sci15086 — Announcement

Gemini IRAF 1.13 available in recent Ureka 1.5.1 release

April 14, 2015

Version 1.13 of the Gemini IRAF package is now available in the latest version of Ureka, 1.5.1, released last month ( Linux users who need to reduce NIFS data (or use the task gemcube) are advised that the Red Hat Enterprise 6 build has sometimes been observed to produce non-optimally-aligned spatial grids when creating data cubes with gemcube/nifcube, a limitation that you can avoid by retrieving the Red Hat Enterprise 5 build (see "Installing Ureka Manually" in the documentation), whether or not you have a newer OS. The advantage of the RHE 6 build is that it also includes the Numba optimizing Python compiler.

About the Announcement
