U.S. REU Participants and Projects

Student & Institution Advisor Project Title
Pamela Baca
University of Colorado,
Dara Norman Search for Galaxy Clusters in the Fields of QSOs / Follow_up Observations of Deep Lens Survey Transients
Jeffrey Carlin
San Francisco
State University
Chris Smith Optical Studies of the Vela Bullets
Tucker Freismuth
College of Charleston
André Tokovinin From Binaries to Triples
Colette Salyk
Mass. Institute
of Technology
Knut Olsen The Disk Tilt of the LMC

Chilean Students and Projects:
Práctica de Investigacíon en Astronomía (PIA) Program

Student & Institution Advisor Project Title
Marcelo Mora
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago
Nick Suntzeff K-correction Calculations for Type Ia Supernovae
Sergio Vera
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago
Nick Suntzeff The Darkness of the Chilean Night Sky
Miguel Verdugo
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago
Nick Suntzeff Precision photometry for Type Ia supernovae

U.S. intern, participating in the REU program

Student & Institution Advisor Project Title
Amber Young
Middlebury College, Vermont
Nicole van der Bliek
& Bob Blum
Infrared Spectra of SiO Masing AGB Stars in the Galactic Bulge


  • Tour of Cerro Tololo
  • Tour of Cerro Pachon and the Gemini South facility
  • Observing at CTIO: the 0.9-m telescope
  • Participating in the IAU Conference on Light Pollution
  • Participating in the Workshop on ``Star Formation Accross the Stellar Mass Spectrum''

Updated on May 15, 2022, 10:38 am