U.S. REU Participants and Projects
Student & Institution | Advisor | Project Title |
Pamela Baca University of Colorado, Denver |
Dara Norman | Search for Galaxy Clusters in the Fields of QSOs / Follow_up Observations of Deep Lens Survey Transients |
Jeffrey Carlin San Francisco State University |
Chris Smith | Optical Studies of the Vela Bullets |
Tucker Freismuth College of Charleston |
André Tokovinin | From Binaries to Triples |
Colette Salyk Mass. Institute of Technology |
Knut Olsen | The Disk Tilt of the LMC |
Chilean Students and Projects:
Práctica de Investigacíon en Astronomía (PIA) Program
Student & Institution | Advisor | Project Title |
Marcelo Mora Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago |
Nick Suntzeff | K-correction Calculations for Type Ia Supernovae |
Sergio Vera Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago |
Nick Suntzeff | The Darkness of the Chilean Night Sky |
Miguel Verdugo Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago |
Nick Suntzeff | Precision photometry for Type Ia supernovae |
U.S. intern, participating in the REU program
Student & Institution | Advisor | Project Title |
Amber Young Middlebury College, Vermont |
Nicole van der Bliek & Bob Blum |
Infrared Spectra of SiO Masing AGB Stars in the Galactic Bulge |
- Tour of Cerro Tololo
- Tour of Cerro Pachon and the Gemini South facility
- Observing at CTIO: the 0.9-m telescope
- Participating in the IAU Conference on Light Pollution
- Participating in the Workshop on ``Star Formation Accross the Stellar Mass Spectrum''
Updated on May 15, 2022, 10:38 am