

Bezia Laderman
New York University
Timothy Abbott (CTIO)

Finding Periodicites of CP Eri

Samuel Meyer
Harvard College
Peter Pessev (Gemini)

Expanding Integrated-Light Photometry of LMC Star Clusters in the NIR to Extremely Young Ages

Clara Thomann
Macalester University
David James (CTIO)

A Photometric and Spectroscopic Survey of Solar-type Stars in Open Cluster Collinder 70

PIA Participants and Projects

Student & Institution Mentor(s) Project Title
Mayte Alfaro
Universidad de La Serena
Percy Gomez (Gemini) Analysis and reduction of ISPI images in the Near-IR of Abell 1882 Galaxy Cluster
Odette Toloza
Universidad de Valparaíso
Nicole van der Bliek (CTIO) and Jackie Faherty (U. de Chile) Searching for Nearby Brown Dwarfs

Práctica Student Participant

Student & Institution Mentor(s) Project Title
Fernando Caro
Universidad de Chile
Guillermo Cabrera (U. de Chile/LSST)

Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction

Updated on June 24, 2024, 4:40 am