sci17117 — Announcement

First GeMS Run with the TOPTICA Laser

December 18, 2017

Propagation of Gemini South TOPTICA Phototronics laser during commissioning. Photo Credit: Ariel López, GS Science Operation Specialist Group Manager

December brought with it the first full science block with GeMS and the new TOPTICA Phototronics laser. This science run followed the successful laser commissioning block completed in October.

The science run, from December 4th - 9th, provided clear signs that the Gemini Multi-conjugate adaptive optics System (GeMS) will be well (and reliably) supported by the TOPTICA laser. Superb data resulted from the run - in fact one of the nights was considered by GeMS instrument scientist Gaetano Sivo as the best GeMS night ever! During this period there were no loop losses, the natural seeing was great, Airy rings were visible in raw frames, and, at times the system delivered sub-80-milliarcsecond images in the J band (where excellent AO performance is more difficult to obtain). The TOPTICA laser proved straightforward to operate and we look forward to smooth laser operations in the future.


About the Announcement




Propagation of Gemini South TOPTICA Phototronics laser during commissioning. Photo Credit: Ariel López, GS Science Operation Specialist Group Manager