
NOIRLab TAC Results and Statistics 2010B


NOAO Proposal Statistics by Telescope and Instrument for 2010B

The following tables list 2010B proposal request statistics for telescopes and instruments in the US ground-based observing system coordinated by NOAO. Only the 463 new proposals submitted to the 2010B NOAO TAC are included here (not Surveys, NASA GO programs, or ongoing long-term programs).

Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
CT-4m   51   64 238.6 102.0   43 3.7
    HYDRA   12   14   56.0   24.0   43 4.0
    ISPI     1     1     2.0     0.0     0 2.0
    MOSAIC   18   23   90.0   68.0   76 3.9
    NEWFIRM   18   18   70.6     0.0     0 3.9
    RCSP     7     8   20.0   10.0   50 2.5
SOAR   23   28   90.5   30.0   33 3.2
    Goodman     8     8   30.5   14.0   46 3.8
    OSIRIS     5     6   17.0     0.0     0 2.8
    SOI     8   11   36.0   16.0   44 3.3
    Spartan     2     3     7.0     0.0     0 2.3
CT-1.5m   10   10   34.1     0.2     1 3.4
    CSPEC     8     8   20.1     0.2     1 2.5
    FECH     2     2   14.0     0.0     0 7.0
CT-1.3m   10   10   33.3     0.0     0 3.3
    ANDI   10   10   33.3     0.0     0 3.3
CT-1.0m   11   15   92.0   61.0   66 6.1
    CFIM   11   15   92.0   61.0   66 6.1
CT-0.9m   12   19   91.8   32.2   35 4.8
    CFIM   12   19   91.8   32.2   35 4.8

Kitt Peak National Observatory

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
KP-4m   50   65 233.8   67.0   29 3.6
    ECH     9     9   37.8     0.0     0 4.2
    FLMN   12   13   53.0     6.0   11 4.1
    IRMOS     2     2     8.0     0.0     0 4.0
    MARS     1     1     4.0     4.0 100 4.0
    MOSA     9   13   38.0   32.0   84 2.9
    RCSP   19   27   93.0   25.0   27 3.4
WIYN   25   33   94.5   36.5   39 2.9
    HYDR   10   14   37.0   17.0   46 2.6
    MIMO   10   12   30.5   17.5   57 2.5
    SPCKL     1     1     7.0     0.0     0 7.0
    SPSPK     1     1     3.0     0.0     0 3.0
    WHIRC     4     5   17.0     2.0   12 3.4
KP-2.1m   29   49 264.0   88.0   33 5.4
    CFIM     9   18   95.0   83.0   87 5.3
    EXPRT     5   13   69.0     0.0     0 5.3
    FLMN     1     1   10.0     0.0     0 10.0
    GCAM   11   14   66.0     5.0     8 4.7
    SQIID     3     3   24.0     0.0     0 8.0

Gemini North

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
GEM-N 147 198 210.1   59.8   28 1.1
    COMICS     1     1     1.0     1.0 100 1.0
    GMOSN   62   82   83.5   36.8   44 1.0
    HDS     2     2     4.0     0.0     0 2.0
    IRCS     1     1     1.3     0.0     0 1.3
    MOIRCS     3     4     3.4     0.0     0 0.9
    Michelle   14   15   14.9     4.6   31 1.0
    NIFS   25   30   45.8     3.7     8 1.5
    NIRI   46   59   50.3     8.6   17 0.9
    SuprimeCam     4     4     6.0     5.0   83 1.5

Gemini South

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
GEM-S   75   88 104.9   45.0   43 1.2
    GMOSS   50   61   72.3   45.0   62 1.2
    NICI     6     6     5.6     0.0     0 0.9
    PHNX   12   12   14.0     0.0     0 1.2
    TReCS     7     9   13.0     0.0     0 1.4

W.M. Keck Observatory

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
Keck-I   28   34   45.3   11.0   24 1.3
    HIRES   14   17   24.8     2.0     8 1.5
    IF     6     9     8.5     0.0     0 0.9
    LRIS     8     8   12.0     9.0   75 1.5
Keck-II   27   32   33.0     5.5   17 1.0
    DEIMOS     4     4     6.5     4.5   69 1.6
    IF     6     9     8.5     0.0     0 0.9
    NIRC2-LGS     2     2     1.0     0.0     0 0.5
    NIRC2-NGS     2     2     1.0     0.0     0 0.5
    NIRSPAO-LGS     1     1     1.0     0.0     0 1.0
    NIRSPAO-NGS     1     1     1.0     0.0     0 1.0
    NIRSPEC   11   11   12.5     1.0     8 1.1
    OSIRIS-LGS     2     2     1.5     0.0     0 0.8

Las Campanas Observatory

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
Magellan-I     7     8   12.0     9.0   75 1.5
    IMACS     6     6   10.0     9.0   90 1.7
    PANIC     1     2     2.0     0.0     0 1.0
Magellan-II   10   10   20.5     7.0   34 2.0
    MIKE     4     4     5.5     0.0     0 1.4
    MMIRS     2     2     6.0     0.0     0 3.0
    MagE     2     2     4.0     2.0   50 2.0
    MegaCam     2     2     5.0     5.0 100 2.5

MMT Observatory

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
MMT     9   11   16.5     5.0   30 1.5
    Hectochelle     4     4     5.0     0.0     0 1.2
    Hectospec     3     3     5.5     5.0   91 1.8
    MAESTRO     2     2     4.0     0.0     0 2.0
    RCHAN     1     2     2.0     0.0     0 1.0

Mt. Palomar

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
Hale     7     8   16.0     8.0   50 2.0
    DBSP     4     4   10.0     8.0   80 2.5
    TSpec     3     4     6.0     0.0     0 1.5


