sci19060 — Announcement

Gemini Visiting Instruments: Get In on the Action!

February 20, 2019

Gemini hosts a wide range of exciting visiting instruments every semester at both sites. With unique and diverse capabilities, these instruments enable science that can’t be done anywhere else. In the last two years alone, there have been 30 publications using Gemini visiting instruments, and several press releases or web features! So don’t wait. Make sure you check out the Call for Proposals in March and try your hand at using ‘Alopeke, GRACES, TEXES, Phoenix, POLISH2, or Zorro! Staff and instrument teams are available to answer your questions.


About the Announcement




Left: Gemini South image taken with the visiting Differential Speckle Survey Instrument (DSSI) of star pair occulted by Orcus’ satellite Vanth. See this linkRight: Artistʻs view of a newborn giant planet, like the one newly discovered at the immediate vicinity of the very active infant star V830 Tau, as might be seen by an observer located close to the giant planet. The art is based on data from the GRACES visiting instrument, which helped characterize the system. See this link (Artwork Credit: Mark A. Garlick).