sci15078 — Announcement

Second cycle's proposals received

March 1, 2015

At Saturday's deadline we ended up with 12 valid proposals for the second Fast Turnaround cycle (plus another submitted from a non-participating institution). All but one of them arrived within about 36 hours of the deadline. The mix of proposals is a little different from the first cycle, with the NIR instruments being much more heavily represented than last time (5 proposals requesting GMOS, 4 NIRI, 3 NIFS, and 1 GNIRS). Three proposals were received from Canada, eight from the US, and one from the University of Hawai'i. The total time requested is 54 hours, for an oversubscription factor ~2.5 (given that we expect to allocate roughly 20 hours of the 30 available, accounting for typical weather loss). As for last month, PIs have been quite optimistic about the weather that will prevail on the scheduled FT nights: half of the proposals request clear skies, while all but one require 70%-ile or better seeing. Reviews are now in progress, and the deadline as usual is the 14th of the month.

About the Announcement