NOAO Approved Programs for 2010B

Approved NOAO Survey Programs


PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
Kelson, Daniel Carnegie Observatories The Carnegie Spitzer IMACS Survey 2009A-0041 CTIO 4m 11
Probst, Ronald National Optical Astronomy Observatory A Deep H_2 Imaging Survey of Star Forming Regions in the Magellanic Clouds 2010A-0036 CTIO 4m 11
van Dokkum, Pieter Yale University The NEWFIRM Medium Band Survey II: Hunting Monster Galaxies 2010A-0015 CTIO 4m 20


Approved Fermi Programs

PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
Abdo, Aous Naval Research Laboratory Multiwavelength Campaign for the Study of the PSR B1259-63/SS 2283 BE Star Binary 2010B-0902 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 1
Bailyn, Charles Yale University SMARTS Spectroscopy of Bright Fermi Blazars 2010B-0901 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 2.25
Bailyn, Charles Yale University SMARTS Photometry of Bright Fermi Blazars 2010B-0903 CTIO 1.3m 1.8


Approved Long Term Programs

PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
Bryngelson, Ginger Clemson University Physics of Supernovae Ia at Late Epochs 2010B-0543 KPNO 4m 3.5
Bryngelson, Ginger Clemson University Physics of Supernovae Ia at Late Epochs 2010B-0543 KPNO WIYN 4
Huchra, John Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Mapping the Nearby Universe: The 2MASS Redshift Survey 2009A-0267 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 4
Long, Knox Space Telescope Science Institute Fighting for accretion: the origing of low states in cataclysmic variables 2010A-0243 CTIO 1.3m 1.2
Mahmud, Naved Rice University Brown Dwarf and Giant Planet Companions to Young Stars in Taurus 2009B-0504 KPNO 4m 7.5
Richardson, Noel Georgia State University Spectroscopic Monitoring of Luminous Blue Variables 2009B-0153 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 3.9
Saha, Abhijit National Optical Astronomy Observatory Ultra Long Period Cepheids: a primary standard candle up to the Hubble flow. 2010B-0459 GEM-S GEM-SQ 2
Sahu, Kailash Space Telescope Science Institute Detecting Isolated Black Holes through HST Astrometry and SMARTS Photometry of Microlensing Events 2010A-0371 CTIO 1.3m 2
Schuler, Simon Clemson University The Striking Li Dispersions in Pleiades G & K Dwarfs: Real or Illusory? 2006B-0303 KPNO WIYN 2
Trilling, David Northern Arizona University High quality optical photometry of NEOs in support of a Warm Spitzer program 2010A-0476 CTIO 0.9m 10
Trilling, David Northern Arizona University High quality optical photometry of NEOs in support of a Warm Spitzer program 2010A-0476 CTIO SOAR 2
Trilling, David Northern Arizona University High quality optical photometry of NEOs in support of a Warm Spitzer program 2010A-0476 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.5


