sci18043 — Announcement

Gemini Activities at the AAS

January 18, 2018

Henry Roe, Deputy Director of Gemini Observatory, shared the latest Observatory news and sought feedback from the user community on how to better achieve scientific goals at Gemini Open House.

Gemini astronomer André-Nicolas Chené (left) works with Gemini user Michael Rodruck from Penn State University with data reduction questions.

Gemini PIO manager Peter Michaud (second from left) leads a group of visiting students in an expansion of the Universe activity as part of a program for local K-12 students visiting the AAS meeting in Maryland.

Ken Hinkle (left), who led the NOAO/Gemini splinter session on Targets of Opportunity and the coming LSST Follow-up era. Speakers, left to right: Hinkle, Kasliwal, Adamson, Blum, Boroson.

Alison Peck (left), led the splinter session on Gemini Visiting Instruments on Wednesday morning, with about 30 people in attendance. Speakers, left to right: Peck, Hinkle, Horch, Carlin, Howell, Chené.

About the Announcement




Henry Roe, Deputy Director of Gemini Observatory, shared the latest Observatory news and sought feedback from the user community on how to better achieve scientific goals at Gemini Open House.


Gemini astronomer André-Nicolas Chené (left) works with Gemini user Michael Rodruck from Penn State University with data reduction questions.


Gemini PIO manager Peter Michaud (second from left) leads a group of visiting students in an expansion of the Universe activity as part of a program for local K-12 students visiting the AAS meeting in Maryland.


Ken Hinkle (left), who led the NOAO/Gemini splinter session on Targets of Opportunity and the coming LSST Follow-up era. Speakers, left to right: Hinkle, Kasliwal, Adamson, Blum, Boroson.


Alison Peck (left), led the splinter session on Gemini Visiting Instruments on Wednesday morning, with about 30 people in attendance. Speakers, left to right: Peck, Hinkle, Horch, Carlin, Howell, Chené.