sci20057 — Announcement

New Science Data Archive Launched

April 18, 2020

The welcome page of the Astro Data Archive offers information and multiple ways to access the archive

Sean McManus (NOIRLab’s Community Science and Data Center)

The Community Science and Data Center (CSDC) has rolled out a new data archive platform, the NOIRLab Astro Data Archive. As the replacement for the NOAO Science Archive software system, the Astro Data Archive provides access to data taken with more than 40 telescope and instrument combinations from NOIRLab’s CTIO and KPNO facilities, including those operated in partnership with the WIYN, SOAR, and SMARTS consortia. In addition to raw data, pipeline-reduced data products from the DECam, Mosaic, and NEWFIRM imagers are also available, as well as advanced data products delivered by teams carrying out surveys and other large observing programs with NOIRLab facilities.

The welcome page of the Astro Data Archive offers information and multiple ways to access the archive

The new system continues in its primary role of serving public and proprietary pixel-based data products to PI and survey programs. Upgrades include a modern high-performing back-end and near-instantaneous search/filter capabilities through the web interface. In addition, to meet the demands of data-intensive science, a new API is available. Sample Python notebooks are available as well as a NOIRLab Astropy/Astroquery module.

To facilitate a smooth transition of Archive users and data services, the Astro Data Archive was deployed as a limited release, to be operated in parallel with the legacy Archive through the 2020A semester. The limited release offers a feature-complete system, prioritizing access to contemporary PI and survey instrument programs, while access to some historic data is pending.

About the Announcement




The welcome page of the Astro Data Archive offers information and multiple ways to access the archive