sci20118 — Announcement

Ground Layer Adaptive Optics Feasibility Study for Gemini North

September 24, 2020

Gemini started a ground layer adaptive optics feasibility study in April 2020. The team successfully identified a possible solution for the mounting of an adaptive secondary mirror system replacing the current secondary system and is currently working with vendors to explore further feasibility. With the help of the GNAO provided laser guide star facility, we can create four laser guide stars. We identified a possible location for four pickoff and fold mirrors in the mirror cell cavity that can project the guide star light on wavefront sensors located inside the mirror cell. Our initial analysis has confirmed that the ground layer adaptive optics system can improve seeing by a factor of two for all seeing limited instruments on the telescope within a science field of view up to 6 arcminutes in diameter. We plan to further investigate optical component solutions and operational requirements during the coming fiscal year and plan to issue a final report by August 2021. While we do not currently have funds fully identified to implement such a system at Gemini, completing this feasibility study is the first step in building the case to secure funding.

About the Announcement



Carina Nebula western wall (with adaptive optics)

International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA


PI: Patrick Hartigan (Rice University)

Image processing: Patrick Hartigan (Rice University), Travis Rector (University of Alaska Anchorage), Mahdi Zamani & Davide de Martin