sci18078 — Announcement

CASCA 2018

June 20, 2018

Scot Kleinman (right) and André-Nicolas Chené (left) entertained the courageous participants who remained on the last day of CASCA with an impromptu ukulele concerto at the Gemini booth!


This year’s Canadian Astronomical Society (CASCA) meeting saw many Gemini staff participants. Laura Ferrarese presented a summary of Canadian participation to Gemini entitled, “Gemini – Access to Both Hemispheres.” At a Gemini lunch event five presenters discussed topics relating to the future of Gemini, which included:

  • NCOA
  • LSST
  • Visiting instrument program
  • Small instrument upgrade program
  • Development of the new data reduction pipeline DRAGONS
  • Changes in Gemini users support practices, and
  • Canada’s assessment point.

We appreciate the visible location of our booth which received many visitors. Thanks to David Bohlender and all the people in Victoria who organized such a special and successful meeting.

Oh, and happy 100th anniversary to the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory!


About the Announcement




HIPPI-2 (in its entirety) in the Hilo Lab in June.