sci17122 — Announcement

Gemini Observatory holds Hilo’s Second Astronomy on Tap Event

December 18, 2017

Gemini Observatory’s Trent Dupuy shares his presentation entitled “How Adaptive Optics Forever Changed Astronomy” during the recent Astronomy on Tap event in Hilo, HI.

Gemini Observatory held Hawaii’s second Astronomy on Tap event at Hilo Town Tavern on Wednesday, December 6th. The event is based on similar events around the world that bring astronomy to pubs and bars. Started 2012 in New York City by current Gemini astronomer, Meg Schwamb, more than 15 cities have begun hosting Astronomy on Tap events, including sites in the United States, Canada, and the Netherlands.

The event featured the following short talks by astronomers from both Gemini Observatory and the East Asian Observatory with special guest host Mimi Fuchs (from the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory’s Submillimeter Array)


About the Announcement




Gemini Observatory’s Trent Dupuy shares his presentation entitled “How Adaptive Optics Forever Changed Astronomy” during the recent Astronomy on Tap event in Hilo, HI.