sci19048 — Announcement

GHOST Update

January 23, 2019

The GHOST beamsplitter, fold mirror, and two gratings mounted in their cells at NRC-H.

There is good news from National Research Council Canada Herzberg (NRC-H). The Gemini High-resolution Optical SpecTrograph (GHOST) team recently bonded and mounted four major GHOST optical assemblies: the beamsplitter, fold mirror, and both red and blue gratings. The team is on track to start integrated testing at NRC-H in May, bringing in the optical cable from the Australian Astronomical Optics – Macquarie (AAO) and software from the Australian National University (ANU). The team also completed commissioning of the AAO-developed fiber positioner and optical cable, including ANU and Gemini software, at Gemini South in November.


About the Announcement




The GHOST beamsplitter, fold mirror, and two gratings mounted in their cells at NRC-H.