sci20030 — Announcement

(Completed) GOA Archive Website Update March 18

March 12, 2020

This work has been completed on 3/18

We will be upgrading the Gemini Observatory Archive on March 18 (Wednesday morning in Hawaii).  The website will be unavailable for up to a few hours during this process. This upgrade is mostly under the hood but there some improvements visible to the user:

  • Unicode support in search (for example, “/” in the target name for comets)
  • shift-click to select multiple rows in the table
  • select all is now aware of the selected tab (observations vs cals)
  • self-service web form for a user to change their email address
  • Pre-image search
  • searchform updates for new GMOS filters OVI, OVIC
  • searchform updates for new F2 filters K-red, K-blue
  • improved support for Phoenix and TEXES data.

About the Announcement
