Filter Information
Plots and data included with most lists.
- Important Filter Information - updated Mar. 13, 2013
- Filters for the Mosaic Imager
- KPNO 4-Inch Filter List - includes Hale-Bopp comet filters.
- KPNO 2-Inch Filter List
- RC Spectrograph Order Separation Filters
- Echelle Spectrograph Filters Pre-slit and Post-slit
- Phoenix Order Sorting Filters
- NEWFIRM Filter Information
- KOSMOS Filters
- GoldCam Spectrograph Order Separation Filters
- WIYN Imager Filter List 4 x 4 inch
- ODI Filter Information 428 x 445 mm
- WIYN Bench Spectrograph Filter List
- WHIRC Filters
- WIYN 0.9 Meter Filter Information
Instructions for Fast Beam Simulations
Glass Filter Spectral Transmission Curves from Schott Catalog (reproduced with permission from Schott Glass Technologies, Inc.)
Filter Loan Request Form - PDF fill-in form (if using Adobe Reader). Or, use the MS-Word version.
{ Please fill out and send the signed form via either email (, or mail (950 North Cherry Avenue # Tucson, AZ 85719) }
NOIRLab Filter Database
Filter | FWHM (Å) | CWL (Å) | Telescope | Instrument | Plot | Data | Comments |
2124/68 blocker 2 μm blocker | 257.00 | 2165.00 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | NEWFIRM | 2124/68 blocker 2 μm blocker | Use with 4301, 4302 | |
1187 nm 1187, 1.19 μm continuum | 11.10 | 1186.40 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | NEWFIRM | 1187 nm 1187, 1.19 μm continuum | Use with 2104. | |
2096 nm | 20.40 | 2096.00 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | NEWFIRM | 2096 nm | ||
H 127 | 286.00 | 1627.00 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | NEWFIRM | H 127 | Use with 3103, 3203 | |
H 133 | 286.00 | 1634.00 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | NEWFIRM | Use with 3103, 3203. These filters have never been used in NEWFIRM. | ||
1056 nm, 1056 | 0.74 | 1056.37 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | NEWFIRM | 1056 nm, 1056 | Use with 1403 | |
H + K blocker | 1320.00 | 2030.00 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | NEWFIRM | H + K blocker | Use with 3101, 3102 | |
1063 nm, 1063 | 0.81 | 1063.09 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | NEWFIRM | 1063 nm, 1063 | Use with 1403 | |
HX | 308.00 | 1631.00 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | NEWFIRM | HX | ||
1060 blocker, 1 μm blocker, 1056 + 1063 blocker | 1063.50 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | NEWFIRM | 1060 blocker, 1 μm blocker, 1056 + 1063 blocker | Use with 1401, 1402 | ||
H1, Yale H1 | 174.70 | 1555.70 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | NEWFIRM | Use with 3203 | ||
J 241 | 158.00 | 1246.00 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | NEWFIRM | Use with 2103. These filters have never been used in NEWFIRM | ||
H2, Yale H2 | 168.30 | 1705.90 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | NEWFIRM | Use with 3204 | ||
J 253 | 158.00 | 1252.00 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | NEWFIRM | Use with 2103. | ||
H1 + 2 blocker, Yale H1 +2 blcoker | 472.00 | 1622.00 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | NEWFIRM | Use with 3101, 3102, 3201, 3202 | ||
He I | 94.00 | 1082.00 | WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope | WHIRC | He I | ||
CN | 168.00 | 1107.00 | WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope | WHIRC | CN | The Pa β 45 and CO-n filters were removed from WHIRC in January 2012 and replaced by the CN and CO-w filters. | |
Pa β | 158.00 | 1280.00 | WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope | WHIRC | Pa β | ||
Pa β 45 | 133.00 | 1303.00 | WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope | WHIRC | Pa β 45 | The Pa β 45 and CO-n filters were removed from WHIRC in January 2012 and replaced by the CN and CO-w filters. | |
[Fe II] | 164.00 | 1646.00 | WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope | WHIRC | [Fe II] | ||
[Fe II] 45 | 162.00 | 1668.00 | WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope | WHIRC | [Fe II] 45 | ||
H2 S(1) | 216.00 | 2117.00 | WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope | WHIRC | H2 S(1) | ||
Br γ | 215.00 | 2162.00 | WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope | WHIRC | Br γ | ||
Br γ 45 | 237.00 | 2188.00 | WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope | WHIRC | Br γ 45 | ||
CO-n | 228.00 | 2293.00 | WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope | WHIRC | CO-n | The Pa β 45 and CO-n filters were removed from WHIRC in January 2012 and replaced by the CN and CO-w filters. | |
CO-w | 103.00 | 2342.00 | WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope | WHIRC | CO-w | The Pa β 45 and CO-n filters were removed from WHIRC in January 2012 and replaced by the CN and CO-w filters. | |
J | 162.00 | 1250.00 | WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope | WHIRC | J | ||
H | 310.00 | 1651.00 | WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope | WHIRC | H | ||
Ks | 343.00 | 2168.00 | WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope | WHIRC | Ks | ||
Low airglow | 132.00 | 1060.00 | WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope | WHIRC | Low airglow | ||
OCLI K Band Filter | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | Flamingos | OCLI K Band Filter | OCLI K Band Filter | Cuton: 2.028 - Cutoff: 2.365 | ||
Janos JH Band Filter | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | Flamingos | Janos JH Band Filter | Janos JH Band Filter | Cuton: 0.947 - Cutoff: 1.870 | ||
Janos HK Band Filter | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | Flamingos | Janos HK Band Filter | Janos HK Band Filter | Cuton: 1.37 - Cutoff: 2.6 | ||