Approved Regular Programs

PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
A'Hearn, Michael University of Maryland Cometary science bonanza: Comet 103P/Hartley 2's very close approach to Earth and EPOXI mission flyby 2010B-0466 KPNO 2.1m 19
Abell, Paul NASA Johnson Space Flight Center Mineralogical Characterization and Source Region Determination of Near- Earth Objects and Extinct Comet Candidates 2010B-0607 MMT MMT 2
Abia, Carlos Universidad de Granada The origin of fluorine: The first determination of fluorine abundances in extragalactic AGB carbon stars 2010B-0183 GEM-S GEM-S 2
Aldering, Greg Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Host Galaxies of Hubble Flow Type Ia Supernovae 2010B-0316 CTIO SOAR 3
Allen, Peter Franklin & Marshall College A Multi-Epoch Survey for Faint, Close, Low-Mass Tertiaries to Nearby Spectroscopic Binaries: The Second Epoch 2010B-0238 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.85
Allen, Tom University of Toledo Hectospec and Hectochelle Spectroscopy of the Cep OB3b Cluster 2010B-0436 MMT MMT 1
Allen, Lori National Optical Astronomy Observatory High Resolution Imaging of Orion protostars 2010B-0498 KPNO WIYN 5
Anthony-Twarog, Barbara University of Kansas Probing Stellar Structure and Evolution via Li Abundances 2010B-0312 KPNO WIYN 5
Aragona, Christina Lehigh University A Study of Balmer Emission in Be Stars 2010B-0283 KPNO 2.1m 7
Badenes, Carles Weizmann Institute of Science Spectroscopic follow-up of the SWARMS survey 2010B-0378 KPNO 4m 4
Bakos, Gaspar Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Confirmation spectroscopy of HATNet transiting exoplanet candidates using Keck-I/HIRES 2010B-0130 Keck Keck-I 2
Baldwin, Jack Michigan State University What are the Crab Nebula Filaments? A multi-wavelength study of their molecular content. 2010B-0048 KPNO 2.1m 5.5
Bastian, Nate University of Exeter Testing IMF universality through the direct detection of low mass stars in starburst galaxies 2010B-0189 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.5
Batuski, David University of Maine Imaging the Aquarius and Microscopium Superclusters of Galaxies 2010B-0480 CTIO 1.0m 6
Bauer, James Jet Propulsion Laboratory Physical Characterization of Southern WISE Discoveries (to the End of Cryogenic Mission) 2010B-0415 CTIO SOAR 4
Beaton, Rachael University of Virginia Completing the SPLASH Survey of M31 dSphs 2010B-0596 KPNO 4m 5
Benford, Dominic NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Identifications of The Most Luminous, Highest-Redshift Objects Discovered by WISE (Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer) 2010B-0583 KPNO 4m 6
Berger, Edo Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Exotic Explosions and Eruptions: Exploring a New Transient Phase-Space with Pan-STARRS 2010B-0207 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.6
Bonev, Boncho Catholic University of America Cosmogonic Indicators in the Jupiter-family Comet 103P/Hartley-2: Deuterium Abundance and Nuclear Spin Temperature 2010B-0455 Keck Keck-II 1.5
Bresolin, Fabio University of Hawaii Testing for a variable upper IMF in star-forming galaxies 2010B-0072 GEM-S GEM-SQ  
Brittain, Sean Clemson University Observation of Ro-vibrational OH Emission in Transitional Disks 2010B-0157 GEM-S GEM-S 1
Brown, Alexander University of Colorado MMT Hectochelle Spectral Variability Study of Active Late-type Stars in the Kepler Field 2010B-0340 MMT MMT 2
Bubar, Eric Joseph University of Rochester Chemically Tagging Kinematic Structure in the Solar Neighborhood 2010B-0399 KPNO 4m 4
Campbell, Ryan Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory Addressing Fundamental Issues in LARPS 2010B-0279 KPNO 4m 2.5
Carlin, Jeffrey University of Virginia Fixing the Extragalactic Reference Frame For the Proper Motion of the Carina Dwarf Spheroidal 2010B-0331 CTIO 4m 4
Cenko, S Bradley University of California, Berkeley Probing the Central Black Holes of Distant, Quiescent Galaxies via Tidal Disruption Flares 2010B-0332 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.3
Chapman, Scott University of Cambridge NIFS observations of high-redshift ULIRGs (submm and radio selected): a detailed comparison of cold and hot-dust z~2 ULIRGs with hydrodynamical simulations 2010B-0216 GEM-N GEM-NQ 2.2
Clowe, Douglas Ohio University Photometric Redshifts of Weak Lensing Tomography of Galaxy Clusters 2010B-0318 CTIO SOAR 2
Clowe, Douglas Ohio University Photometric Redshifts of Weak Lensing Tomography of Galaxy Clusters 2010B-0318 KPNO WIYN 5
Cobb, Bethany University of California, Berkeley Optical/IR Follow-Up of Gamma-Ray Bursts from SMARTS 2010B-0337 CTIO 1.3m 3.6
Cobb, Bethany University of California, Berkeley Exceptional Swift and Fermi GRBs: Gemini North Targets of Opportunity 2010B-0345 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.7
Cobb, Bethany University of California, Berkeley Exceptional Swift and Fermi GRBs: Gemini South Targets of Opportunity 2010B-0349 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.35
Comerford, Julia University of California, Berkeley Follow-up of Candidate Dual AGN Galaxies with Longslit Spectroscopy 2010B-0270 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.28
Comerford, Julia University of California, Berkeley Follow-up of Candidate Dual AGN Galaxies with Longslit Spectroscopy 2010B-0270 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.25
Conselice, Christopher University of Nottingham The Star Formation Rates in Ultra-Massive z > 2 Galaxies 2010B-0205 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.6
Cook, Jason NASA Ames Research Center Icy grain halos: amorphous or crystalline water ice? 2010B-0268 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.9
Corradi, Wagner Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Interstellar Dust and Magnetic Field towards the Orion-Eridanus Superbubble 2010B-0396 CTIO 0.9m 7
Coughlin, Jeffrey New Mexico State University Near-Infrared Secondary Eclipse Measurements of Multiple Transiting Exoplanets II 2010B-0138 KPNO 2.1m 7.5
Covey, Kevin Cornell University Confirming X-ray Triggered Disk Accretion With K Band Spectroscopy 2010B-0412   Hale 2
Crenshaw, D Michael Georgia State University The Connection Between Fueling Flows and Outflows in Active Galaxies: Ionized Spirals in Markarian 573 2010B-0218 GEM-N GEM-NQ 2
