Science Announcements

Gemini Mirror Status: 16 March 2023

14 March 2023

An update from the Gemini Observatory Director, Jen Lotz, on the status of the Gemini North primary mirror. I am very pleased to report

US NGO at the AAS #241 Meeting

14 March 2023

  The US National Gemini Office, at the Community Science and Data Center/NSF's NOIRLab, hosted a Splinter Session at the 241st AAS Meeting in

Gemini Observatory Invites its Community to Propose Scientific Investigations for the 2023B Semester, 1 August 2023 - 31 January 2024

8 March 2023

The 2023B Gemini Observatory Call for Proposals has been released. Proposals are being accepted for observations from 1 August 2023 - 31 January 2024

Gemini Fast Turnaround: March 2023

7 March 2023

We are pleased to announce the monthly Call for Proposals for the Gemini Fast Turnaround (FT) Program. The upcoming deadline is 12:00 (noon) Hawai‘i

Opportunity to Serve as a Reviewer for the NOIRLab Time Allocation Committee

15 February 2023

We invite you to volunteer to be part of the NOIRLab TAC review panel!  The Time Allocation Committee (TAC) process is a fundamental part

2023 CHARA Science Meeting and Imaging Workshop

15 February 2023

Georgia State University will host the 2023 CHARA Science Meeting in Atlanta, GA from 13 to 15 March 2023. The meeting will bring together

TMT International Science Development Teams Invitation

15 February 2023

The Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) International Observatory is accepting applications to join its International Science Development Teams (ISDTs) until 1 March 2023.

New Project Director for NOIRLab US-ELT Program Appointed

15 February 2023

NOIRLab is pleased to announce the appointment of Lucas Macri as the new Project Director of NOIRLab’s part of the US Extremely Large Telescope