sci18003 — Announcement

Registration open for “DECam Community Science Workshop 2018: Science Highlights, Coming Opportunities, LSST Synergies”

March 31, 2018

Tucson, Arizona, 21-22 May 2018

Calling all past and prospective users of DECam and its archival data!

The Dark Energy Camera (DECam), in operation on the Blanco telescope at CTIO for just over 5 years, has been remarkably successful in carrying out the Dark Energy Survey (DES) as well as a multitude of community science projects, some of which are extensive surveys in their own right.

Science highlights from DECam include a state-of-the-art map of the dark matter density of the local universe, study of optical counterparts to gravitational waves events, discovery of multiple satellite galaxies around the Milky Way and other galaxies, constraints on the size distribution of near earth objects, and evidence for the existence of a Planet Nine.

As it is now three years since the previous DECam community science workshop, and DES will soon be completed, the time is ripe to highlight DECam science results and discuss and plan future DECam observing programs. We anticipate offering DECam on the Blanco well into the era of LSST operations.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together past and future users of DECam and its archival data to identify possible future projects and to foster collaborations. Input received at the workshop will help NOAO optimize instrument and telescope operations.

The meeting will showcase and discuss:

  • Science applications of major DECam data sets – DES, DECaLS, SMASH etc.
  • The breadth of DECam science, from NEOs to z = 7 galaxies
  • Near-future projects subsequent to DES and DECaLS
  • Synergy with LSST, including parallel observations, follow-ups, and more
  • Creative uses of DECam, including remote observing, targets of opportunity, new filters, and non-sidereal observations.

Please register by 20 April 2018. Posters are welcome, however we already have a full schedule of talks

About the Announcement
