sci15017 — Announcement

First Fast Turnaround Proposals Accepted, and New Call is Open

February 23, 2015

The first monthly cycle of Fast Turnaround (FT) call for proposals elicited a healthy response, with 17 eligible proposals received (for an oversubscription factor of ~3). Following the submission deadline at the end of January, the Principal Investigators (PIs), and designated co-Investigators, then had the first two weeks of February to review other proposals received during this cycle. After the review deadline Gemini staff checked the top-ranked proposals for technical feasibility, and the top seven were accepted for observations – to begin on March 9th. PIs were notified of the outcome on February 20th, a three-week turnaround time since the January 31st deadline. The current call for proposals is open, with a deadline of February 28th for observations to begin in April. For regular updates on the program, check the FT news page.

About the Announcement
