sci17003 — Announcement

Protecting Dark Skies for Astronomy and Life

January 31, 2017

Constance Walker (NOAO)

Artificial light at night is a threat to astronomical research, personal safety, and the health of humans and wildlife. To address the challenge posed by the proliferating use of LEDs for billboards and street lighting, NOAO, in partnership with the AAS Committee on Light Pollution, Radio Interference and Space Debris, held a workshop to showcase successful strategies for reducing light pollution. The workshop included presentations (see below) by Chris Smith and Lori Allen (NOAO), Jeff Hall (Lowell Observatory), Dan McKenna (Palomar Observatory), John Barantine (IDA), and Chris Monrad (Monrad Engineering). Martin Aubé, an expert on LED light modeling, gave an AAS-invited plenary talk on “The LED Outdoor Lighting Revolution: Opportunities, Threats, and Mitigation.” The AAS Council also announced a three-part resolution on light pollution that calls on all AAS members to protect dark skies in their communities.

Image Credit: Babak A. Tafreshi

Light Pollution Workshop Presentations


About the Announcement

