sci17118 — Announcement

‘Alopeke Commissioning Update

December 18, 2017

A 19-arcsecond field in the globular cluster M15, imaged in half a minute with `Alopeke at 832 nm. The stacked raw frame (left) has seeing approximately 1 arcsecond and significant elongation due to windshake. Point sources in the reconstructed image (right) have FWHM approximately 0.15 arcseconds. These commissioning data cover the central quarter of the `Alopeke field, but the technique should be extensible to the full field also.

The images below illustrate the remarkable progress on ‘Alopeke, the visiting differential speckle imaging camera on Gemini North. For more details on this instrument and opportunities to use it, see the upcoming (January) issue of GeminiFocus and future stories in these monthly e-newscasts.


About the Announcement




A 19-arcsecond field in the globular cluster M15, imaged in half a minute with `Alopeke at 832 nm. The stacked raw frame (left) has seeing approximately 1 arcsecond and significant elongation due to windshake. Point sources in the reconstructed image (right) have FWHM approximately 0.15 arcseconds. These commissioning data cover the central quarter of the `Alopeke field, but the technique should be extensible to the full field also.