sci17109 — Announcement

Gemini South Laser Commissioning Underway

November 15, 2017

Photo Credit: Ariel López, GS Science Operation Specialist Group Manager

In late October the Gemini South TOPTICA laser commissioning project for the Gemini Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics System (GeMS) reached another major milestone. The laser commissioning was held from October 26th through the 30th, and in that timeframe the adaptive optics (AO) team obtained the first images using the new laser with the Gemini South Adaptive Optics Imager (GSAOI).

“GeMS is working fine and the new laser is wonderful,” exclaimed Gemini’s Associate Scientist Gaetano Sivo who is part of the commissioning team. “When we come to the telescope and turn it on, 30 minutes later we are getting GSAOI images – it’s fantastic!”

Using a routine developed by professor François Rigaut, of the Australian National University (formerly at Gemini), the AO team quickly reduced data from the laser. The data was then used this to find the optimum wavelength to excite the upper atmosphere’s sodium layer in order to provide the brightest guide star images.

Other work included a study of the intensity of sodium guide star return light, and AO performance assessments using the two lasers of different technologies - the previous Gemini South laser and the new TOPTICA laser.


About the Announcement




Photo Credit: Ariel López, GS Science Operation Specialist Group Manager