Science Announcements

2013A Observing Tool released. Now in 32- and 64-bit.

9 December 2012

The new version of the Gemini Observing Tool (2013A.1.1.1) is now available for download or via updating an existing installation of the OT. Note

2013A Observing Tool released

5 December 2012

The new version of the Gemini Observing Tool (2013A.1.1.1) is now available for download or via updating an existing installation of the OT. This

Gemini open house at the AAS meeting

4 December 2012

Save the date to join us for the Gemini open house on Tuesday, January 8, 6-8PM, during the upcoming American Astronomical Society meeting in

Improved GNIRS back on the Gemini North telescope

4 December 2012

GNIRS is back on the Gemini North telescope, following five months of work to replace radioactive camera lenses, add filters, and correct some mechanical

NICI Planet-Finding Campaign data release

4 December 2012

The first set of data from the NICI Planet-Finding Campaign are now available from the Gemini Science Archive. This release includes observations through April

“Green-bean galaxies”

4 December 2012

Add yet another group to the world of galaxies: the “green beans.” These are a rare class of galaxies that appear green because of

Progress on FLAMINGOS-2

4 December 2012

Work on FLAMINGOS-2 at Cerro Pachón continues. The replacement collimator lens has been installed and the multi-object spectrograph dewar cooled down. Other recent progress

A young solar system in the making

4 December 2012

An article in the latest edition of the journal Nature on the dusty disk around the protostar L1527 was, according to PI John Tobin