sci14098 — Announcement
GIFS Bidders Conference Information
October 29, 2014
On the 31st October Gemini Observatory will host an interactive remote Bidders Conference for participates to learn more about the GIFS RfP.
Participants can attend by phone or by polycom. Gemini will host two equivalent sessions to allow for participation across many different time zones.
Session 1: 11:00 – 13:30 CLST
Session 2: 19:00 – 21:30 CLST
If you plan on attending one of the sessions, please email and inform us which session you plan on attending and how. (i.e. my phone or polycom)
Phone Connections
If you are attending to participate by phone please dial one of the toll free numbers below and use the Conference Room Number provided.
Toll free numbers:
Argentina: +54 (0) 8003450501
Australia: +61 1800453429
Brazil: +55 08007611752
Canada: +1 (877) 273-4202
Chile: No toll free number was provided
South Korea: +82 007986517458
United Kingdom: +44 8000148184
United States: +1 (877) 273-4202
Conference Room Number: 6873818
If you are calling in from another country please inform us at and we will advise you if an alternative toll free number exists.
Polycom Connections
If you are planning to attend by polycom you will need compatible video equipment to connect to our MCU.
Our MCU number:
Connections are limited to 24, so please let us know if you plan on connecting: email
Attending from Gemini Observatory:
Scot Kleinman: Associate Director of Development
Cathy Blough: AURA Contracts Officer
Stephen Goodsell: Instrument Program Manager / GIFS Project Manager
Pascale Hibon: GIFS Project Scientist
GIFS Bidders Conference Agenda
Each presentation is planned so as to leave roughly half of each time slot for questions and answers.
11:00 and 19:00 CLST Welcome and Introduction – Stephen Goodsell
11:10 and 19:10 CLST Gemini Observatory + Instrumentation Program Overview - Scot Kleinman
11:30 and 19:30 CLST GIFS Introduction – Stephen Goodsell
11:50 and 19:50 CLST GIFS Proposal + Study Statement Of Work – Stephen Goodsell
12:20 and 20:20 CLST Science Objective, Case and Requirements – Pascale Hibon
12:40 and 20:40 CLST GIFS RFP Submission, Contract Form & T&Cs – Cathy Blough
13:00 and 21:00 CLST Discussion/Q&A Session – All
About the Announcement
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