sci15112 — Announcement

Gemini Instrument Feasibility Study (GIFS) reports available.

November 19, 2015

Gemini Observatory is pleased to announce the release of the public GIFS reports. We encourage our community to visit the GIFS home page and learn more about the GEONISGMOXMOVIES and OCTOCAM instrument feasibility studies. The Toronto Meeting status presentation, end-of-study presentation and final report for each of the four studies are also hosted.

Please send your feedback/comments/questions on the studies to We particularly welcome feedback on the science, requirements, technical capability, and design aspects. Any comments received by 22 January 2016 will be considered by Gemini before completing the set of requirements for the next instrument, known as Gen 4#3.

Gemini will create a Science Assessment Report and a Technical & Cost Assessment Report for the Gen 4#3 Steering Committee. These reports will summarize, compare, and contrast aspects of the independent GIFS studies assessing the science-capability-cost trade space. Following recent STAC recommendations and Board resolutions, the independent Gen 4#3 Steering Committee will make recommendations to the Observatory regarding drivers, requirements, and clauses relevant to the Gen 4#3 design and build contract.

Please visit the Gen 4#3 home page for the latest information. We expect to release the Gen 4#3 Request for Proposals in Q2 2016

About the Announcement