Crotts, Arlin Columbia University Evolution of Supernova Remnant 1987A 2010B-0362 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1
Crotts, Arlin Columbia University The Echo from Supernova 1987A 2010B-0374 CTIO 0.9m-SVC 4
Cummings, Jeff Indiana University Initial Li of Metal-Poor Young Open Clusters and its Connection to Primordial Lithium 2010B-0624 MMT MMT 2
Cunha, Katia National Optical Astronomy Observatory Chemical Evolution at the Edge of the Bar: Abundances at the base of the Scutum-Crux arm 2010B-0603 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.9
Davidson, Jr, James University of Toledo A Polarimetric Study of Potential Extragalactic Protoplanetary Disk Systems 2010B-0503 CTIO 0.9m 7
De Buizer, James Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy Investigating the Connection Between Green Fuzzy Emission and Molecular Outflows 2010B-0487 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.68
de Pater, Imke University of California, Berkeley ALTAIR/NIRI AO Imaging of Volcanic Eruptions on Io 2010B-0086 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.8
De Rosa, Robert University of Exeter Southern A-Star Survey with Spartan IR 2010B-0145 CTIO SOAR 4
Dewitt, Curtis University of Florida Spectroscopic follow-up of NIR candidate counterparts to Galactic Center X-ray sources 2010B-0484 CTIO SOAR 2
Dey, Arjun National Optical Astronomy Observatory Probing the Low-Mass End of the Galaxy Mass Function at z~2: A Survey for Low-z Ly(alpha) Emitters 2010B-0146 KPNO 4m 7
Dey, Arjun National Optical Astronomy Observatory The Origin and Evolution of Low-Redshift (z<2) Lyman Alpha Emitting Galaxies 2010B-0437 Keck Keck-I 1
Dieterich, Sergio Georgia State University Probing Stellar Physics at the Bottom of the Main Sequence: Continuing to Map the Optical Color Space for Spectral Types M6V to L5V 2010B-0176 CTIO SOAR 6
Dieterich, Sergio Georgia State University Probing Stellar Physics at the Bottom of the Main Sequence: Continuing the Pursuit of Dynamical Masses 2010B-0341 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.59
Dieterich, Sergio Georgia State University Probing Stellar Physics at the Bottom of the Main Sequence: Calibrating the Effects of Youth, Gravity, and Metallicity on Luminosity 2010B-0467 GEM-S GEM-SQ 4.13
Drake, Andrew California Institute of Technology The Nature of Extreme Supernova Explosions 2010B-0533 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.5
Drake, Andrew California Institute of Technology The Nature of Extreme Supernova Explosions 2010B-0533 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1
Duchene, Gaspard University of California, Berkeley Identification of Very Low Mass Brown Dwarfs in IC348 2010B-0287 GEM-N GEM-NQ 2.48
Duchene, Gaspard University of California, Berkeley The physical properties of visual binaries in the Orion Nebula Cluster 2010B-0420 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.45
Dupuy, Trent University of Hawaii Testing Ultracool Atmospheres with Mass Benchmarks 2010B-0589 Keck Keck-II 1
Farihi, Jay University of Leicester The Origin of Metals in Cool White Dwarfs: Disrupted Minor Planets or Interstellar Gas? 2010B-0017 MMT MMT 1
Fesen, Robert Dartmouth College Spectra of Cas A's Highest Velocity Ejecta 2010B-0335 KPNO 4m 5
Fleming, Scott University of Florida More BiRDS: The Mass:Radius Relationship Of Long-Period Eclipsing Binaries 2010B-0164 KPNO 2.1m 6
Fleming, Scott University of Florida A Spectroscopic Survey of the ClassII YSO Population in the LkH(alpha)101 Region 2010B-0500 KPNO 4m 3
Fox, Derek Pennsylvania State University Gamma-Ray Bursts: From Progenitors to Probes 2010B-0595 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.7
Fox, Derek Pennsylvania State University Gamma-Ray Bursts: From Progenitors to Probes 2010B-0597 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.35
French, Linda Illinois Wesleyan University Photometry of an Object in a Comet-Like Orbit and Jovian Trojan Asteroids 2010B-0187 CTIO 0.9m 7
Gal-Yam, Avishay Weizmann Institute of Science Identifying progenitors of core-collapse supernovae 2010B-0198 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.1
Gallagher, Joseph Louisiana State University Analysis of Early Dust Formation in SNe with Strong CSM Interaction 2010B-0385 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.93
Garnavich, Peter University of Notre Dame A New Polar with a Very Low Accretion Rate 2010B-0520 KPNO 4m 3
Ge, Jian University of Florida SDSS-III MARVELS Planet Candidate RV Follow-up 2010B-0527 KPNO 2.1m 16.5
Gebhardt, Karl University of Texas, Austin Rest-frame Optical Spectroscopy of Ly-alpha Emmitting Galaxies 2010B-0257 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.6
Geha, Marla Yale University A Megacam Survey of Galactic Halo Substructure 2010B-0472   Magellan-II 2
Guha Niyogi, Suklima University of Missouri, Columbia Testing dust condensation hypotheses using Gemini Michelle spatially?resolved spectroscopy of O-rich AGB stars. 2010B-0240 GEM-N GEM-N 1
Guinan, Edward Villanova University The fundamental properties and internal structure of massive stars 2010B-0199 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.4
Hamper, Randall Indiana University Discrimination among M Dwarf Dynamos Using Hyades Spectroscopy and Photometry 2010B-0203 KPNO 2.1m 4
Harker, David University of California, San Diego Mid-IR Observations of EPOXI Mission Target Comet 103P/Hartley 2 2010B-0110 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.7
Hartigan, Patrick Rice University Dynamics Within the Collimation Region of the HH 444 Stellar Jet 2010B-0390 Keck Keck-I 1
Hebb, Leslie Vanderbilt University Measuring metallicities of Benchmark Eclipsing Binaries and Eclipsing M dwarfs 2010B-0360 CTIO 0.9m-SVC 7
Hebb, Leslie Vanderbilt University Measuring metallicities of Benchmark Eclipsing Binaries and Eclipsing M dwarfs 2010B-0360 KPNO 2.1m 7
Hebb, Leslie Vanderbilt University Measuring metallicities of Benchmark Eclipsing Binaries and Eclipsing M dwarfs 2010B-0360 KPNO 4m 3.5
Henry, Alaina University of California, Santa Barbara Galaxies at the Epoch of Peak Star Formation: Stellar Mass measurements of a WFC3 spectroscopically selected sample 2010B-0438 KPNO WIYN 4
