REU Participants and Projects

Student & Institution Mentor(s) Project Title
Crow-Willard, Emma
Occidental College
Chris Miller (CTIO) The brightest cluster galaxy catalogue and density correlations analysis
Lynch, Emily
Dartmouth College
Roberto de Propris (CTIO)
& Michael West (ESO)
Globular clusters in NGC3370
Mares, Peter
Cornell University
Roberto de Propris,
Craig Harrison & Alistair Walker(CTIO)
Characterizing the phase space of our galactic halo by using Blue Horizontal Branch stars as distance indicators
Misra, Amit
Case Western Reserve University
Percy Gomez (Gemini) Impact of Galaxy Cluster Mergers on Radio Galaxies
Plunkett, Adele
Middlebury College
Simon Schuler (CTIO) Iron abundances on open cluster dwarfs: Pleiades
Schenker, Matt
Dartmouth College
Linda Schmidtobreick (ESO)
& Stella Kafka (SSC)
Search for SW Sextantis Cataclysmic Variables

PIA Participants and Projects

Student & Institution Mentor(s) Project Title
Campos Macarena
Universidad de Concepcion
Susan Ridgway (CTIO) HST imaging observations of z~1 radio sources and their radio-optical alignments
Regis Cartier Ugarte
Universidad de Chile
Malcolm Smith (CTIO) Spectroscopy of red x-ray selected quazars

Updated on May 15, 2022, 10:40 am