sci24057 — Announcement
Gemini Observatory Invites Proposals for the 2025A Semester
August 28, 2024
The 2025A Gemini Observatory Call for Proposal has been released. Proposals are being accepted for observations from 1 February 2025 to 31 July 2025. Gemini North and Gemini South are expected to have 164.5 and 154.6 nights available for science, respectively. The distribution of the time available per participant country is summarized here.
A new version of the Phase I Tool (PIT) has been released to support proposal submission. Please, note that all Gemini proposals requesting time from the United States, Canada, Brazil or Argentina must be anonymized. This applies both to programs requesting time only from each of those partners, and to joint programs requesting time from multiple participants which include them. The submission deadline ranges from 30 September 2024 to 3 October 2024, as outlined here. Multi-participant joint proposals should be submitted by the deadline of the participant country to which the PI is affiliated.
The list of instruments offered this cycle, with their sky visibility restrictions, is available here. Gemini North will offer, for the first time, observations with IGRINS-2 during specific blocks, subject to RA demand. For this cycle IGRINS-2 will be offered in shared risks.
GHOST will be offered as part of the regular semester 2025A Call for Proposals during scheduled blocks. A clear science target list for each GHOST proposal will be required in order to avoid possible conflicts with the established GHOST Guaranteed Time target list. The US NGO, in collaboration with Gemini, will offer reduced spectra for GHOST programs from all partner countries.
Any questions concerning the proposal preparation should be made using the Gemini Help Desk. This web-based system will send the request to your National Gemini Office staff in the first instance who will escalate it to the Gemini staff if necessary.
About the Announcement
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