Herbst, William Wesleyan University Near Infrared Spectroscopy of the Unique T Tauri Binary System KH 15D 2010B-0292 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.4
Hidalgo, Sebastian Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias Toward a detailed, reliable and comprehensive star formation history of the Small Magellanic Cloud 2010B-0194 CTIO 1.0m 6
Hidalgo, Sebastian Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias Toward a detailed, reliable and comprehensive star formation history of the Small Magellanic Cloud 2010B-0194 CTIO 4m 6
Hinkle, Kenneth National Optical Astronomy Observatory Luminosities for Final Flash Stars 2010B-0290 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.63
Homan, Jeroen Massachusetts Institute of Technology What powered the most luminous neutron-star transient? 2010B-0502 CTIO 1.3m 1.9
Howell, Steve National Optical Astronomy Observatory Speckle Imaging of Kepler and CoRoT Exo-planet Transit Candidate Stars 2010B-0241 KPNO WIYN 7
Howell, Steve National Optical Astronomy Observatory Spectroscopy of Kepler Exo-planet Transit Candidates 2010B-0246 KPNO 4m 16
Howell, D. Andrew University of California, Santa Barbara Progenitor Signatures in Early Spectra of Type Ia Supernovae 2010B-0368 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.5
Howell, Steve National Optical Astronomy Observatory Spectroscopy of the Unique White Dwarf BOKS 53836 2010B-0495   Hale 2
Howk, J Christopher University of Notre Dame Probing Star Formation and Primordial Infall in the Thick Disks of Spiral Galaxies 2010B-0329 Keck Keck-I 1
Hrivnak, Bruce Valparaiso University Testing the Binary Hypothesis for Bipolar Proto-Planetery Nebulae 2010B-0382 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.7
Hsieh, Henry University of Hawaii Nucleus Characterization of Main-Belt Comet P/Read 2010B-0327 CTIO SOAR 2
Jacobson, Heather Michigan State University Neutron-Capture Element Abundances of Open Clusters at Rgc 9-12 kpc in the Milky Way Disk 2010B-0410 KPNO 4m 6
Jao, Wei-Chun Georgia State University Fingerprinting a Mysterious Unseen Companion in the Solar Neighborhood 2010B-0311 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.13
Jha, Saurabh Rutgers University CluLeSS: Cluster and Lensed Supernova Search 2010B-0509 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.52
Jha, Saurabh Rutgers University CluLeSS: Cluster and Lensed Supernova Search 2010B-0509 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.52
Johnson, Christian Indiana University Chemical Abundances and the Formation and Evolution of the Galactic Bulge 2010B-0451 CTIO 4m 4
Johnson, Jennifer Ohio State University The Metallicity of the Halo: Calibration of M giants 2010B-0477 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 6
Kannappan, Sheila University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Toward a Cosmic Mass Census: Galaxy Dynamics in the RESOLVE Survey 2010B-0411 CTIO SOAR 1.5
Kaplan, David University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Constraining the First Eclipsing Double White Dwarf Binary in the Infrared 2010B-0353 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.9
Karr, Jennifer Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics Probing the Mystery of VeLLOs 2010B-0204 CTIO SOAR 1
Kartaltepe, Jeyhan National Optical Astronomy Observatory Probing the Most Extreme Luminous Infrared Galaxies in the Universe 2010B-0578 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.08
Kasliwal, Mansi California Institute of Technology--Astronomy Dept. Transients in the Local Universe 2010B-0440 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.8
Kasliwal, Mansi California Institute of Technology--Astronomy Dept. Transients in the Local Universe 2010B-0448 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.8
Keeney, Brian University of Colorado Gas and Galaxies in the Cosmic Web: A Galaxy Redshift Survey around HST/COS Target Sight Lines 2010B-0019 CTIO 4m 6
Kelly, Patrick Stanford University Shifting Standards: SN Ia Calibration Across Host Environments 2010B-0614 KPNO 2.1m 6
Kennedy, Catherine Michigan State University Nitrogen Abundances for Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Stars 2010B-0320 GEM-S GEM-SQ 3
Kepler, S.O. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sol Spectroscopy of magnetic white dwarf stars 2010B-0462 GEM-S GEM-SQ 2.09
Kim, Sang Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Origin of the Outer Galactic Disk Open Clusters 2010B-0178 CTIO 1.0m 4
Kobulnicky, Chip University of Wyoming Intermediate-Mass Star-Forming Regions: What are the Most Massive Stars Formed? 2010B-0229 KPNO 4m 4
Konstantopoulos, Iraklis Pennsylvania State University Testing star formation and galaxy evolution through the tidal tails of interacting galaxies 2010B-0355 KPNO WIYN 2
Kulkarni, Shri California Institute of Technology Cosmic Explosions: Census, Systematics, and Beyond 2010B-0570 KPNO 4m 10
Kunder, Andrea Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory The Oosterhoff period shift effect in NGC1851 and NGC2808: nature or nurture ? 2010B-0225 CTIO 1.0m 6
Lacy, Mark National Radio Astronomy Observatory Optical imaging of southern extragalactic fields with multiwavelength coverage 2010B-0309 CTIO 4m 7
Lambert, David University of Texas, Austin Exploring the Evolution of RCB stars from White Dwarf Mergers 2010B-0259 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.7
Landolt, Arlo Louisiana State University Faint UBVRI Photometric Standard Star fields: CTIO 2010B-0001 CTIO 1.0m 29
Landolt, Arlo Louisiana State University Faint UBVRI Photometric Standard Star fields: KPNO 2010B-0002 KPNO 2.1m 22
Law, Nicholas University of Toronto The Extremely Extreme: Searching for Companions in Wide M-dwarf Binaries 2010B-0315 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.79
Lee, Jae-Woo Sejong University Chemical Self-Enrichment History of 47 Tuc (NGC 104) 2010B-0161 CTIO 4m 3
Lewis, Geraint University of Sydney Cubs in the Litter: Spectroscopy of New Andromodean Dwarfs from PAndAS 2010B-0366 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.8
Limoges, Marie-Michele University of Montreal A continuing census of Galactic white dwarfs to 40 parsecs of the Sun 2010B-0457 KPNO 2.1m 4
