sci14004 — Announcement

Tools for Astronomical Big Data

October 31, 2014

 in Tucson, AZ at the University Mariott

NOAO is hosting a workshop, “Tools for Astronomical Big Data,” to survey the state of the art for solving the challenges of research with large astronomical data sets. The emphasis will be on sharing practical solutions to problems currently faced by astronomers working with frontier surveys. The topics will include:

  1. visualization of large datasets,
  2. efficient algorithms for processing large datasets,
  3. efficient development and interaction with large databases, and
  4. the use of “machine learning” methodologies.

The format of the workshop will feature a 50/50 mix of invited and contributed talks – posters are also welcome. The present roster of invited speakers, with titles and preliminary abstracts, is posted at the conference website.

About the Announcement




Tools for Astronomical Big Data, March 9-11, 2015 in Tucson, AZ at the University Mariott