sci20059 — Announcement

DRAGONS v2.1.1 - Bug Fix Release Available

April 20, 2020

We announce the availability of a DRAGONS v2.1.1, a bug fix release.

DRAGONS, Data Reduction for Astronomy from Gemini Observatory North and South, is Gemini's new Python-based data reduction platform.  DRAGONS offers a more streamlined approach to the data reduction of Gemini data, compared to the Gemini IRAF package. 

This release, version 2.1.1, continues to support imaging reduction from the current facility instruments.  No new features are included in this release, only bug fixes and documentation typos, and added compatibility with astropy v4.

The change log can be found here:

Change Logs

To download DRAGONS:

Download and Installation Instructions

For information and tutorials on DRAGONS, see the official documentations on Readthedocs:

DRAGONS Documentation

We continue to invite feedback at:

DRAGONS Feedback Forum

Finally, please note that the days of DRAGONS no longer being compatible with Python 2.7 are approaching.  We are having more and more difficulties getting the conda package to work in Python 2.7 as support for 2.7 is dropping across the Python world and affecting our dependencies.  Also, the DRAGONS spectroscopy support under development is Python 3 only.  We therefore encourage everyone to start using Python 3 for anything Python, and keep the Python 2.7 environment for Gemini IRAF work only. 

About the Announcement