Limoges, Marie-Michele University of Montreal A continuing census of Galactic white dwarfs to 40 parsecs of the Sun 2010B-0457 KPNO 4m 3.5
Liu, Xin Princeton University Unveiling Binary Supermassive Black Holes in Double-Peaked Narrow-line AGNs 2010B-0115 KPNO WIYN 3
Lopez-Morales, Mercedes Carnegie Institution of Washington Search for methane fluorescence in the transiting exoplanet XO-2 b 2010B-0131 GEM-N GEM-N 1
Ludwig, Johannes Heidelberg University The Galaxy Group Environment: A Survey for Dwarfs & Tidal debris 2010B-0532 KPNO 4m 2
Maderak, Ryan Indiana University Probing Chemical Evolution and Cool Dwarf Atmospheres with Oxygen in M67 2010B-0486 MMT MMT 0.5
Mainzer, Amy Jet Propulsion Laboratory A Search for the Coolest Brown Dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood 2010B-0184   Magellan-I 1
Mainzer, Amy Jet Propulsion Laboratory A Search for the Coolest Brown Dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood 2010B-0184   Magellan-I-PRE 1
Malo, Lison University of Montreal Photometric observations of Low-mass Candidates Members of Nearby Young Associations 2010B-0449 CTIO 0.9m-SVC 1.6
Marchesini, Danilo Tufts University Measuring the Rest-Frame UV Properties and the Number Density of Massive Galaxies at 3<z<4 2010B-0407   Magellan-I 1
Marchis, Franck SETI Institute/NASA Ames Research Center Refining the Mutual Orbits of Known Multiple Asteroid Moonlets 2010B-0118 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.95
Marinas, Naibi University of Florida Constraining the Star Forming History in Monoceros: A Study of Embedded Cluster Ages and Spatial Structure 2010B-0507 KPNO 4m 7.5
Marion, G. Texas A & M University Late Time Near-Infrared Spectra from Type Ia Supernovae 2010B-0538   Hale 2
Martell, Sarah Heidelberg University Globular Cluster Contributions to the Galactic Halo 2010B-0228 Keck Keck-I 1
Masiero, Joseph Jet Propulsion Laboratory Faint, dark and small: a new population of near-Earth objects 2010B-0085 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.13
Mason, Brian US Naval Observatory Nearby Dwarf Stars: Duplicity, Binarity, and Masses 2010A-0058 CTIO 4m 3
Mason, Brian US Naval Observatory Stellar Multiplicity and Masses 2010B-0096 CTIO SOAR 4
Massey, Philip Lowell Observatory A Census of Yellow Supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds: Testing Massive Star Evolutionary Models 2010B-0005 CTIO 4m 8
Massey, Philip Lowell Observatory Massive Star Evolution as a Function of Metallicity: Closing the Loop in the Local Group 2010B-0260 MMT MMT 2
Mathieu, Robert University of Wisconsin, Madison A Study of The Binary and Anomalous Stellar Populations in Two Intermediate-Aged Open Clusters 2010B-0501 KPNO WIYN 5.5
Matson, Rachel Georgia State University The Structure of Mass Loss from Massive Stars 2010B-0351 GEM-N GEM-NQ 3
Matsuoka, Yoshiki Nagoya University A Search for z ~ 7 Quasars 2010B-0156 GEM-N GEM-NQ 4.4
McConnell, Nicholas University of California, Berkeley Weighing Black Holes in the Most Luminous Galaxies 2010B-0608 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.7
McGregor, Peter Australian National University Accretion and Outflow from Young Stellar Disks 2010B-0174 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.6
McIntosh, Daniel University of Missouri, Kansas City Spectroscopic Confirmation of the Ongoing Assembly of Giant Ellipticals 2010B-0056 KPNO 2.1m 3
McIntosh, Daniel University of Missouri, Kansas City Spectroscopy of Gas-rich Major Mergers from the SDSS 2010B-0057 KPNO 2.1m 6.5
McIntosh, Daniel University of Missouri, Kansas City Survey of Massive Galaxy Pairs in Local Groups 2010B-0605 KPNO WIYN 2
McMillan, Robert University of Arizona Astrometric Search and Recovery of Asteroids and Comets Discovered by WISE 2010B-0405 CTIO 4m-TOO  
McMillan, Robert University of Arizona Astrometric Search and Recovery of Asteroids and Comets Discovered by WISE 2010B-0405 KPNO WIYN-TOO  
Megeath, Tom University of Toledo A Deep Newfirm Survey of the Orion A Cloud 2010B-0593 CTIO 4m 5
Meibom, Soren Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics The connections between binarity, circumstellar disks, and stellar rotation 2010B-0492 CTIO 4m 3
Meibom, Soren Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics The connections between binarity, circumstellar disks, and stellar rotation 2010B-0537 KPNO WIYN 1.5
Menanteau, Felipe Rutgers University Mass Calibration and Gas Physics of a Complete Sample of ACT SZE- Selected Galaxy Clusters 2010B-0222 GEM-S GEM-S 3
Merline, William Southwest Research Institute High-Resolution AO Imaging of Asteroids/Satellites 2010B-0623 GEM-N GEM-N 2
Merline, William Southwest Research Institute High-Resolution AO Imaging of Asteroids/Satellites 2010B-0623 GEM-S GEM-S 1
Moffett, Amanda University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Secondary Disks and Disk Regrowth in S0 Galaxies 2010B-0594 CTIO SOAR 4
Mouhcine, M Liverpool John Moores University The panoramic view of galaxies: the nature of the outskirts of spirals 2010B-0195 CTIO 4m 3
Myers, Adam University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign The Evolution of Small-Scale Quasar Clustering out to z~4.5 2010B-0050   Hale 4
Nemec, James Camosun College RR Lyrae Stars in NGC1841, Reticulum & NGC1466 2010B-0092 CTIO 0.9m 12
Nemec, James Camosun College RR Lyrae Stars in NGC1841, Reticulum & NGC1466 2010B-0092 CTIO 0.9m-PRE 2
Ngeow, Chow-Choong National Central University Continuing Observations of Cepheids in Sloan Filters 2010B-0098 CTIO 0.9m-SVC 25
Norman, Dara National Optical Astronomy Observatory X-ray selected AGN in a Merging Cluster Environment 2010B-0193 GEM-S GEM-S 1.5
O'Meara, John Saint Michael's College The Optical Depth of the Universe and the Search for Missing Metals at 2.5 < z < 3.4 2010B-0424   Magellan-II 2
Ofek, Eran California Institute of Technology Spectroscopic followup of shock breakout events 2010B-0336 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.25
Olszewski, Edward University of Arizona A Sensitive Test of Whether the LMC Contains a Tidal Streamer That Extends All the Way to the Carina Dwarf Spheroidal 2010B-0383 CTIO 1.0m 3
Olszewski, Edward University of Arizona A Sensitive Test of Whether the LMC Contains a Tidal Streamer That Extends All the Way to the Carina Dwarf Spheroidal 2010B-0383 CTIO 4m 4
