Science Announcements

January Issue of the NOIRLab Mirror Newsletter Highlights News and Milestones for the NOIRLab Community

12 February 2024

The sixth (January 2024) edition of The NOIRLab Mirror newsletter is now available. This biannual publication focuses on news for the NOIRLab community

NOIRLab IRAF v2.18 Released to the Astronomy Community

12 February 2024

The US National Gemini Office (US NGO), part of the Community Science and Data Center (CSDC) at NSF's NOIRLab, recently

Rare Gems in Big Data

26 January 2024

Registration is now open! Please register early as registration will close on 19 April or earlier if we reach capacity. Main topics: Surveys, time-domain and multi-messenger astrophysics, galaxies, cosmology, Milky Way and nearby galaxies, stellar populations, exoplanets, Solar System objects, techniques and tools.

Gemini Large and Long Proposals: Letters of Intent Solicited

9 January 2024

Letters of intent are solicited for new Gemini Large and Long Proposals,(LLPs) to begin in semester 2024B. Letters are due by 12 February 2024

Gemini Fast Turnaround: January 2024

9 January 2024

We are pleased to announce the monthly Call for Proposals for the Gemini Fast Turnaround (FT) Program. The upcoming deadline is 12:00 (noon) Hawai‘i

Gemini Graduate Student Visitor Program

9 January 2024

Gemini is excited to begin a new graduate student visitor program, starting in 2024A, for graduate student PIs or CoIs on Gemini programs. The

GMOS-S Back On Sky for Recommissioning

9 January 2024

After the successful upgrade of two of the three GMOS-S CCDs, the instrument is back on the telescope and undergoing recommissioning. The long-slit mode

Gemini Splinter Sessions at AAS 243

9 January 2024

The International Gemini Observatory and the US National Gemini Office will be hosting two splinter sessions at AAS 243 on Wednesday 10 January. The