sci18084 — Announcement

GHOST Update

July 18, 2018

John Pazder, the optical team lead at NRC-Herzberg, poses with the completed GHOST echelle grating in its mount.


Bonding and mounting of spectrograph optics for the Gemini High-resolution Optical SpecTrograph (GHOST) is well underway at the National Research Council Canada’s (CNRC-NRC’s) Herzberg Institute (NRC-Herzberg). The vendor completed fabrication of the final optics as well as the fold mirror and the instrument is expected to arrive back at NRC-Herzberg after its silver coating in August. Meanwhile, the blue 4k x 4k and red 6k x 6k science detectors are assembled in their cryostats and ready for testing.


About the Announcement




John Pazder, the optical team lead at NRC-Herzberg, poses with the completed GHOST echelle grating in its mount.