sci18045 — Announcement

GHOST Cassegrain Unit Delivered (and more…)

February 19, 2018

Delivery and testing of the Cassegrain Unit began in mid-January, while work progressed on the spectrograph at the NRC-Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics (NRC-Herzberg) in Victoria, Canada. A pair of trucks delivered the Cassegrain Unit to the Cerro Pachón summit which was received by the Gemini and Australian Astronomical Observatory (AAO) teams who unpacked and assembled the unit.

Meanwhile, in the northern hemisphere, Manuel Lazo, Gemini GHOST project engineer spent nearly two weeks working with the NRC-Herzberg spectrograph team. Other ongoing work includes detector testing, and the arrival of the red camera field lens and all of the blue camera optics at the NRC-Herzberg.


The GHOST team is looking forward to the next on-sky opportunities, integration of the internal Gemini software, and the spectrograph’s arrival from the NRC-Herzberg. 

This is just the beginning!

About the Announcement




Delivery of the GHOST Cassegrain Unit to Gemini South.


John Bassett, Gemini GHOST systems engineer and Gabriella Baker, AAO Project Manager push the Cassegrain Unit into the Gemini South facilities.


Completed relay mirror which is currently undergoing testing.


The GHOST grating support.