Filter Information

Plots and data included with most lists.

Instructions for Fast Beam Simulations

Glass Filter Spectral Transmission Curves from Schott Catalog (reproduced with permission from Schott Glass Technologies, Inc.)

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NOIRLab Filter Database

Filter FWHM (Å) CWL (Å) Telescope Instrument Plot Data Comments
kp183 23.00 5013.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp183 nebular set o III 272 sub
kp249 24.00 4480.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp249 from sao
2124 nm 2124, 2.12 μm H2 24.00 2131.90 Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope NEWFIRM 2124 nm 2124, 2.12 μm H2 Use with 4303
kp1413 24.00 5005.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1413 backup for kp272-janos
kp1579 24.00 4861.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1579 H Beta N
2168 nm 2168, 2.16 μm Br γ 24.40 2177.00 Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope NEWFIRM 2168 nm 2168, 2.16 μm Br γ Use with 4303
kp1522 25.00 4371.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1522 replaces kp1206
kp1522 25.00 4371.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1522 replaces kp1207
kp1415 25.00 4025.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1415 catys filter semi-perm
H-beta narrow 25.00 4876.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 4-Inch Filters H-beta narrow H-beta narrow
kp859 26.00 6723.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp859
[S III] 27.00 9545.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 4-Inch Filters [S III] [S III] George Jacoby's filter
SAMI [SII] Narrow 27.00 6738.00 SOAR Telescope SAM, SAM-FP
SAMI-[SII]6738 Narrow 27.00 6738.00 SOAR Telescope SAM, SAMI SAMI-[SII]6738 Narrow
kp272 28.00 5002.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp272 nebular set 183 sub
kp1272 28.00 4860.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1272 nebular set
kp1273 28.00 4865.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1273 h beta system
KP1519 28.91 6550.15 Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope KOSMOS KP1519 KP1519 KOSMOS Approved KPNO 4in. Filter.
H-alpha narrow 29.00 6560.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 4-Inch Filters H-alpha narrow H-alpha narrow has red leak
kp1434 29.00 6569.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1434 halpha replaces kp810
kp947 30.00 3630.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter o II
Hb-narrow 30.00 4854.00 WIYN 0.9-meter Telescope S2KB Hb-narrow Hb-narrow 01-2013
kp1225 31.00 4885.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1225 video camera
kp1547 31.00 5010.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1547 o III
H-alpha 32.00 6565.00 Gemini South ZORRO H-alpha H-alpha not convolved with dichroic
H-alpha 32.00 6565.00 Gemini North ALOPEKE H-alpha H-alpha not convolved with dichroic
kp265 32.00 7138.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp265 bad wavy surface
Stromgren u 34.00 3467.00 WIYN 0.9-meter Telescope S2KB Stromgren u Stromgren u 01-2013
kp1276 35.00 6565.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1276 nebular set
kp1276a 36.00 6566.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1276a
BTFI_6745/38 BTFI 38.50 6745.00 SOAR Telescope SAM, SAMI
BTFI 6745 / 38 38.50 6745.00 SOAR Telescope SAM, SAM-FP
kp816 39.00 9561.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp816
kp1548 39.00 3736.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 4-Inch Filters kp1548 kp1548 Replaces 1277 1278; damaged coating?
kp810 39.00 6569.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp810 h alpha system
kp1120 41.00 4042.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1120
wrc4 WR CIV k1024 41.79 5828.71 Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope Mosaic wrc4 WR CIV k1024 wrc4 WR CIV k1024 Note that there is a shift in central wavelength when placed in different f/ratio beams. At the KPNO 4meter f/3.1 beam this corresponds to a shift of approximately 12 Angstroms bluer; at the CTIO 4meter f/2.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 15 Angstroms bluer; at the WIYN 0.9m f/7.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 5 Angstroms bluer. See the plot at the bottom of the page.
kp1119 42.00 3927.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter k line
kp1206 43.00 4374.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter
SII_G0335 44.00 6720.00 Gemini South GMOS-S SII_G0335 SII_G0335
OIII_G0338 44.00 4990.00 Gemini South GMOS-S OIII_G0338 OIII_G0338
[O III] 45.00 5008.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 4-Inch Filters [O III] [O III]
kp1524 45.00 10843.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1524
kp1238 46.00 5227.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1238 video camera
kp273 46.00 9073.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp273 s III
OIII_G0318 47.00 4990.00 Gemini North GMOS-N OIII_G0318 OIII_G0318
kp1239 47.00 5281.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1239 video camera
[O III] -2 49.00 5011.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 4-Inch Filters [O III] -2 [O III] -2 new 10/2011
kp1241 49.00 5379.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1241 video camera
kp1242 49.00 5425.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1242 video camera

Updated on June 27, 2022, 11:32 am