James Rhoads Low-background J Filter | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | Flamingos | James Rhoads Low-background J Filter | Cuton: 1.050 - Cutoff: 1.385 | |||
Barr J Band Filter | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | Flamingos | Barr J Band Filter | Barr J Band Filter | Cuton: 1.170 - Cutoff: 1.326 | ||
Barr H Band Filter | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | Flamingos | Barr H Band Filter | Barr H Band Filter | Cuton: 1.495 - Cutoff: 1.776 | ||
Barr Ks Band Filter | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | Flamingos | Barr Ks Band Filter | Barr Ks Band Filter | Cuton: 1.990 - Cutoff: 2.305 | ||
I Nearly-Mould k1005 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | Mosaic | I Nearly-Mould k1005 | ||||
ha16 H-alpha+16nm k1013 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | Mosaic | ha16 H-alpha+16nm k1013 | ha16 H-alpha+16nm k1013 | Below is a plot of the transmission of this filter when used at telescopes with differing focal ratios and central obscurations; the KPNO 4m (f/3.1), the CTIO 4m (f/2.9), and the WIYN 0.9m (f/7.9). At the KPNO 4m f/3.1 the properties of this filter are: CWL=6705A, FWHM=81A, PEAK TRANSMISSION=91.7%. | ||
wrc4 WR CIV k1024 | 41.79 | 5828.71 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | Mosaic | wrc4 WR CIV k1024 | wrc4 WR CIV k1024 | Note that there is a shift in central wavelength when placed in different f/ratio beams. At the KPNO 4meter f/3.1 beam this corresponds to a shift of approximately 12 Angstroms bluer; at the CTIO 4meter f/2.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 15 Angstroms bluer; at the WIYN 0.9m f/7.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 5 Angstroms bluer. See the plot at the bottom of the page. |
918R 918R_v1 k1028 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | Mosaic | 918R 918R_v1 k1028 | 918R 918R_v1 k1028 | |||
Ud Dey custom U k1045 | 329.76 | 3485.23 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | Mosaic | Ud Dey custom U k1045 | Ud Dey custom U k1045 | Note that there is a shift in central wavelength when placed in different f/ratio beams. At the KPNO 4meter f/3.1 beam this corresponds to a shift of approximately 12 Angstroms bluer; at the CTIO 4meter f/2.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 15 Angstroms bluer; at the WIYN 0.9m f/7.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 5 Angstroms bluer. |
454 BATC k1054 ** | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | Mosaic | 454 BATC k1054 ** | 454 BATC k1054 ** | Note that there is a shift in central wavelength when placed in different f/ratio beams. At the KPNO 4meter f/3.1 beam this corresponds to a shift of approximately 12 Angstroms bluer; at the CTIO 4meter f/2.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 15 Angstroms bluer; at the WIYN 0.9m f/7.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 5 Angstroms bluer. | ||
802 BATC k1062 ** | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | Mosaic | 802 BATC k1062 ** | 802 BATC k1062 ** | Note that there is a shift in central wavelength when placed in different f/ratio beams. At the KPNO 4meter f/3.1 beam this corresponds to a shift of approximately 12 Angstroms bluer; at the CTIO 4meter f/2.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 15 Angstroms bluer; at the WIYN 0.9m f/7.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 5 Angstroms bluer. | ||
ha H-alpha c6009 | 80.00 | 6563.00 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | Mosaic | ha H-alpha c6009 | ha H-alpha c6009 | Note: The central wavelength of CTIO Mosaic narrow band filters (actually all filters, but is very significant for narrow band filters) is shifted ~15A to the BLUE in the f/2.87 beam of the Blanco 4m + PFADC corrector as compared to the transmission measured in parallel light. The central wavelength quoted below is nominally for when the filter is used at PF, with the ~15A shift included. Furthermore, the filter transmission curve presented below shows the simulated filter transmission curve for the Blanco 4m + PFADC f/2.87 beam. |
C Washington k1006 | 1034.00 | 3860.00 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | Mosaic | C Washington k1006 | C Washington k1006 | Note that there is a shift in central wavelength when placed in different f/ratio beams. At the KPNO 4meter f/3.1 beam this corresponds to a shift of approximately 12 Angstroms bluer; at the CTIO 4meter f/2.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 15 Angstroms bluer; at the WIYN 0.9m f/7.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 5 Angstroms bluer. See the plot at the bottom of the page. |
O3 OIII N2 k1014 * | 55.55 | 5024.90 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | Mosaic | O3 OIII N2 k1014 * | O3 OIII N2 k1014 * | Note that there is a shift in central wavelength when placed in different f/ratio beams. At the KPNO 4meter f/3.1 beam this corresponds to a shift of approximately 12 Angstroms bluer; at the CTIO 4meter f/2.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 15 Angstroms bluer; at the WIYN 0.9m f/7.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 5 Angstroms bluer. See the plot at the bottom of the page. |
wrc4 WR CIV k1024 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | Mosaic | wrc4 WR CIV k1024 | wrc4 WR CIV k1024 | Below is a plot of this filter as simulated in different f/ratio beams. At the KPNO 4m f/3.1 the properties of this filter are: CWL=5819A FWHM=42.17A PEAK TRANSMISSION=71.36% | ||
918R 918R_v1 k1028 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | Mosaic | 918R 918R_v1 k1028 | ||||
Ud Dey custom U k1045 | Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope | Mosaic | Ud Dey custom U k1045 | Ud Dey custom U k1045 |
Showing 451-500 of 1258
Updated on June 27, 2022, 11:32 am