Orton, Glenn California Institute of Technology-JPL Neptune's Wandering Hot Polar Anomaly 2010B-0104 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.13
Orton, Glenn California Institute of Technology-JPL Meridional Variability of Radiative vs Dynamical Forcing in Neptune 2010B-0106 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.2
Papovich, Casey Texas A & M University NEWFIRM Observations of a Massive Conglomeration of Galaxy Cluster Candidates at 1.3 < z < 2.0 2010B-0554 CTIO 4m 5
Paunzen, Ernst Universitat Wien (University of Vienna) The global content of chemically peculiar stars in the Milky Way. 2010B-0286 CTIO 1.0m 8
Pessev, Peter Gemini Observatory - South Abundances and kinematics of intermediate-age LMC clusters. 2010B-0563 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.6
Peterson, Bradley Ohio State University The High Mass End of the Black Hole Mass - Stellar Velocity Dispersion Relation in AGNs 2010B-0046 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.45
Prsa, Andrej Villanova University Follow-up Spectroscopy of Prime W-UMa Type Binary Stars Observed by Kepler 2010B-0434 KPNO 4m 5
Quimby, Robert California Institute of Technology The Decline of Luminous Supernovae 2010B-0571 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.28
Reed, Michael Missouri State University Constraining compact binary stars from the Kepler field. 2010B-0521 KPNO 4m 5
Rest, Armin Harvard University Echoes of Historical Supernovae in the Milky Way Galaxy 2010B-0529 KPNO 4m 7
Rich, R Michael University of California, Los Angeles The C/M Star Ratio in M31 Halo Fields from Narrow-Band Imaging 2010B-0588 KPNO WIYN 3
Riedel, Adric Georgia State University The Motions of "Motionless" Stars 2010B-0280 GEM-S GEM-SQ 2
Roe, Henry Lowell Observatory Titan's Methane Weather post-Equinox: Seasonal climate change and surface geology 2010B-0143 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.6
Roe, Henry Lowell Observatory Titan's Methane Weather post-Equinox: Seasonal climate change and surface geology 2010B-0143 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.4
Romanowsky, Aaron University of California, Santa Cruz The multi-wavelength Fundamental Plane in the Fornax Cluster 2010B-0561 CTIO 1.0m 6
Romanowsky, Aaron University of California, Santa Cruz Resolved Tracers of Substructure in Galaxy Halos 2010B-0615 GEM-N GEM-N 1
Romer, Kathy University of Sussex The Evolution of X-ray Scaling Relations Over Half A Hubble Time 2010B-0223 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.75
Romer, Kathy University of Sussex The Evolution of X-ray Scaling Relations Over Half A Hubble Time 2010B-0223 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.36
Rushton, Mark University of Central Lancashire Pollution of the Secondary in the RS Ophiuchi System 2010B-0119 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.19
Russo, Neil Dello Johns Hopkins University Determining the volatile composition of Jupiter family comets 103P/Hartley 2 and 10P/Tempel 2 2010B-0282 Keck Keck-II 1
Sahai, Raghvendra Jet Propulsion Laboratory Caught in the Act II: A High-Velocity Outflow in ^1Gru, an S-type AGB star evolving into a Bipolar Planetary Nebula 2010B-0384 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.6
Sahai, Raghvendra Jet Propulsion Laboratory A Stellar Interloper Speeding through a Dense Interstellar Cloud 2010B-0460 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1
Salyk, Colette University of Texas, Austin Water vapor in planet-forming regions: A new ground-based window on disk chemistry 2010B-0394 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.4
Salzer, John Indiana University Making Hay With ALFALFA: The Star-Formation Properties of an HI-Selected Galaxy Sample 2010B-0512 KPNO 2.1m 8
Schaefer, Gail Georgia State University Precise Masses of Young Stars in Taurus: Finishing the Job on Elias 12 2010B-0255 Keck Keck-II 1.5
Schlieder, Joshua State University of New York, Stony Brook Low Mass Members in Nearby Young Moving Groups Revealed 2010B-0148 GEM-S GEM-S 1
Schlieder, Joshua State University of New York, Stony Brook Low Mass Members in Nearby Young Moving Groups Revealed 2010B-0148 Keck Keck-II 1
Schmidt, Edward University of Nebraska Type II Cepheids and Related Variables 2010B-0009 KPNO 2.1m 5.5
Shang, Hsien Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics Resolving [NeII] 12.81 um Line Profiles toward Jet-Driving Young Stars 2010B-0269 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.7
Sheppard, Scott Carnegie Institution of Washington Precise Astrometry for Predicting Kuiper Belt Object Occultations 2010B-0536 CTIO 0.9m-SVC 4.2
Smith, Malcolm Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory Spectroscopic status of Light Pollution at CTIO 2010B-0284 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 0.2
Smith, Riley Iowa State University Testing new theoretical models of M dwarfs 2010B-0400 CTIO 1.0m 5
Song, Inseok University of Georgia Resolving the Asteroid Belt of HR 8799 2010B-0242 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.4
Song, Jeeseon University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Optical/NIR Confirmation and Redshift Measurements for South Pole Telescope Selected Galaxy Clusters 2010B-0598 CTIO 4m 11
Soto, Kurt University of California, Santa Barbara Integral Field Spectroscopy of Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxies 2010B-0599 GEM-N GEM-N 1
Sromovsky, Lawrence University of Wisconsin, Madison Characterization of Seasonal Changes on Uranus 2010B-0248 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1
Stanford, Adam University of California-Davis Dynamical Mass Estimates of South Pole Telescope SZE Selected Galaxy Clusters 2010B-0582 GEM-S GEM-SQ 3.86
Stauffer, John California Institute of Technology Pleiades-like Stars in the Hipparcos Catalog 2010B-0075 KPNO 4m 3.5
Stauffer, John California Institute of Technology Synoptic Monitoring of YSOs in Orion, NGC2264 and Mon R2 with Flamingos and Spitzer 2010B-0343 KPNO 2.1m 9.5
Stauffer, John California Institute of Technology Synoptic Monitoring of Star-Forming Cores 2010B-0397 CTIO 1.3m 4
Stocke, John University of Colorado A Unique Milli-Second Pulsar System 2010B-0144 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.9
