U.S. REU Participants and Projects

Student & Institution Advisor Project Title
Sonia Aggarwal
Haverford College
Nick Suntzeff Photometry of Eta Carinae
Claire Bendersky
Mt. Holyoke College
Hugo Schwarz The Planetary Nebula NGC 6543
Ben Brandvig
University of Washington
Bernadette Rodgers,
Nicole van der Bliek and
Sandrine Thomas
Herbig Ae/Be Stars
AJ Carver
University of Wisconsin-Madson
Linda Schmidtobreick
and Alan Whiting
Suspected SW Sextantis Stars
Betsy Mills
Indiana University
Hugo Schwarz Extinction Towards Planetary Nebulae
Dylan Semler
Macalester College
Malcom Smith, Hugo Schwarz
and Nicholas Suntzeff
The Night Sky Brightness at CTIO

Chilean Students and Projects:
Práctica de Investigacíon en Astronomía (PIA) Program

Student & Institution Advisor Project Title
Laura Pérez
Universidad de Chile
Malcom Smith Red Quasars
Omar Valdivia
Universidad de Concepción
Chris Smith and Sean Points The Energy Balance of LMC-1

Updated on May 15, 2022, 10:39 am