Stritzinger, Maximilian Carnegie Institution of Washington Multi-wavelength spectroscopic study of young Type Ia supernovae 2010B-0116 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.2
Strolger, Louis-Gregory Western Kentucky University Tests of Environmental Effects on SN Ia Production 2010B-0291 KPNO 4m 6
Sullivan, Mark University of Oxford The Host Galaxies of Local PTF Type Ia Supernovae 2010B-0200 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.6
Takita, Satoshi Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Spectroscopic follow-up observations of the AKARI T Tauri star candidates around the Taurus region 2010B-0530 KPNO 2.1m 5
Tanvir, Nial University of Leicester Investigating gamma-ray bursts and their use as cosmological probes 2010B-0213 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.2
Tanvir, Nial University of Leicester Rapid observations of gamma-ray bursts with Gemini-S 2010B-0215 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.2
Telesco, Charles University of Florida Resolving an Asteroid Belt in a Multi-Planet System 2010B-0052 GEM-N GEM-N 1
Telesco, Charles University of Florida Revealing the Structure and Mineralogy of the Beta Pic Central Disk 2010B-0053 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.87
Thomas, Cristina Northern Arizona University Physical Characterization of Warm Spitzer Observed Near-Earth Objects 2010B-0192 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 3
Thomas, Cristina Northern Arizona University Physical Characterization of Warm Spitzer Observed Near-Earth Objects 2010B-0192 CTIO SOAR 5
Thomas, Cristina Northern Arizona University Physical Characterization of Warm Spitzer Observed Near-Earth Objects 2010B-0192 GEM-S GEM-SQ 3.69
Thomas, Cristina Northern Arizona University Physical Characterization of Warm Spitzer Observed Near-Earth Objects 2010B-0192 KPNO 4m 4
Tokovinin, Andrei Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory Comprehensive statistics of multiple stars 2010B-0022 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 11
Trafton, Laurence University of Texas, Austin Search for Enhancement of Unidentified Titan Absorption Features over Xanadu and for Titan CH4 Humidity Gradients 2010B-0566 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.47
Trueblood, Mark National Optical Astronomy Observatory Long-Term Follow-up of Near Earth Objects 2010B-0030 KPNO 2.1m 4
Trujillo, Chadwick Gemini Observatory - North Primordial Solar System Ices 2010B-0461 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.1
Tsai, Chao-Wei California Institute of Technology--IPAC Probing the Most Luminous, High-Redshift Galaxies Discovered by WISE 2010B-0592 CTIO SOAR 4
van Dokkum, Pieter Yale University The stellar initial mass function in elliptical galaxies 2010B-0136 Keck Keck-I 1
Veilleux, Sylvain University of Maryland Deep Emission-Line Imaging of Local Galactic Winds with NEWFIRM: Part II. 2010B-0100 CTIO 4m 5
Vennes, Stephane Astronomicky ustav Properties of hot subluminous stars in the GALEX survey 2010B-0247 KPNO 4m 3.5
Wade, Richard Pennsylvania State University Early F dwarfs with hidden hot subdwarf companions: completing the `winter' sample 2010B-0372 KPNO 2.1m 4.5
Walker, Alistair National Optical Astronomy Observatory Multipopulations in NGC 2808: helium or not helium? 2010B-0230 CTIO 4m 1
Walter, Frederick State University of New York, Stony Brook Spectroscopy of Intermediate Mass Members of the Orion OB1a and b associations 2010B-0093 KPNO WIYN 4
Walter, Fred State University of New York, Stony Brook Simultaneity of Accretion and Outflow in Young Stars 2010B-0564 GEM-S GEM-SQ 3
Wang, Ji University of Florida Searching For Planets Around M Dwarfs with EXPERT 2010B-0534 KPNO 2.1m 7
Wasserman, Lawrence Lowell Observatory Colors of Distant Solar System Objects 2010B-0038 CTIO 4m 2
Wasserman, Lawrence Lowell Observatory Colors of Distant Solar System Objects 2010B-0038 KPNO 4m 3
Webb, Tracy McGill University Spectroscopy of Infrared Galaxies in Clusters to z = 1 2010B-0275 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.11
Webb, Tracy McGill University Spectroscopy of Infrared Galaxies in Clusters to z = 1 2010B-0278 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.95
Wilhelm, Ronald University of Kentucky Exploring Chemically Peculiar A/F-type Stars at Low Galactic Latitudes 2010B-0541 KPNO WIYN 5
Williams, Stephen Georgia State University Spectroscopic Orbits for Kepler FOV Eclipsing Binaries 2010B-0379 KPNO 4m 6
Wilson, Robert University of Florida The extinction and the distance to the Andromeda Galaxy 2010B-0003 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.9
Wilson, Gillian University of California, Riverside The Gemini Cluster Astrophysics Spectroscopic Survey (GCLASS) 2010B-0232 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.44
Wilson, Gillian University of California, Riverside The Gemini Cluster Astrophysics Spectroscopic Survey (GCLASS) 2010B-0236 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.45
Wing, Joshua Boston University Radio Selected Clusters of Galaxies at High Redshift 2010B-0137 KPNO 4m 4
Winter, Lisa University of Colorado Determining the Optical Outflow Properties of an Unbiased Sample of Low Redshift Seyfert 1s 2010B-0132 CTIO SOAR 4
Worseck, Gabor University of California, Santa Cruz Surveying the Post-Reionization Universe with Quasar Spectroscopy II 2010B-0055 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1
Wright, Chris University of New South Wales Magnetic fields toward massive Young Stellar Objects 2010B-0180 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.75
Yeh, Sherry University of Toronto Molecular Hydrogen in 30 Doradus 2010B-0493 CTIO 4m 1.5
Zakamska, Nadia Institute for Advanced Study Is there feedback from radio-quiet quasars? 2010B-0129 GEM-N GEM-N 2
Zakamska, Nadia Institute for Advanced Study Anomalous molecular hydrogen emission in ultraluminous infrared galaxies 2010B-0135 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.6
Zuckerman, Ben University of California, Los Angeles Hunting the Coolest Substellar Dwarfs 2010B-0064 CTIO 4m 5
Zuckerman, Ben University of California, Los Angeles Hunting the Coolest Substellar Dwarfs in the Northern Hemisphere 2010B-0070 KPNO 4m 4.5



Updated on July 8, 2024, 1:58 pm